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Assignment 2: Common health problems in Saudi Arabia (25%)

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1 Assignment 2: Common health problems in Saudi Arabia (25%)
PHED 1112: Physical Education Fall 2012 Instructor: Ebtesam Tallouzi Section: 202 Group Name (s), ID (s), & major (s): Yasmeen Al Jishi Accounting Ayeshah Almugahwi MIS Alanood AlMingash Finance Bishayer Al-Haddad Computer Science Assignment 2: Common health problems in Saudi Arabia (25%) Obesity

2 Outline Introduction Background of obesity
How it prevalence in Saudi Arabia Causes and associated factors Associated Health Problems Treatment Program Lifestyle changes for prevention and control Conclusion

3 Introduction Obesity is one of the nutritional problems that have been increase in Saudi Arabia at an alarming rate especially for females. Obesity is a primary reason for many chronic diseases. Obesity accompany with many other diseases such as hypertension, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, endometrial and breast cancer Obesity is a major problem that spread in the Saudi society in the last years significantly.

4 Background Two Different Meaning:
Overweight (mild degree of fatness) or obesity (sever degree of fatness) generally defines as “an excess accumulation of fat, or what scientists call adipose tissue” Two Different Meaning: The original definition: having more than or equal to double your ideal weight. It can be also defined as the total amount of fats on your bodies. 2. The modern definition: Is based on body mass index (BMI) Calculating your weight and height based on this formula (BMI= Weight kg/ ( Height m)2

5 Background (Con’t) It is categorized into three classes: Class I
When BMI is between 30 and 34.9 class II When BMI is between 35 and 39.9 class III When BMI is 40 and above (obese)

6 How it prevalence in Saudi Arabia
Obesity is one of the common health problem in Saudi Arabia, it prevalence between 34% in men and 45% in women from different region among middle aged people in 2010, based on some factors such as age, sex, education, employment, and so on This problem occur because of: The leak of doing physical activates Having fewer sports clubs Eating much of fast foods and snakes Watching TV for a long time Joblessness

7 How it prevalence in Saudi Arabia ( Cont’)

8 Causes and associated factors
What can cause obesity to Saudi society? Fast Food: The numbers of fast food restaurants

9 Cont… Inheritance: is genetic matter when one or both parents suffer from obesity, they possible could born an obese child Some people get fat because of genetic problems or because of their family history in obesity. in Saudi Arabia between 50 – 90%.

10 Cont… Weather Conditions:
The temperature is getting close to 40 degree, So it is hard for us to do exercise or walk in that weather!!

11 Environmental factors
Factor of Obesity: Factor of Obesity Health awareness Family History Environmental factors Emotions No exercising.

12 Associated Health Problems
Sudden death/ Heart issues One of important problems of obesity is deaths. Blood pressure Obese people grasp higher blood pressure than others and that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Sleep Apnea Is a breathing disorder that associates with obesity or being overweight. Cancer Different types of cancer are related to being obese or overweight.

13 Treatment Program Thou nutrition’s can help with diet and healthy lifestyle programs but in a long term treatment. Day by day medicine improves, they study obesity and gave solutions, and they invent ways to have a healthy lifestyle. There are many ways to kill this issue. We live in a technology world; it benefits lots of people who got obese in many options and solutions to do also programs for each case.

14 Lifestyle changes for prevention and control

15 *Calories : *Importance of breakfast:

16 Conclusion We have mentioned to different aspects of the problem.
We recommend: - implementing national obesity prevention - changing our simple daily activities is considered as a good start

17 Thank You For Listening Any Questions?

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