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History of landsliding near the 10/11/09 Nile landslide

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1 History of landsliding near the 10/11/09 Nile landslide
Profile line for the following slides Jack & Lorraine Powell 2009

2 Sanford Pasture Landslide
10/11/09 Nile Landslide Sanford Pasture Landslide Cleman Mountain

3 Present Profile from Cleman Mtn to Eagle Rock just prior to the 2009 Nile Landslide
Naches River Valley Eagle Rock


5 Ellensburg Sed.



8 Ellensburg Sed.

9 This landslide from thousands of years ago was largely erode away leaving a hill were homes were built. The old landslide scarp erodes into an 800 ft high talus slope. Cleman Mtn N2 Naches River Valley Coleman Sand R2 Eagle Rock Talus Ellensburg Sed. N2 N2 Coleman Sand R2 Coleman Sand R2

10 October 11, 2009 the talus slope, which had been cracking since 2005, slides. Debris blocked the Naches River and moved the hill composed of old landslide debris. Cleman Mtn N2 Naches River Valley Coleman Sand R2 Nile Slide Eagle Rock Ellensburg Sed. N2 N2 Coleman Sand R2 Coleman Sand R2

11 Nile landslide October 11, 2009

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