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DATA presentation and analysis

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1 DATA presentation and analysis

2 Schedule looking forward
Date 5-7pm 7 -9pm 3 April Daryll MMU top up DPP2 (BN) Easter 24 April Research Study (DK) 1 May Research Study & presentations 8 May Deadline Research Study & presentations 15 May DPP submission Tutorials (DK/BN) 19 May

3 Session aims To examine different methods of presenting/analysing data + identify advantages /disadvantage of each method Justify possible methods to use with your own data Assess exemplar data analysis chapters against marking criteria

4 What data have you collected?
Quantitative Qualitative Primary data Secondary data

5 Data presentation & analysis techniques
Simple Sophisticated Post it activity Ideas blast of methods Then put on timeline according to complexity Discussion about choice and why

6 Table of results 1 4 8 3 Lengths of phonic sessions (mins) 5-10
20-30 30 + Number of schools 1 4 8 3

7 Pie chart

8 Bar Chart

9 Bar chart

10 Line graph

11 Charts 4 3 Confidence on delivering maths interventions 2 1 0 - 1
2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 & over Number of years as a TA

12 Statistical analysis Mean, mode, median Standard deviation
Correlation coefficient e.g. Spearman Rank correlation coefficient

13 Distribution about the mean

14 Scattergraph and correlation

15 Strengths & weaknesses
Table of results Bar / pie chart Line graph Chart Scatter graph and correlation Statistics Spot one error with the presentation that you have – What would you do to rectify it? Criteria to use to judge these???? (Discussion point)

16 What would you use? Tally of how many people used different reading schemes (5 schemes in total) 24 TAs have been training to deliver phonics; 10 have not Behaviour level (1-10 scale) of a pupil monitored on different days/times over a week Reasons why people do/do not like to use outdoor learning activities

17 What could you use? To show if there is a relationship between the experience of the TA (yrs) and his/her rating of behaviour management in the class (1poor-5 excellent) To draw out the key messages from this data: Qu – to what extent do you agree SA A D SD UNK I think that TAs are valued in school 9 4 7 5 - Teachers involve TAs in planning activities 2 13 3 TAs have sufficient training for their role 8 1

18 Your data Work in pairs Select 3 questions from your survey / interview Create some ideas of how you could represent this data - share them with your partner Think quality not quantity! Record ideas on the data ‘wall’:

19 EXEmplar answers Work in pairs/small groups
Analyse the exemplar chapter(s) Strengths Weaknesses Linkage to wider reading - strengths/weaknesses/justification of methods selected - explanation/analysis of results What mark out of 100 would you award it and why?

20 Session Review Think about how you can:
Present data to show trends/patterns Present data around your key objectives Link your data to wider reading via your explanation/analysis

21 Plenary Justify 1 action that you will now take
Describe 2 ways you have developed your knowledge Recall 3 pieces of information that we covered in today’s session

22 Further reading Basit, T (2010) Conducting Research in Educational Contexts, London: Continuum Bell, J (2005) Doing your Research Project: A guide for first time researchers in education and social science, Sixth edition , Berkshire: Open University Press Burton, N, Brundrett, M & Jones, M (2008) Doing Your Education Research Project, London: SAGE Clipson-Boyles, S (2000) Putting Research into Practice in Primary Teaching and Learning, London: David Fulton Cohen, L, Manion, L & Morrison, K (2007) Research Methods in Education, Sixth Edition, London: Routledge Falmer Gillham, G (2000) Case Study Research Methods, London: Continuum Gillham,G (2007) Developing a questionnaire, Second edition, London: Continuum Gillham ,G (2001) Research Interview, London: Continuum Gregory,I (2003) Ethics in Research, London: Continuum Litosseliti, L (2003) Using Focus Groups in Research, London: Continuum

23 Further reading Macintyre, C (2000) The Art of Action Research in the Classrooom, London: David Fulton McNiff, J & Whitehead, J (2005) Action Research for Teachers: A practical guide, London: David Fulton Pring, R (2004) Philosophy of Educational Research, London: Continuum Rober-Holmes, G (2005), Doing Your Early Years Research Project: A step by step guide, London: SAGE Rose, R & Grosvenor, I (2001) Doing Research in Special Education, London: David Fulton Swann, J & Pratt, J (2004) Educational Research in Practice, London: Continuum Walford, G (2001) Doing Qualitative Educational Research, London: Continuum Wellington, J & Szczerbinski, M (2007) Research Methods for Social Sciences, London: Continuum Wellington, J (2001) Educational Research: Contemporary issues and practical approaches, London: Continuum Walliman, N (2010) Research Methods: The Basics, London: Routledge

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