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Published byElwin Martin Modified over 7 years ago
Status of FAIR Status FAIR technical preparations
J. Eschke, FAIR JCT Status FAIR technical preparations Status FAIR preparatory phase EU project Status negotiations / international contributions FAIR start scenario? FAIR launch event November 7-8, 2007 Roadmap toward the FAIR GmbH
Scientific / technical project preparations
FAIR machine mini-TAC meetings Charge to the review groups CERN, April 21st, Review of Civil Engineering, May 14th RF review, May 15th, (Video-conference) Controls review, May 15-16th Proton Linac review, May 17th Review of Magnets and Cryogenics, May 24-25th Review of Lattices and beam dynamics, June 5th Review of Power Converters, June 5th FAIR machine TAC Meeting June, 2007 STI meeting 31 July 2007 STI meeting 11 September 2007
Listed experiment collaboration and related meetings, since April 2007
CBM Workshop on Silicon Detector Systems , April 18-20, 2007 at GSI Workshop on Electromagnetic Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter: The Quest for Medium Modifications of Hadrons June , at ECT* in Trento Workshop on Critical Point and onset of Deconfinement, July 9-13, 2007 at GSI 10th CBM Collaboration Meeting: September , 2007, in Dresden PANDA PANDA Magnet Review at GSI April Collaboration Meeting at Dubna, July 2nd Collaboration Meeting at GSI, September 17-19th Collaboration Meeting in/at GSI December 10-14th SPARC Theory Group Meeting at GSI, July, 17-18, 2007 NuSTAR NUSTAR Board of Representatives Meeting, July 23, 2007
Members of FAIR-TAC-2007 New chair of the Technical Advisory Committee: Thomas Taylor (CERN)
Outcome 1 TAC welcomes the creation of a FAIR Joint Core Team and Technical Division and their visible effect on project progress. TAC is impressed by the remarkable achievements obtained over the last 18 months. These achievements demonstrate capability and give confidence that success is within reach. Considering that the project will effectively begin one year later than assumed in the FBTR, finds it unavoidable that the published schedule is delayed by one year. FAIR will be a state-of-the-art facility for physics, the realization of which is a recognized challenge.
Since BaselineTechnical Report
Machine lattices have been re-optimized and are fixed now HEBTs re-calculated simplifications by using nc rather than sc magnets werever possible Optics discussed and checked with external experts (Hinterberger) HESR further optimized (driven by FZ Jülich & TSL) Recent discussion for nc lattice (field tolerances) Synchrotron SIS 100 Performance limitations of NUCLOTRON magnets at 4 T/s Synchrotron SIS 300 Detailing of straight sections for transfer SIS100 – 300 (injection) and extraction Beam stability Non-linear studies on stability issues in SI18/SI100/SIS300 HEBT p-bar separator – CR minimize losses due to chromatic aberrations RESR focusing structure work on-going Stochastic Cooling Hardware procurement for test-stand under way Machine Experiments at ESR -Successful tests of beam accumulation schemes at ESR
Outcome 2 The Committee is pleased that many of its previous recommendations taken into account and that significant progress has been made since its last meeting. the Committee advocates to focus efforts of superconducting magnet development on the SIS300 and to seriously consider fall-back solutions based on normal conducting magnets wherever possible - for example in SIS100, HESR and beam transfer lines. The committee suggests to decouple the installation of SIS-300 from that of SIS-100. This would ease the commissioning of SIS-100 and the scheduling of production and on-site reception of the sc magnets of SIS-300.
Progress in FAIR Hardware R&D
MoU on prototype R&D SIS300 bending magnet Funding: 3.7 M€ INFN, 1 M€ GSI MoU on prototype R&D SIS300 bending magnet IHEP and GSI Proton linac klystron ordered at Toshiba low power CH-structure model tested Start of procurement for test stand Super-FRS quadrupole contract (Toshiba) radiation resistant magnets (BINP) Study on nc/sc magnets for NESR/RESR (ELYTT) Straight mark I full scale magnet under fabrication at BNG / Würzburg Curved mark I full scale magnet under fabrication at BINP / Novosibirsk R&D continued at JINP / Dubna
Lab Director’s meeting on accelerators in FAIR
Preliminary Agenda: October 1st and 2nd, 2007 at GSI October 1st, 2007 14:00 Start of Meeting Presentation on the current status of the FAIR project Principles of FAIR In-Kind Contributions Work package structure Status of Specifications On-going R&D projects for FAIR Expressions of interest for certain work packages (presentations by lab directors or their representatives) October 2nd, 2007 9:00 Expressions of interest for certain work packages cont’d ((presentations by lab directors or their representatives) 14:00 Round table discussion 16:00 Concluding session 17:00 End of Meeting
EU FP7 Preparatory Phase proposal for FAIR
EU FP7 call for ESFRI roadmap projects - Scope: support for preparatory phase of all ESFRI roadmap projects - Total budget of this EU call: 130 M€ for 34 ESFRI project - Up to 7 M€ EU support per project -- on average 4M€ - Contract duration: 1 – 4 years - Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 May 2007 Intention and ultimate goal of this EU call - "Implementation of project" - Main milestone: signature of construction agreement between partner countries Main focus of proposal - Work on legal, organisational (project management), governance, strategic and financial issues (technical work only under certain conditions) - EU funding 100% (except for technical work) It is mandatory to include ministries and / or funding agencies as participants in the proposal
proposal over 7 M€ submitted on April 30, 2007
July 07: very good evaluation result ____________________________________ EC funding: 4,9 M€ official launch contract negotiations – shall be concluded fast draft Annex-I has been submitted to EC – negotiation meeting on
FAIR EU FP7 "preparatory phase" project will be funded by the European Commission
The consortium of 27 participating institutions (including 12 ministries or funding agencies) of this EU project will receive 4,9M€ for the personnel of the FAIR JCT and later of the FAIR GmbH Duration of the EU contract: 36 months, start: The project covers seven work packages (WP), which cover all important coordination activities mandatory for the "implementation" of FAIR! - no technical Work packages
Participation of Funding Agencies and Ministries
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland INFN Italy on behalf of the Ministry of Research and University Swedish Research Council Rosatom Russia BMBF Germany Ministry for Research France Ministry for Education Austria Helsinki Institute of Physics on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Finland Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research on behalf of the Ministry of Research Department of Science and Technology, India Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK Ministry for of Education and Science, Spain
Nominated international members of FAIR Joint Core Team
Link person country: Z. Majka, Crakow, Poland Link persons experiments: PANDA: G. Boca, Pavia, Italy S. Tomassini, Accelerator Division at LNF, Frascati, Italy CBM: R. Karabowicz, Crakow, Poland D. Dutta, BARC, Mumbai and Anand Kumar Dubey, VECC, India (1 FTE) D. Cozma and M. Petris, NIPNE, Romania (1 FTE) S. Belogurov, ITEP, Russia (?) NUSTAR: Heikki Penttilä, UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, Finland W. Korten, CEA, Saclay, France C. Mihai and T. Sava, NIPNE, Romania (1 FTE) C. Domingo, CSIC, Spain APPA (SPARC, FLAIR,..): M Czarnota, Institute of Physics, Kielce, Poland Brian O'Rourke, Belfast, UK A. Hirtl, SMI, Vienna, Austria Link persons accelerator: HESR: B. Gålnander, TSL, Uppsala, Sweden HESR: D. Prasuhn, COSY, FZ-Jülich, Germany HESR: A. Lehrach, COSY, FZ-Jülich, Germany
proposed distribution of EC funds for personnel of FAIR JCT
Application (7M€) Contract (4,9M€) Reduction of EC funded person months (in some cases not performed in order not to endanger people coming to FAIR) Ministries / Funding agencies do not receive EC funds
International Steering Committee
FAIR Joint Core Team: External Committees: PACs, TACs, IKAB International Steering Committee Team Leader Hans H. Gutbrod Research N.N. A. Lambert B. Becker-de Mos B. Azzara B. Galander (HESR) R. Hellmich W. Jacoby M. Lautenschläger A. Lehrach (HESR) D. Prasuhn (HESR) S. Richter P. Spiller M. Steck AFI STI NUSTAR CBM C. Domingo S. Belogurov H. Pentillä D. Cozma (1/2) W. Korten D. Dutta (1/2) C. Mihai (1/2) R. Karabowicz T. Sava (1/2) A.Kumar Dubey(1/2) PANDA W. Müller G. Boca M. Petris (1/2) L. Schmitt S. Tomassini APPA T. Stöhlker M. Czarnota A. Hirtl B. O'Rourke Accelerator Dieter Krämer Finance & Admin Alexander Kurz Integration FAIR project management team I. Augustin T. Beier H. Bokemeyer J. Eschke M. Hinkelmann S. Hofmann Z. Maika F. Weißbach 22 FTE GSI, 2 FTE FZJ 15 FTE international JCT members over 18 months
Status of negotiations / international contributions
Germany will pay 75% of the construction cost of 1187M€, if the missing 25% (~300M€) are contributed by the international partners. At least 25% international contributions are requirred. If less than 25% international contributions are confirmed by October 17, 2007, a start scenario with a smaller scope/costs needs to be defined. Only the financed part of the FAIR project can be launched on November 7, 2007.
Status of negotiations / international contributions
India: 3% (36M€) confirmed by declaration Romania: 1% (12M€) confirmed by declaration Poland: 2,5% (30M€) confirmed by declaration Finland: 5M€ plus potential additional contribution in cooperation with industry of Finland announced United Kingdom: 15M€ for NUSTAR and PANDA plus potential for 15M€ in addition (total 30M€) for the next 4 years possible decision end of 2007 Sweden: 1% (12M€) possible decision end of October Russia: at least 5% (60M€) announced by Kirienko (ROSATOM) potential for significant bigger contribution sign declaration at meeting Putin – Merkel, October 15 in Wiesbaden Italy: 40M€ for SIS300 sc dipol magnets and 4M€ for PANDA magnet announced Austria: 0,5M€ per year announced Spain: negotiation on September 28 at Madrid – 2%? China: 1% ?, Greece ?, France no shareholder ? ~250 M€ until October 17, 2007 ?
Project Staging Old idea: Staging of the project
( three stages defined by optimizing start of science) New idea: Staging ods the project ( two phases defined/matched with assured funding level ) Phase A = start-version ( stage defined/matched with funding level by October 2007) Phase B = all that‘s left out in Phase A (A+B: full project as defined in FAIR BTR -Annex of Convention)
Master Schedule - Civil Construction
STI: Start scenario should contain all buildings and facilities! Start of Civil Construction is the critical path! However, local authorities are prepared for speeding up the process of construction approval. Aim: All permits available before end of 2008 within legal procedures Focus: ground breaking in early 2009
Start scenario STI: Do not exclude any science community
from FAIR Baseline Technical Report ! SIS 100/300 SIS 18 UNILAC for the start of FAIR based on the announced international contributions. The ISC expects the STI working group to evaluate these start scenarios and to report its conclusions at the next ISC meeting (on October 17, 2007). The ISC asks the Joint Core Team to work out scenarios ISC Resolution: Radioactive Ion Production Target Super FRS HESR Generation of RIBs - NUSTAR Anti-Proton Production Target Generation of p-bar - PANDA CR FLAIR Generation HE HI - CBM RESR NESR 100 m Applied- and atomic physics - APPA
FAIR Kick-Off event November 7-8, 2007 at GSI
What's so important about that meeting? Up to now: Only preparatory phase of FAIR R&D Prototypes After Kick-Off: Official start of construction Money starts to flow Organizational structures will evolve into FAIR GmbH
Registration will open this week
You will be informed: FAIR Newsletter FAIR Newsletter Mailing List GSI Kurier + Mail Web
Agenda Kick-Off (I) Wednesday 07.11.07 11:00 Start of registration
14:30 – 15:15 Coffee 15:00 – 15:45 Enter ESR (All seated by 15:45) 16:00 – 17:10 Kick-Off Event Welcome – H. Stöcker (5 Min) Welcome Addresses A. Schavan (BMBF) (10 Min) R. Koch (MinPres Hessen) (10 Min) international speakers (total 20 Min) EU(?), FAIR countries(?) Signature of Communiqué (10 Min) Action Element (Press Photos) 17:10 – 17:30 Press-Conference (Press and VIP) close to ESR from 18:00 Buffet with Music
Agenda Kick-Off (II) Thursday, 08.11.07
09:00 – 12:30 Scientific Symposium 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch (Foyer) 14:00 – 17:00 Scientific Symposium Current wishlist of speakers.... Wilczek, Schatz, Hayano, Henning and more...
FAIR Roadmap (I) Between 7.11., 'till end of the year 2007: (not necessarily prior to Nov. 7th, but desirable) Nomination of Shareholders by all Contracting Parties Formation of Consortia, where applicable (e.g. A, FIN) Final Approval (slightly modified) of Convention, Articles of Association and other Annexes to Convention, Final Act (ISC, after one more look by AFI) Decision on language Further declarations / commitments Formation of Pre-Council by those who have made Commitments / sent declarations.
FAIR Roadmap (II) From November 'till January 2008
Preparation of FAIR Company structure (Joint Core Team → Pre-Council) Establishment of Search Committees for the FAIR Managing Directors (ISC or Pre-Council) Staffing of some required positions as soon as possible for the Joint Core Team (JCT)
FAIR Roadmap (II) April 2008
Signature of Convention and Final Act by all Contracting Parties Signature of Articles of Association by the Shareholders Registration of the Company in the Trade Register May 2008 Constitutive meeting of the Council
Thank you for you attention!
Austria China Finland France Germany Greece India Italy Poland Spain Sweden Romania Russia UK
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