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Tropical Storms Tropical Storm Categories': Tropical Storm Category A

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1 Tropical Storms Tropical Storm Categories': Tropical Storm Category A
This is a weak tropical storm with winds 30 – 49 MPH and peak gust at 40 – 64 MPH Tropical Storm Category B This is a severe Tropical Storm with winds 50 – 73 MPH and peak gust at 65 – 94 MPH

2 Tropical Storms Ingredients for a tropical storm or Typhoon
A pre-existing disturbance – large are of persistence, loosely organized thunderstorms Warm ocean water – temperature at least 80 degrees F down to a depth of 150 feet Light upper level winds – little or no vertical wind shear, which degrades the tropical cyclone structure Large Area of persistence means: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition: "companies must have patience and persistence, but the rewards are there" synonyms: persistence · tenacity · determination · staying power · [more] indefatigability · steadfastness · purposefulness · patience · endurance · application · diligence · dedication · commitment · doggedness · assiduity · tirelessness · stamina · intransigence · obstinacy · stick-to-it-iveness · pertinacity the continued or prolonged existence of something: "the persistence of huge environmental problems

3 Tropical Storms Tropical Storm Category A
Damage only to the flimsiest lean to structure. Minor damage to banana and Papaya trees.

4 Tropical Storms Tropical Storm Category B
Major damage to huts made of thatch or loosely attached corrugated sheet metal or plywood; sheet metal and plywood may become airborne. Minor damage to building of light materials. Moderate damage to banana and papaya trees.

5 Typhoon : Typhoons categories: Typhoon Category 1
Minimal storm; Winds 75 – 95 MPH Peak gust 95 – 120 MPH Typhoon Category 2 Moderate Typhoon; Winds 96 – 110 MPH, Peak gust 121 – 139 MPH Typhoon Category 3 Strong Typhoon; Winds 111 – 129 MPH, Peak gust 140 – 164 MPH This is what a category 2 looks like

6 Typhoon : Typhoons categories: Typhoon Category 4
Very Strong Typhoon; Winds 130 –156 MPH, Peak gust 165 – 198 MPH 5. Typhoon Category 5 Devastating Typhoon; Winds 157 – 194 MPH, Peak gust 199 – 246 MPH This is what a category 2 looks like

7 Typhoons Typhoon Categories: Typhoon Category 1
Corrugated metal and plywood stripped from poorly constructed or termite infested structures and may become airborne. Few wooded, non-reinforced power poles titled and some rotten power poles broken. Less than 10% defoliation of tree/shrubs. Palm fronds begin to break

8 Typhoons Typhoon Categories: Typhoon Category 2
Damage to wooden tin roofs and other structures of termite infested or rotted wood. Considerable damage to structures made of light materials. Several rotten wooden power poles snapped and many non-reinforced power poles tilted. Some secondary power lines down. !0 – 30% defoliation of trees/shrubs

9 Typhoons Typhoon Categories: Typhoon Category 3
Extensive damage to wooden weakened by termite infestation, wet and dry wood rot, and corroded roof straps. Structure made of light material may be destroyed. Some roof, window, and door damage to well built, wooden and metal buildings. Air full of small flying debris. Few hollowed-spun concrete poles broken or tilted and many non-reinforced wooden poles blown down or broken. Many secondary power lines down. Palm trees begin to lose crowns. 30 – 50% defoliation of trees/shrubs

10 Typhoons Typhoon Categories: Typhoon Category 4
On the windward coast, sea level rise of 12 – 18 feet above normal in open bays and inlets. Breaking waves inside bays can reach 15 – 25 feet. Water is about 8 – 13 feet above normal across reef flats. Waves may inundate coastal areas below 10 – 15 feet elevation. Large boulders carried inland by waves. Severe beach erosion and severe damage to port facilities including some loading derricks/gantry cranes. Most ships torn from moorings. Damage from an actual category 4 typhoon

11 Typhoons Typhoon Categories: Typhoon Category 5
On the windward coast, sea level rise of 18 – 30+ feet above normal in open bays and inlets. Breaking waves inside bays can be 25 – 35+ feet; water is about 12 – 20+ feet above normal reef flats. Serious inundation likely for windward coastal area below 15 – 28+ feet. Very large boulders carried inland with waves. Extensive beach erosion. Extensive damage to port facilities including most loading derricks/gantry cranes. Virtually all ships, regardless of size, torn from moorings. Damage from an actual category 4 typhoon

12 Preparation How to prepare for a tropical storm or Typhoon
If under a warning, seek shelter immediately You will be notified Via the Alert Warning System AWS of pending storms Your home on base is typhoon hardened and will protect you. Put as many walls between you and the storm If in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a nearby building

13 Preparation How to prepare for a tropical storm or Typhoon
Fill up cars with fuel Clean yard of potential debris Stock up on non-perishable foods and drinking water. Obtain batteries, flashlights, and battery operated radios. Secure windows; put up or close shutters Remove or secure window air-conditioners Adjust freezer and refrigerator to high and avoid opening in order to preserve perishable foods.

14 Preparation How to prepare for a Tropical storm or Typhoon
Attain enough fuel for lamps, stoves, and generators Fill containers with several days of water Have rags ready for slow leaks of wind driven water. Park cars in protected area

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