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Executive Leadership Dr. Christina T. Fong

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Leadership Dr. Christina T. Fong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Leadership Dr. Christina T. Fong
King County Fire Chiefs’ Association Leadership Summit September 27, 2017

2 OBJECTIVES Today’s Agenda lead practice discuss learn connect
Where do you stand? What is leadership? Practice Round 1: WHAT & WHY? Leadership Hacks Practice Round 2: HOW & WHO? Wrap Up Today’s Agenda 8:45-10:45 am EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP 8:45-9:00: Intro + Where do you stand? 9:00-9:05: Is leadership a dirty word? 9:05-9:25: Table Talk 9:25-9:30: Should you lead? 9:30-9:50: Leadership Practice #1 9:50-10:05: Paths to Leadership 10:05-10:35: Practice Round #2 10:35-10:45: Debrief and Wrap UP

3 Where do you stand? Leadership is more like a hammer. True or False?
To be a leader you must have followers. Leadership is more like a hammer. –OR- Leadership is more like a nail.

4 IS Leadership a dirty word?
Control Selfish Recognition Personality IS Leadership a dirty word? empowerment prosocial change action

5 TABLE TALK What are the unique challenges of leading as a firefighter?
What’s an example of a successful leadership behavior that you’ve seen? Give me one challenge that is unique to being a leader in this context. Give me one example of a great leadership behavior that you’ve witnessed at work.

6 Should you Lead? Vision for the future Energy to change
Moral and ethical perspective Courage to stand out

7 LEADERSHIP PRACTICE 5m Silent Reflection
What do you want changed, and why? 10m Pair and Share 3 minutes: WHAT? 2 minutes: WHY? No HOW allowed! Report out What happened? How did it feel to share? How did it feel to hear?

8 HoW DO I BECOME A LEADER? Reward Power Coercive Power Legitimate Power
Compliance through granting rewards Reward Power Compliance through punishments Coercive Power Compliance through formal authority Legitimate Power Compliance through specialized knowledge Expert Power Compliance via charisma and likeability Referent Power

9 Three Surprising Ways to Start
Manage your social network Become more likeable Adopt a learning mindset

10 The Power of Social Networks
Who has a town outside of Boston named after him? Who roused a militia that fired “a shot heard around the world?” Who rode horseback on April 18th 1775? Who was immortalized in a Longfellow poem (“Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of …”)? A) Paul Revere? -OR- B) William Dawes?

11 Revere’s Ride Dawes’ Ride

12 …both are important! Human Capital refers to what you know.
Knowledge, Skills, Experience, Education Social Capital refers to who you know Size, quality and diversity of your personal and professional contacts …both are important!

13 Managing your Social Networks
SIZE Bigger is not always better. DIVERSITY Avoid self similarity to make smarter decisions. FOCUS Talk to your contacts about many things.

14 50% 1985 >30% 2004 66% 32% 71%

15 On Likeabililty Your chances of being seen as a good leader when you are disliked are less than 1 in 2000. Compliance with requests is equal between likeable and competent individuals, but internal conformity is only seen with likeable individuals. Warmth is recognized first at the cognitive and neural level, competence comes later. These initial judgments influence financial decisions.

16 We Like People Who…. Are attractive Are similar to us Like us

17 Everyone 1.45 more offers $1,650 more in their starting salaries
“Likeable” MBAS receive: 1.45 more offers $1,650 more in their starting salaries Everyone Surprisingly, this effect was linear, not curvilinear, and the interviewers were told in advance to watch out for and discount ingratiatory behavior! …but beware of the “slime effect”!

18 How to be likeable

19 When your job is a calling
Identity based Focus on unique self Response to challenge: Passion + lost faith in the system Contribution based Focus on impact Response to challenge: Passion + lost sense of self Practice based Focus on learning Response to challenge: Passion + empowerment Negotiating the challenges of a calling: Emotion and enacted sensemaking in animal shelter work“ Journal Article: Schabram, K. & Maitlis, S., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 60(2), pp

20 LEAD 2014 Leadership Development Day 1 Notes
9/19/2014 What Are Mindsets? Remember: You can CHOOSE and CHANGE your mindset! Fixed Mindset Skills and intelligence are fixed Nature determines who we are Goal is to demonstrate competence Focus: Performance Growth mindset Skills and intelligence can be improved upon Nurture determines who we are Goal is to develop competence Focus: Learning

21 LEAD 2014 Leadership Development Day 1 Notes
9/19/2014 Why Do Mindsets Matter? SUCCESS Learning vs. proving yourself Stretching yourself vs. showing off your talent WORK Deep vs. surface level processing Preparing vs. winging it FAILURE Learning from or hiding mistakes Challenge as an obstacle or omen Correct or deny deficiencies

22 Mindsets and Performance
LEAD 2014 Leadership Development Day 1 Notes 9/19/2014 Mindsets and Performance Math Achievement over Time Columbia PreMed Student GPAs See

23 Fostering Growth Mindsets
LEAD 2014 Leadership Development Day 1 Notes 9/19/2014 Fostering Growth Mindsets What do you say to yourself, your colleagues about failure? About success? Identify “Fixed” talk Develop a system to track your development over time Celebrate Progress Profit from your mistakes Seek Feedback See Leadership as a process of mentoring, not evaluating.

5m Silent Reflection What are the tools you usually use to get things done? What’s a new tool? 20m Pair and Share 5 minutes: HOW can you get this done? 3 minutes: WHO can help you? 2 minutes: What challenge will you overcome? Report out What happened? How did it feel to share? How did it feel to hear?


26 THANK YOU! Christina Fong

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