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Sociology of the Family

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1 Sociology of the Family
May 7, 2015

2 Divorce Statistics are Misleading
Both marriage and divorce rates are slightly lower in recent years than they were a decade ago. In 2012: The marriage rate: There were 6.8 marriages for every 1,000 people. The divorce rate: There were 3.4 divorces for every 1,000 people. This has led to a widely publicized statistic that “50% of marriages end in divorce.” This is inaccurate – the people that marry in a given year are not the same people that divorce. The divorce “rate” has never reached 50% and likely never will.

3 Moral Entrepreneurs Moral entrepreneurs construct deviant behaviors – by telling us how and why a social phenomenon is a problem that needs attention. They try to influence policy that aligns with a particular moral viewpoint.

4 A Brief History of Divorce
Around the time of the Revolutionary War, Americans started understanding marriage as a contract between willing parties. Divorce was a legitimate way to revoke a marriage, and was not associated with social disorder in the way it would be later. First wave feminism marked by women’s growing independence from men and the liberalization of marriage – and divorce begins to be seen as selfish individualism by pro-marriage advocates No fault divorce a feminist victory by the late 20th Century Child welfare inserted into the divorce debate to leverage the pro-marriage argument and construct divorce as deviant

5 How Moral Campaigns Work
Divorce is divisive – those who support women’s rights see it as a way out of a bad marriage; others see it as a threat to marriage Pro-marriage advocates attempted to build “consensus” around the divorce problem by arguing that it was detrimental to child moral development

6 Divorce and Inequality
The middle and upper classes utilizes divorce as a means of self-actualization and fulfillment by getting out of a bad relationship, but the poor face many financial hurdles in dissolving a marriage.

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