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Presentation on theme: "“FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”"— Presentation transcript:

Daily Routine Day One “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

2 Question of the Day What changes happen in a garden?

3 Inflected Ending –ed, -ing
1. rest _________ ___________ 2. jump _________ ___________ 3. ask _________ ___________ 4. clap _________ ___________ 5. yell _________ ___________ 6. stop _________ ___________ 7. land _________ ___________

4 Inflected Ending –ed, -ing
1. rest rested resting 2. jump jumped jumping 3. ask asked asking 4. clap clapped clapping 5. yell yelled yelling 6. stop stopped stopping 7. land landed landing

5 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. gardener

6 AMAZING WORDS gardener: A gardener is someone who grows plants.
Definition and example gardener: A gardener is someone who grows plants. Ex. Gardeners spend a lot of time making sure their plants grow.

7 DAILY FIX-IT Dan helpped me plant my seeds.
They will be litle plants son.

8 DAILY FIX-IT Dan helpped me plant my seeds
Dan helped me plant my seeds. They will be litle plants son. They will be little plants soon.


Daily Routine Day Two “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

11 Why do you think the seasons change?
Question of the Day Why do you think the seasons change?

12 Spelling Words ask – They ask for a new game.
asked – Yesterday, he asked for a pet. plan – I plan the exposition. planned- Last week we planned to go there. help- Could you help your mom?

13 Now and Past Find the correct place for the words. NOW PAST
____________ _____________ played reads want liked change hugged started bark

14 AMAZING WORDS gardener nature
Read each word and try to guess the meaning. gardener nature

15 AMAZING WORDS gardener: A gardener is someone who grows plants.
Definition and example gardener: A gardener is someone who grows plants. Ex. Gardeners spend a lot of time making sure their plants grow. nature: Nature is everything in the world that is not made by people. Ex. We enjoy the beauty of nature when we go camping.

16 DAILY FIX-IT I plantted seeds last spring next year I will do it agan.

17 DAILY FIX-IT I plantted seeds last spring I planted seeds last spring.
2. next year I will do it agan. Next year I will do it again.


Daily Routine Day Three “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

20 What does a real garden need to grow?
Question of the Day What does a real garden need to grow?

21 HFWs afraid – I am afraid of that movie.
read – She will read to everybody. soon – Soon we get ready! again – We can read the story again. how - How could we go there? few- She gave me a few pieces of candy.

22 AMAZING WORDS nature sprout
Read each word and try to guess the meaning. nature sprout

23 AMAZING WORDS Definition and example nature: Nature is everything in the world that is not made by people. Ex. We enjoy the beauty of nature when we go camping. Sprout: Sprout means to “begin to grow.”. Ex. The rain will help the corn to sprout.

24 Spelling Words helped – Yesterday he helped me.
jog – We plan to jog soon. jogged – They jogged to the park. call- Today we call to our friend. called- Yesterday, Pam called her grandma.


Daily Routine Day Four “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

27 What would you plant in a garden?
Question of the Day What would you plant in a garden?

28 Spelling Words Read the words and use them in a sentence.
ask asked plan planned help helped jog jogged call called

29 Ending –ed Ending –ing r-Controlled ar
stopped digging garden patted clapping yard started planning arm

30 AMAZING WORDS gardener nature sprout
Read each word and try to guess the meaning. gardener nature sprout

31 AMAZING WORDS Definition and example
gardener: A gardener is someone who grows plants. Ex. Gardeners spend a lot of time making sure their plants grow. nature: Nature is everything in the world that is not made by people. Ex. We enjoy the beauty of nature when we go camping. Sprout: Sprout means to “begin to grow.”. Ex. The rain will help the corn to sprout.

32 DAILY FIX-IT I wich Kim was in my klass. My best freinds ride the bus

33 DAILY FIX-IT I wich Kim was in my klass. I wish Kim was in my class.
My best freinds ride the bus My best friends ride the bus.


Daily Routine Day Five “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

36 What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?
Question of the Day What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?

37 HFWs afraid – I am afraid of that movie.
read – She will read to everybody. soon – Soon we get ready! again – We can read the story again. how - How could we go there? few- She gave me a few pieces of candy.

38 HFWs He was ___________ of the storm.
There are a________ flowers in the garden. Please, “Water the plants ____________”. ___________ we can see more flowers. We can learn _________ to move the ground. Let’s _________ about what kinds of plants we can grow.

39 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. dim

40 AMAZING WORDS Definition and example dim- Dim means “not bright”.
Ex. Because it was so cloudy, it was a very dim day.

41 DAILY FIX-IT I put thre seeds in one pot? then I gave them watter.

42 DAILY FIX-IT I put thre seeds in one pot?
I put three seeds in one pot. 2. then I gave them watter. Then I gave them water.


Daily Routine Day Six “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

45 Question of the Day What changes happen in a garden?

46 Now and Past Find the correct place for the words. NOW PAST
____________ _____________ jumped plants digs worked walks looked shouted steps

47 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. dim shade

48 AMAZING WORDS Definition and example dim- Dim means “not bright”.
Ex. Because it was so cloudy, it was a very dim day. shade- Shade is a place that is darker than the area around it because light has been blocked from the sun. Ex. It was so hot that the girls stood in the shade.

49 DAILY FIX-IT They ned sunn. I am hapy when they gro.

50 DAILY FIX-IT They ned sunn. They need sun. 2. I am hapy when they gro.
I am happy when they grow.


Daily Routine Day Seven “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

53 Which season would you expect to have the most flowers?
Question of the Day Which season would you expect to have the most flowers?

54 Final nk and ng Unscramble the letters to make a list word.
n k r i _______________ b n a k _______________ n s u k ________________ b k l a n _______________

55 Final nk and ng Unscramble the letters to make a list word. rink bank
sunk blank

56 r-Controlled or ore born shore corn forest fork wore storm more

57 HFWs afraid – I am afraid of that movie.
read – She will read to everybody. soon – Soon we get ready! again – We can read the story again. how - How could we go there? few- She gave me a few pieces of candy.

58 HFWs Alessia is ___________ of dogs.
They want to sing the song __________. She has a __________ of stickers blocks. ___________ old are you? I like to____________ stories to my sister. Mom and Dad will coming__________.


60 sit sing call write lay dive eat think ACTIONS run swim read jump

61 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. blossom

62 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. blossom: A blossom is the flower of a plant. When the plant blossoms, it has flowers. Ex. The apple tree has beautiful pink blossoms.


Daily Routine Day Eight “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

65 What does a real garden needs to grow?
Question of the Day What does a real garden needs to grow?

66 HFWs afraid – I am afraid for that movie.
read – She will read to everybody. soon – Soon we get ready! again – We can read the story again. how - How could we go there? few- She gave me a few candy.

67 Do not Add –s The girls run behind the dog.
My brothers bring a beautiful present. Ana and I ride in the park. The tigers sleep comfortably. Mom, Dad and my pet walk around the park. We take some pictures.

68 Add or not Add–s The ducks ( swim – swims) next to me.
The bell (ring – rings) every morning. I (think – thinks) of a friend. She (put – puts) the jackets inside the trunk. Mom (use – uses) a new purse. They (pick – picks) some flowers.

69 Add or not Add –s The ducks ( swim – swims) next to me.
The bell (ring – rings) every morning. I (think – thinks) of a friend. She (put – puts) the jackets inside the trunk. Mom (use – uses) a new purse. They (pick – picks) some flowers.

70 AMAZING WORDS dim shade blossom
Read each word and try to guess the meaning. dim shade blossom

71 AMAZING WORDS Ex. It was so hot that the girls stood in the shade.
Definition and example dim- Dim means “not bright”. Ex. Because it was so cloudy, it was a very dim day. shade- Shade is a place that is darker than the area around it because light has been blocked from the sun. Ex. It was so hot that the girls stood in the shade. blossom- A blossom is the flower of a plant. When the plant blossoms, it has flowers. Ex. The apple tree has beautiful pink blossoms.

72 DAILY FIX-IT he planted the seds. Jan and I waters the garden

73 DAILY FIX-IT he planted the seds. He planted the seeds.
Jan and I waters the garden Jan and I water the garden.


Daily Routine Day Nine “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

76 What would you plant in a garden?
Question of the Day What would you plant in a garden?

77 Spelling Words Read the words and use in a sentence.
ask asked plan planned help helped jog jogged call called

78 Ending –ed Ending –ing r-Controlled ar
stopped digging garden patted clapping yard started planning arm looked running barn

79 (action verb) (more than 1 )
Ending –es Plural –es (action verb) (more than 1 ) Dad fixes the car. I see many foxes. She kisses the baby. It loves the kisses. Tim watches TV. Look at the buses! He wishes for a book. I like mom´s wishes.

80 AMAZING WORDS Read each word and try to guess the meaning. destroy

81 AMAZING WORDS Definition and example
destroy: When you destroy, something you ruin it. Ex. Fires sometimes destroys forests.


Daily Routine Day Ten “FROG AND TOAD TOGETHER”

84 What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?
Question of the Day What can a gardener do to grow big flowers?

85 Now and Past Find the correct place for the words. NOW PAST
____________ _____________ called asks waits picked spells rested cried cooks

86 r-Controlled ar ________ _________

87 r-Controlled ar farm car card barn yarn scarf star sharp

88 Compound Words flagpole flag pole treetop tree top weekend week end
everything every thing anthill ant hill classmate class mate bathtub bath tub sunshine sun shine something some thing sandbox sand box


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