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CS 432: Compiler Construction Lecture 15
Department of Computer Science Salisbury University Fall 2016 Instructor: Dr. Sophie Wang 4/14/2018
About the Java Technology
The Java Programming Language The Java Platform JVM API
Java Programming Language
All source code is written in text files with .java extension. Source files are compiled into .class files by javac compiler. A .class file contains bytecodes — the machine language of the Java VM. java launcher runs application on Java VM.
Compile once, run everywhere
JVM is available on different operating systems The same .class files are capable of running on Microsoft Windows, the Solaris TM Operating System (Solaris OS), Linux, or Mac OS. Some virtual machines, (Java HotSpot VM), at run time find performance bottlenecks recompile (to native code) frequently used sections of code
The Java Platform A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS, and Mac OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating system and underlying hardware. Java platform is a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.
Java platform consists of
The Java Virtual Machine The Java Application Programming Interface (API)
Abstract Machines An abstract machine is intended specifically as a runtime system for a particular (kind of) programming language. JVM is a virtual machine for Java programs. It directly supports object-oriented concepts such as classes, objects, methods, method invocation etc Advantage: portability
Class Files and Class File Format
JVM External representation (platform independent) Internal representation (implementation dependent) .class files load classes primitive types arrays objects strings methods The JVM specification does not give implementation details (can be dependent on target OS/platform, performance requirements, etc.) The JVM specification defines a machine independent “class file format” that all JVM implementations must support.
Example: out.j .class public out .super java/lang/Object
.method public <init>()V aload_0 invokespecial java/lang/Object/<init>()V return .end method .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .limit stack 2 getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc “Hello World” invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println(Ljava/lang/String;)V
The result: out.class
Class File Table of constants. Tables describing the class
name, superclass, interfaces attributes, constructor Tables describing fields and methods name, type/signature attributes (private, public, etc) The code for methods.
Basic Block diagram of JVM
Java Virtual Machine Your program’s class files Java API’s class files Class Loader ByteCodes Execution Engine Native method invocation Host Operating System
Architecture of Java Virtual Machine
Class Loader Subsystem Class files Method Area heap Java Stacks PC Registers Native Method Stacks Run-time Data Areas Native method library Execution Engine Native method Interface
The Class Loader Subsystem
The class loader performs three main functions of JVM, namely: loading, linking and initialization Linking Loading Initialization
Loading, Linking, Initialization
Finding the binary form of class or interface type by reading from disk or over network Parsing it to get its information, and Storing the information in the method area. Linking : “binary form → runtime state form” Verification : ensuring the correctness of the imported type Preparation : allocating memory for class variables Resolution : symbolic reference → direct reference Initialization Invoking Java code that initializes class variables
Class Loading Process Loading means reading the class file for a type, parsing it to get its information, and storing the information in the method area. For each type it loads, the JVM must store the following information in the method area: The fully qualified name of the type The fully qualified name of the type's direct superclass or if the type is an interface, a list of its direct super interfaces . Whether the type is a class or an interface The type's modifiers ( public, abstract, final, etc) Constant pool for the type: constants and symbolic references. Field info : name, type and modifiers of variables (not constants) Method info: name, return type, number & types of parameters, modifiers, bytecodes, size of stack frame and exception table.
Some of the methods of the class java.lang.Class are:
The end of the loading process is the creation of an instance of java.lang.Class for the loaded type. The purpose is to give access to some of the information captured in the method area for the type, to the programmer. Some of the methods of the class java.lang.Class are: Note that for any loaded type T, only one instance of java.lang.Class is created even if T is used several times in an application. To use the above methods, we need to first call the getClass() method on any instance of T to get the reference to the Class instance for T. public String getName() public Class getSupClass() public boolean isInterface() public Class[] getInterfaces() public Method[] getMethods() public Fields[] getFields() public Constructor[] getConstructors()
The Class Loader Subsystem
The linking process consists of three sub-tasks, namely, verification, preparation, and resolution Linking Loading Verification Preparation Initialization Resolution
Verification During Linking Process
Verification ensures that binary representation of a class is structurally correct The JVM has to make sure that a file it is asked to load was generated by a valid compiler and it is well formed Why? No guarantee that the class file was generated by a Java compiler Class B may be a valid sub-class of A at the time A and B were compiled, but class A may have been changed and re-compiled Enhance runtime performance
Example of some of the things that are checked at verification are:
Every method is provided with a structurally correct signature Every instruction obeys the type discipline of the Java language Every branch instruction branches to the start not middle of another instruction There are no operand stack overflows or underflows. All local variable uses and stores are valid. The arguments to all the Java Virtual Machine instructions are of valid types
Verification Process Pass 1 – when the class file is loaded
The file is properly formatted, and all its data is recognized by the JVM Pass 2 – when the class file is linked All checks that do not involve instructions final classes are not subclassed, final methods are not overridden. Every class (except Object) has a superclass. All field references and method references in the constant pool have valid names, valid classes, and a valid type descriptor.
Pass 3 – still during linking
Data-flow analysis on each method . Ensure that at any given point in the program, no matter what code path is taken to reach that point: The operand stack is always the same size and contains the same types of objects. No local variable is accessed unless it is known to contain a value of an appropriate type. Methods are invoked with the appropriate arguments. Fields are assigned only using values of appropriate types. All opcodes have appropriate type arguments on the operand stack and in the local variables Pass 4 - the first time a method is actually invoked a virtual pass whose checking is done by JVM instructions The referenced method or field exists in the given class. The currently executing method has access to the referenced method or field.
Preparation In this phase, the JVM allocates memory for the class (i.e static) variables and (sets them to default initial values). Note that class variables are not initialized to their proper initial values until the initialization phase - no java code is executed until initialization. The default values for the various types are shown below:
Resolution Resolution is the process of replacing symbolic names for types, fields and methods used by a loaded type with their actual references. Symbolic references are resolved into a direct references by searching through the method area to locate the referenced entity. For the class below, at the loading phase, the class loader would have loaded the classes: TestClassClass, String, System and Object. The names of these classes would have been stored in the constant pool for TestClassClass. In this phase, the names are replaced with their actual references. public class TestClassClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ String name = new String(“Ahmed”); Class nameClassInfo = name.getClass(); System.out.println("Parent is: “ + nameClassInfo.getSuperclass()); }
Class Initialization This is the process of setting class variables to their proper initial values - initial values desired by the programmer. Initialization of a class consists of two steps: Initializing its direct superclass (if any and if not already initialized) Executing its own initialization statements The above imply that, the first class that gets initialized is Object. Note that static final variables are not treated as class variables but as constants and are assigned their values at compilation. class Example1 { static double rate = 3.5; static int size = 3*(int)(Math.random()*5); ... } class Example2 { static final int angle = 35; static final int length = angle * 2; ... }
After a class is loaded, linked, and initialized, it is ready for use
After a class is loaded, linked, and initialized, it is ready for use. Its static fields and static methods can be used and it can be instantiated. When a new class instance is created, memory is allocated for all its instance variables in the heap. Memory is also allocated recursively for all the instance variables declared in its super class and all classes up is inheritance hierarchy. All instance variables in the new object and those of its superclasses are then initialized to their default values. The constructor invoked in the instantiation is then processed according to the rules shown on the next page. Finally, the reference to the newly created object is returned as the result.
Rules for processing a constructor:
Assign the arguments for the constructor to its parameter variables. If this constructor begins with an explicit invocation of another constructor in the same class (using this), then evaluate the arguments and process that constructor invocation recursively. If this constructor is for a class other than Object, then it will begin with an explicit or implicit invocation of a superclass constructor (using super). Evaluate the arguments and process that superclass constructor invocation recursively. Initialize the instance variables for this class with their proper values. Execute the rest of the body of this constructor.
Class Instantiation Example
class GrandFather { int grandy = 70; public GrandFather(int grandy) { this.grandy = grandy; System.out.println("Grandy: "+grandy); } class Father extends GrandFather { int father = 40; public Father(int grandy, int father) { super(grandy); this.father = father; System.out.println("Grandy: "+grandy+" Father: "+father); class Son extends Father { int son = 10; public Son(int grandy, int father, int son) { super(grandy, father); this.son = son; System.out.println("Grandy: "+grandy+" Father: "+father+" Son: "+son); public class Instantiation { public static void main(String[] args) { Son s = new Son(65, 35, 5);
JVM Memory Model Stacks (no single stack, since we have threads) Heap
Usually organized as a linked list Elements: method frames which include Local Variables Array (LVA) Operand stack (OS) Accessible by push/pop instructions. Garbage collected Heap All objects and all arrays No object is allocated in the stack Each object is associated with a class stored in the method area Garbage collected.
Method area: The fully qualified name of the type
The fully qualified name of the type's direct superclass or if the type is an interface, a list of its direct super interfaces . Whether the type is a class or an interface The type's modifiers ( public, abstract, final, etc) Constant pool for the type: constants and symbolic references. Field info : name, type and modifiers of variables (not constants) Method info: name, return type, number & types of parameters, modifiers, bytecodes, size of stack frame and exception table. Garbage collected
JVM: Runtime Data Areas
Besides OO concepts, JVM also supports multi-threading. Threads are directly supported by the JVM.
Method Area is analogous to the storage area for compiled code such as ‘data section’ in UNIX process Type information The fully qualified name of the type The fully qualified name of the type's direct superclass or if the type is an interface, a list of its direct super interfaces . Whether the type is a class or an interface The type's modifiers ( public, abstract, final, etc) Constant pool for the type: constants and symbolic references. Field info : name, type and modifiers of variables (not constants) Method info: name, return type, number & types of parameters, modifiers, bytecodes, size of stack frame and exception table. Garbage collected
Heap A Java application runs inside its own exclusive JVM instance.
There is only one heap inside a JVM instance Whenever new object [class instance] is created in a running Java application, the memory for the new object is allocated from a single heap. All threads in a Java application share the heap JVM itself is responsible for deciding whether and when to free memory occupied by objects that are no longer referenced by the running application. It is known as “garbage collection”
PC(Program Counter) Register
Each thread of a running program has its own PC register PC register is created when the thread is started One word in size As a thread executes a Java method, PC register contains the instruction currently being executed by the thread If a thread is executing a native method, the value of PC register is undefined.
Java Stacks JVM is a stack based machine. JVM instructions
implicitly take arguments from the stack top put their result on the top of the stack The stack is used to pass arguments to methods return a result from a method store intermediate results while evaluating expressions store local variables
Stack Frames The Java stack consists of frames.
The JVM specification does not say exactly how the stack and frames should be implemented. A new call frame is created by executing some JVM instruction for invoking a method
Stack frame has three parts
Local variables section : method’s parameter and local variables Type int, float, reference, and returnAddress occupy one entry Type long and double occupy two consecutive entries Type byte, short, and char are converted to int before being stroed in the local variables Operand stack : An array of words JVM use the operand stack as a work space Frame data Includes data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch
Stack Frames Used implicitly when executing JVM
instructions that contain entries into the constant pool. pointer to constant pool args + Space where the arguments and local variables of a method are stored. This includes a space for the receiver (this) at position/offset 0. local vars operand stack Stack for storing intermediate results during the execution of the method. • Initially it is empty. • The maximum depth is known at compile time.
Method parameters on the local variables section
public static int runClassMethod (int i, long l, float f, double d, Object o, byte b) { return 0; } public int runInstanceMethod (char c, double d, short s, boolean b) { int long float double reference Int i long l float f double d Object o byte b 1 3 4 6 7 runClassMethod() index type parameter int double reference char c short s double d hidden this boolean b 1 2 4 5 runInstanceMethod() index type parameter
Adding two local variables
Java Stack Adding two local variables iload_0 // push the int in local variable 0 iload_1 // push the int in local variable 1 iadd // pop two ints, add them, push result istore_2 // pop int, store into local variable 2 before after after after after starting iload_0 iload_1 iadd istore_2 local variables 100 100 100 100 100 1 98 98 98 98 98 2 198 Operand stack 100 100 198 98
Instruction-set: typed instructions!
JVM instructions are explicitly typed: different opCodes for instructions for integers, floats, arrays and reference types. This is reflected by a naming convention in the first letter of the opCode mnemonics: This is the first successful attempt to bring type safety to a lower level language iload lload fload dload aload integer load long load float load double load reference-type load
Type Checking Strategies
None (e.g., PDP11 assembly) Compile time only (e.g., C++) Runtime only (e.g., Smalltalk) Compile time and runtime (e.g., C#) Load time: JVM Rationale: No compilation process Any hacker can mess with the bytecodes.
Loading Constants onto the Operand Stack
Use the instructions ldc and ldc2_w (load constant and load double-word constant) to push constant values onto the operand stack. Examples: ldc ldc "Hello, world" ldc ldc2_w L ldc2_w D aconst_null ; push null
Loading Constants, cont’d
Special shortcuts for loading certain small constants x: iconst_m1 ; Push int -1 iconst_x ; Push int x, x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 lconst_x ; Push long x, x = 0 or 1 fconst_x ; Push float x, x = 0, 1, or 2 dconst_x ; Push double x, x = 0 or 1 bipush x ; Push byte x, -128 <= x <= sipush x ; Push short x, -32,768 <= x <= 32,767 Shortcut instructions take up less memory and can execute faster. _
Local Variables Local variables do not have names in Jasmin.
Fields of a class do have names, which we’ll see later. Refer to a local variable by its slot number in the local variables array. Since each long and double value requires two consecutive slots, refer to it using the lower slot number. Examples: iload 5 ; Push the int value in local slot #5 lstore 3 ; Pop the long value ; from the top two stack elements ; and store it into local slots #3 and 4
Method parameters on the local variables section
public static int runClassMethod (int i, long l, float f, double d, Object o, byte b) { return 0; } public int runInstanceMethod (char c, double d, short s, boolean b) { int long float double reference Int i long l float f double d Object o byte b 1 3 4 6 7 runClassMethod() index type parameter int double reference char c short s double d hidden this boolean b 1 2 4 5 runInstanceMethod() index type parameter
Local Variables, cont’d
Do not confuse constant values with slot numbers! It depends on the instruction. Examples: bipush 14 ; push the constant value 14 iload 14 ; push the value in local slot #14 Local variables starting with slot #0 are automatically initialized to any method arguments. public static double meth(int k, long m, float x, String[][] s) k local slot #0 m local slot #1 x local slot #3 s local slot #4 Jasmin method signature: .method public static meth(IJF[[Ljava/lang/String;)D What happened to slot #2?
Load and Store Instructions
In general: iload n ; push the int value in local slot #n lload n ; push the long value in local slot #n fload n ; push the float value in local slot #n dload n ; push the double value in local slot #n aload n ; push the reference in local slot #n Shortcut examples (for certain small values of n): iload_0 ; push the int value in local slot #0 lload_2 ; push the long value in local slot #2 fload_1 ; push the float value in local slot #1 dload_3 ; push the double value in local slot #3 aload_2 ; push the reference in local slot #2 Store instructions are similar.
Instruction-set: arguments and locals area inside a stack frame 0:
args: indexes 0 .. #args-1 1: 2: 3: locals: indexes #args .. #args+#locals-1 A load instruction: loads something from the args/locals area to the top of the operand stack. A store instruction takes something from the top of the operand stack and stores it in the argument/local area Instruction examples: iload_1 iload_3 aload 5 aload_0 istore_1 astore_1 fstore_3
Instruction-set: non-local memory access
In the JVM, the contents of different “kinds” of memory can be accessed by different kinds of instructions. accessing locals and arguments: load and store accessing fields in objects: getfield, putfield accessing static fields: getstatic, putstatic Note: static fields are a lot like global variables. They are allocated in the “method area” where also code for methods and representations for classes are stored. Q: what memory area are getfield and putfield accessing?
Instruction-set: operations on numbers
Arithmetic add: iadd, ladd, fadd, dadd subtract: isub, lsub, fsub, dsub multiply: imul, lmul, fmul, dmul … Conversion i2l, i2f, i2d l2f, l2d, f2s f2i, d2i, …
Instruction-set … Operand stack manipulation pop, dup, swap, …
Control transfer goto,ifeq,iflt, ifgt, if_icmpeq, if_acmpeq, ifnull, …
Instruction-set … Method invocation: Invokevirtual
usual instruction for calling a method on an object. invokeinterface but used when the called method is declared in an interface. (requires different kind of method lookup) invokespecial for calling things such as constructors. These are not dynamically dispatched (also known as invokenonvirtual) invokestatic for calling methods that have the “static” modifier (these methods “belong” to a class, rather an object) Returning from methods: return, ireturn, lreturn, areturn, freturn, …
Instruction-set: Heap Memory Allocation
Create new class instance (object): new Create new array: newarray for creating arrays of primitive types. anewarray multianewarray for arrays of reference types
Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine
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