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Microprocessor Systems Design I

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1 16.317 Microprocessor Systems Design I
Instructor: Dr. Michael Geiger Summer 2012 Lecture 7 Reviewing protected mode memory accesses Virtual memory Exam 2 Preview

2 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Lecture outline Announcements/reminders HW 2, Lab 3 due today Exam 1 regrade requests due in writing Monday, 7/30 Answer to 1d should be (ii), not (iii) Exam 2: Wednesday, 8/1 List of instructions, condition codes will be posted Exam 3: moved to Monday, 8/13 (not Wed 8/15) Today’s lecture Review: Subroutine instructions Protected mode memory management Protected mode practice problems Virtual memory Exam 2 Preview 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

3 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Review Subroutines: low-level functions When called, address of next instruction saved Return instruction ends routine; goes to that point May need to save state on stack 80386 specifics CALL <proc>: call procedure <proc> can be label (16-/32-bit imm), reg, mem RET: return from procedure Saving state to stack: push instructions Store data “above” current TOS; decrement SP Basic PUSH stores word or double word Directly storing flags: PUSHF Storing all 16-/32-bit general purpose registers: PUSHA/PUSHAD Restoring state: POP/POPF/POPA/POPAD 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

4 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Review Protected mode Supports memory management, multitasking, protection Changes in control/flag registers, IP, memory accesses Selectors: pointers into descriptor tables Contains requested privilege, global/local, and table index Descriptors: provide info about segments 8 bytes in length 4 bytes: base address 2 bytes: limit (max offset within segment) Segment size = (limit + 1) bytes 2 bytes: access info (privilege, R/W, executable, etc.) 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

5 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Review (cont.) Descriptors stored in descriptor tables Specific memory range dedicated to table GDTR points to global descriptor table Contains base address, limit for GDT LDTR cache points to global descriptor table Contains base address, limit for current LDT Values loaded from entry in GDT, pointed to by LDTR Global memory access Selector indicates access is global (TI == 0) Index field in selector chooses descriptor from GDT Descriptor provides starting address of segment Local memory access Selector indicates access is local (TI == 1) Index field in selector chooses descriptor from LDT 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

6 Protected mode examples
See problems posted on web 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

7 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Exam 2 notes Allowed One 8.5” x 11” double-sided sheet of notes Calculator Instruction/condition code list provided No other notes or electronic devices (phone, laptop, etc.) You will have 2 hours to complete exam, unless you arrive after 3:00 Late arrivals need legit excuse to get full 2 hours Covers all lectures after Exam 1 Format similar to Exam 1 1 multiple choice question 2 short problems to solve/code sequences to evaluate 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

8 Review: Bit test/scan, flag control
Bit test instructions Check state of bit and store in CF Basic test (BT) leaves bit unchanged Can also set (BTS), clear (BTR), or complement bit (BTC) Bit scan instructions Find first non-zero bit and store index in dest. Set ZF = 1 if source non-zero; ZF = 0 if source == 0 BSF: scan right to left (LSB to MSB) BSR: scan left to right (MSB to LSB) Flag control instructions Initialize carry flag to 0 (CLC), 1 (STC), or ~CF (CMC) Set (STI) or clear (CLI) interrupt flag Transfer flags to (LAHF) or from (SAHF) register AH 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

9 Review: Compare, set on condition
CMP D, S Flags show result of (D) – (S) Condition codes: mnemonics implying certain flag conditions SETcc D Sets single byte destination to all 1s (FFH) if condition true; all 0s (00H) if condition false Can be used to build up complex conditions 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

10 Review: jump instructions
Two general types of jump Unconditional: JMP <target> Always go to target address Conditional: Jcc <target> Go to target address if condition true Target can be: Intrasegment: same segment; only IP changes Add constant 8/16 bit offset, or Replace IP with 16 bit value from register/memory Intersegment: different segment; CS/IP both change Target is 32-bit value Upper 16 bits overwrite CS; lower bits overwrite IP Jump applications Conditional statements (if/else) Loops (pre-/post-tested) 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

11 Review: loop instructions
Combines CX decrement with JNZ test May add additional required condition LOOPE/LOOPZ: loop if ((CX != 0) && (ZF == 1)) LOOPNE/LOOPNEZ: loop if (CX != 0) && (ZF == 0)) 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

12 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Review: subroutines Subroutines: low-level functions When called, address of next instruction saved Return instruction ends routine; goes to that point May need to save state on stack 80386 specifics CALL <proc>: call procedure <proc> can be label (16-/32-bit imm), reg, mem RET: return from procedure Saving state to stack: push instructions Store data “above” current TOS; decrement SP Basic PUSH stores word or double word Directly storing flags: PUSHF Storing all 16-/32-bit general purpose registers: PUSHA/PUSHAD Restoring state: POP/POPF/POPA/POPAD 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

13 Review: protected mode
Supports memory management, multitasking, protection Changes in control/flag registers, IP, memory accesses Selectors: pointers into descriptor tables Contains requested privilege, global/local, and table index Descriptors: provide info about segments 8 bytes in length 4 bytes: base address 2 bytes: limit (max offset within segment) Segment size = (limit + 1) bytes 2 bytes: access info (privilege, R/W, executable, etc.) 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

14 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Review (cont.) Descriptors stored in descriptor tables Specific memory range dedicated to table GDTR points to global descriptor table Contains base address, limit for GDT LDTR cache points to global descriptor table Contains base address, limit for current LDT Values loaded from entry in GDT, pointed to by LDTR Global memory access Selector indicates access is global (TI == 0) Index field in selector chooses descriptor from GDT Descriptor provides starting address of segment Local memory access Selector indicates access is local (TI == 1) Index field in selector chooses descriptor from LDT 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

15 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7
Final notes Next time: Exam 2 Reminders HW 2, Lab 3 both due today Lecture Friday: PIC intro HW 3 to be posted today, due 8/6 Lab 4 coming soon, due 8/8 Note: lab uses PIC microcontroller—will have to check out kit from lab, so you’ll need to contact me to do so 4/14/2018 Microprocessors I: Lecture 7

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