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Department of Humanities

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1 Department of Humanities
Contemporary history (30 hours) Teacher: G. Battelli Academic year

2 Global balances Eurocentric system The crisis of european domination
Polycentrism between the two world wars Cold war An imperial decade? A new polycentric era

3 Europe and the other world areas during 19° century: the shape of a solar system I period

4 Europe on 1815 the «european concert»

5 Europe and the other world areas during 19° century: the shape of a solar system II period

6 Europe and the other world areas during 19° century: the shape of a solar system, III period

7 Europe’s geopolitical map before World War I

8 Europe’s geopolitical map after World War I

9 A multipolar system

10 World war II: prewar situation

11 Maximum extension of german/japanese controlled areas

12 The iron curtain

13 Cold war bipolar system

14 The postwar situation of occupied Germany

15 Non-aligned movement

16 Divided Korea After World War II, Japan’s former colony of Korea was divided into two occupation zones along the 38th parallel with the Soviet zone in the north and the US zone in the south Before the occupation forces departed, an anticommunist regime was established in the south and a communist one in the north

17 The Berlin wall ( )

18 Cuban Missile Crisis Castro feared the US would try again to overthrow him and he called for additional support from the Soviet Union Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev responded by sending medium-range bombers and missiles to Cuba to help defend Castro and threaten the US In Oct 1962, US spy planes discovered missile sites under construction in Cuba

19 US Troop Levels in Vietnam
1961 3,205 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,600 ,100 ,200 ,600 ,800 ,200

20 1991-2001 The western “imperial” globalization?

21 The jugoslavian crisis 1991-1995

22 Military crisis in Middle-east at the end of XXth century

23 The XXIst century A new multipolar system

24 Daesh / IS / ISIS / ISIL

25 A political-institutional survey on models of governance and ideologies
To the diffusion of the feudal power to the modern european State The constitutional path (from English laboratory over XVIIth century to XIXth-XXth century Constitutions) The role of Montesquieu’s model and of the «Contrat social» by J.J. Rousseau People’s sovereignty: between direct democracy and representative one The role of political parties: Reform act (1832), mass parties, parties and State control Institutions, State, ideologies: constitutional bourgeois State and Liberalism, the socialist reaction from Marx to Lenin, fascist State and nazi totalitarian model US and italian constitutional systems

26 Repubbliche semipresidenziali (giallo)
    Repubbliche presidenziali (azzurro)      Repubbliche presidenziali (sistema di governo presidenziale, con deleghe esecutive, vincolato da un parlamento) (verde)      Repubbliche semipresidenziali (giallo)      Repubbliche parlamentari (arancio)      Monarchie costituzionali parlamentari (il monarca non esercita direttamente il potere) (rosso)      Monarchie costituzionali parlamentari (il monarca esercita personalmente il potere) (violetto)      Monarchie assolute (viola scuro)      Repubbliche monopartitiche (marrone)

27 US federal powers checks and balances system

28 Italian powers system

29 Economic changes The origin of industrialization
Second and third industrialization Industrialization and mass society Economic widest crisis: 1929, 2008 Present situation

30 Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2015

31 Malthusian theory

32 % urban population

33 World population growth

34 Images about the industrialization

35 Assembly line

36 The crash of Wall Street

37 From assembly line to lean manifacturing

38 Global coal production

39 Global steel production

40 Subprime loan

41 Greatest economies of the world G8 / BRIC

42 Global digital divide

43 Global migrations

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