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Elemental Abundances and Turbulence in

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1 Elemental Abundances and Turbulence in
Slow and Fast Solar Wind Streams Martin Laming Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375 Work supported by NASA Astrophysics Theory Program, NASA Heliospheric Physics Supporting Research Program, and Basic Research Funds of the Chief of Naval Research

2 Elemental Fractionation
FIP Effect known (suspected) since Pottasch (1963, ApJ, 137, 945). Now “understood” (Laming 2015, LRSP, 12, 2; also 2004, 2009, 2012) as due to action of ponderomotive force in chromosphere. 25 – 100 km s-1 coronal waves give correct fractionation for all elements observed. Easily measurable with correct instrumentation. x x x x x x x x SEP data from Reames (2014)

3 Ponderomotive Acceleration a = ½ c2∂(dE┴2/Bz2)/∂z = ½ ∂(dv┴2)/∂z
Fractionation ~ exp x (neff / ni) a / vs2 dz where (neff/ni) =(element ion fraction) x (collision rates) a = ponderomotive acceleration vs2 = kT/mi + vmturb2 + vSM2 (+ vflow2 ); thermal speed + longitudinal turbulent, slow mode, and flow velocities Compute Alfvén propagation on closed loop or open field.

4 Closed/Open Field and Waves

5 Closed Loop Chromosphere 10 G Coronal Magnetic Field, Plasma b=1 at 1000 km Avrett & Loeser (2008) chromospheric model, with added waves from Heggland et al. (2011), Carlsson et al. (2015)

6 Genesis Crash 9/8/2004

7 Conservation of First Adiabatic Invariant
Particle orbiting in diverging B: rg2B = constant  v┴2B/W2 =constant = qB/mc, so v┴ decreases, vz increases Enhances lighter ions over heavier ions, irrespective of charge. Suppressed in low chromosphere by dynamics (shock waves, etc). Wang & Sheeley (1990) Solar wind speed inversely proportional to magnetic field divergence  expect higher abundances of light isotopes in slower wind

8 Fast/Slow Wind Fractionation grey – ponderomotive force only black- ponderomotive + adiabatic invariant fast (+0.5) slow

9 Theory compared to Genesis Results:
with (short dash) and without (long dash) adiabatic invariant

10 Large Optimized Coronagraph for KeY Emission line Research
A proposal in response to the NASA Heliophysics Small Explorer AO JHUAPL/NRL; Angelos Vourlidas PI

11 For Solar Orbiter (and Solar Probe Plus…)
Connection with Alfvén waves offers novel and unexpected diagnostics of wave motions in the chromosphere and corona. Abundances should correlate with solar wind waves/turbulence. Are slow wind and closed loop corona fractionations exactly the same? Further connections with local helioseismology through wave physics in the outer solar atmosphere.

12 What is the Ponderomotive Force I?
J. D. Barrow, "Much ado about nothing", (2005) Lecture at Gresham College. (Includes discussion of French naval analogy.) Wave modes unrestricted Net force Wave modes restricted by boundary conditions Wave modes unrestricted

13 Isotopic Fractionations Compared

14 Variation of S? Schmelz et al. (2012), Figure 1.
Variation of S abundance: Low S/O  fractionation in background protons High S/O  fractionation in background neutral H Clue to solar wind origin?

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