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Defining organic production Defining organic production

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1 + 6.3.2017 Defining organic production Defining organic production
Control and certification of organic production Organic beekeeping Ana Marušić Lisac, dipl. ing. Biotechnicon HR-EKO-04 Defining organic production Defining organic production the basic purpose of organic farming is protection of human health and lives, protection of the nature, environment and consumers the aim is elimination or full control of: mineral fertilisers and pesticides (chlorinated hydrocarbons, organic phosphates and carbamates) polychlorinated biphenyls atrazine herbicides heavy metals and potentially toxic elements biostimulators (hormone preparations and thyreostats) medication (antibiotics, sulphonamides and other chemotherapeutic veterinary substances) nitrates and nitrites seeds and seedlings produced using conventional methods genetically modified organisms (plant and animal) Defining organic production Procedure registration with the system - request for certification of organic products - information on farm/plot production and history contracting - offer transitional period = conversion period varies depending on crop type possibility to shorten the transitional period - contract field control - record continuity of control: field and documentation certificate

2 6.3.2017 Product certification elements Certification body
independent third party technical specification certification system authorisation and supervision by a competent body accreditation standardised procedures administration and documentation Certification staff Control education (university diploma) in a relevant programme knowledge regarding work methodology in performance of controls and method of production of controlled products code of conduct the certification supports credibility of products and their quality because it involves previous and ongoing control activities the Ministry of Agriculture provides a guarantee for certified products Professional control Product control and certification continuous communication and cooperation with the control body field control in vegetation, at least once a year control of remediation of determined non-compliance performance of the control requires control staff preparation and knowledge importance of high-quality and constructive mutual communication preventive action aimed at compliance

3 6.3.2017 Risk assessment Professional control
each plot and each farm undergoes a risk assessment risk assessment criteria transparent and effective management of the control and certification procedure harmonisation and opening of markets building client and market trust building credibility and impregneability of the system achieving and maintaining quality Organic beekeeping - requirements Organic beekeeping - requirements beehives are largely made using natural materials which do not represent any environmental pollution threat or threat to beekeeping products organically produced beeswax foundation sheet without wire components apart from stainless steel beeswax for new foundation sheets must originate from beehives and only natural products such as propolis, wax and herbail oils may be used apiaries must be placed within 3 km from the seat of the apiary; sources of nectar and pollen are generally organically grown crops and/or natural vegetation and/or crops treated using procedures which have low environmental impact – and without strong sources of pollution in the vicinity Member States may determine regions or areas where organic beekeeping is not applicable Organic beekeeping - requirements Organic beekeeping - requirements providing sufficient food for the bees and access to water is mandatory artificial feeding is allowed for survival of bee colonies and it is based on organic honey sugar syrup or organically produced sugar molasses with an authorisation from the final day of extraction of honey from the beehive to 15 days ahead of flowering of honey production plants use of synthetic chemical insect repellents is prohibited during extraction of honey use of wax comb for extraction of honey is prohibited only rodent control devices (traps) and products referred to in Annex II of Regulation 889 are permitted for protection of frames, beehives and combs

4 6.3.2017 Organic beekeeping - requirements
emphasis on preventive measures mechanical disinfection (steam or direct flame) is permitted in cases of Varroa destructor infections, organic acids such as formic, lactic, acetic and oxalic acids – otherwise found in honey – may be used, as well as menthol, thymol, eucalyptol or camphor destruction of swarms of drones is permitted for isolation of Varroa destructor infections diseased or infected colonies must be treated and/or relocated to isolated apiaries application of veterinary medicines is approved by the Member State during treatment using chemically synthesised allopathic products, treated colonies are placed in isolated apiaries and all the wax is replaced using organic wax such colonies are subject to application of one-year transition period Organic beekeeping - control Placement of apiaries Number of beehives Organic and non-organic beehives Beehive material Beehive care and protection Organic beeswax Use of non-organic beeswax Use of propolis, wax and herbal oils Beehive disinfection Rebuilding apiaries Non-organic queen bees and rebuilding swarms Recorded mortality Feeding/bee forage Additional feeding for survival Duration of additional feeding Reserves of food before the winter Treatment of bees Veterinary supervision Clipping queen bee wings Destroying bees on honeycomb

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