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FAFSA Fundamentals 2017-2018 UCanGo2 is an initiative designed to provide information about planning, preparing and paying for college Workbooks and flyers.

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Presentation on theme: "FAFSA Fundamentals 2017-2018 UCanGo2 is an initiative designed to provide information about planning, preparing and paying for college Workbooks and flyers."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAFSA Fundamentals UCanGo2 is an initiative designed to provide information about planning, preparing and paying for college Workbooks and flyers are provided to students and parents and can be downloaded directly from our college access website,

2 Financial Aid Financial aid is money that’s used to help students pay for college expenses It comes in the form of grants, work-study, student loans and some scholarships Almost every student is eligible for some type of financial assistance for college Students must apply for this money every year they need aid for educational expenses Financial aid can help with various educational costs such as tuition, fees, books, room and board, and transportation Your aid can also assist with expenses like daycare and purchasing a computer

3 Apply for Financial Aid
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid The FAFSA is every student’s first step in applying for financial aid Students should complete this form as soon after October 1 as possible It’s used to apply for most types of federal and state financial assistance By completing the FAFSA, you’ll be applying for most types of federal and state financial aid Families should take note of the new FAFSA start date and complete this form shortly after October 1

4 Always use, the official government website
Here’s a screen shot of the home page where you start completing the FAFSA application online Remember to use You should never pay to complete the FAFSA FAFSA4caster offers families a glimpse at their potential financial aid eligibility

5 Why Online? Faster processing time
Save your application and return to it later Help and Hints boxes are provided throughout the application Built-in error catcher means fewer delays Electronically sign using your FSA ID, or Federal Student Aid Identification Online is the easiest and most efficient way to complete the FAFSA The online process provides Help and Hints boxes to assist you with questions, and includes built-in edits to help prevent errors If you file online, next year you’ll be able to complete a renewal FAFSA with some answers already pre-populated with your information The FSA ID will be used as your electronic signature for the online FAFSA Student and parent (or spouse) will need one

6 FSA ID The FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID) is a username and password for students, parents and borrowers to: Electronically complete and sign the FAFSA, student applications and other various documents Login to U.S. Department of Education websites Student and parent will use the FSA ID every year FSA ID password will expire every 18 months The FSA ID allows you to sign your FAFSA electronically It also can be used to sign student loan applications and access financial aid information

7 Creating an FSA ID Students and parents can create an FSA ID by going to several locations: Families are encouraged to create their FSA ID before they begin the FAFSA Students and parents should allow about minutes to set up their FSA ID There are several ways to access the FSA ID information Students and parents should plan to create their FSA ID prior to starting the FAFSA application

8 Click the FSA ID button at the top of the screen on, the FAFSA home page, gives families access to creating their FSA ID

9 FSA ID Enter e-mail address and set up a Username and Password
Personal info, like name or date of birth, should NOT be used If a Username is currently taken, the user must create a different one The next few slides offer screen shots for FSA ID creation, explaining in detail what is needed to complete this process By selecting Show Text, families can see the passwords they’re typing in to assure accuracy Student and parent can check Show Text to see what they’re typing

10 FSA ID Enter personal information here, such as: Name Date of birth
Social Security Number

11 Information Match Every student and parent name, date of birth and Social Security Number will be matched with these 8 government agencies: Social Security Administration Department of Defense Department of Justice Homeland Security Internal Revenue Service Selective Service Veterans Affairs NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System) When completing a FAFSA and setting up the FSA ID, all student and parent names, SSNs and dates of birth are matched with these eight government agencies

12 FSA ID Review e-mail address, Username and Password
Include address and phone numbers here Applicants are asked to review information previously provided Address and phone are required here Families may also request to view this information in Spanish

13 FSA ID Challenge questions help families unlock their account or reset username and password Two questions selected from a dropdown menu Next two are entered by the applicant Provide a significant date Challenge questions are included to insure security You’re asked to also provide a significant date that is not your birthdate This date may be used for verification if you call the FAFSA Processing Center

14 FSA ID Review and confirm your FSA ID info here
Make changes now, if necessary Review and agree to the terms and conditions for using your FSA ID Review all answer provided on this page Applicants must also read and accept the Terms and Conditions

15 FSA ID Applicant must verify the information provided, including address Once verified, they’re ed a Secure Code with the subject line: Important: Your FSA ID Validation – Action Required Applicant will the enter the Secure Code on this screen and their FSA ID is complete Applicants must open their account in a new window to access the Secure Code sent to them This code is then entered into their FSA ID screen to complete the process

16 FSA ID Use Once the FSA ID has been created, students can complete, sign and submit a new FAFSA immediately The Social Security review will take approximately 1-3 days Until the FSA ID information is verified, applicants will not be able to make FAFSA corrections or sign a student loan application Students may go ahead and complete, sign and submit their FAFSA application with the FSA ID If there is a problem verifying the information provided when creating the FSA ID, the student and/or parent will be notified and the FAFSA will not be processed until the situation has been cleared

17 FSA ID Use The FSA ID may be used on any of these websites to view various types of information about financial aid or student loans

18 FAFSA Process

19 FAFSA Sections FSA ID Student Demographics School Selection Dependency
Status Login Parent Demographics Financial Information Sign & Submit Each section of the FAFSA requires specific information about the student and the parents, such as demographic and financial data Confirmation FSA ID

20 FAFSA Login As you begin, you’ll be asked to log in to your FAFSA with the FSA ID Only the student’s FSA ID will allow someone to access their FAFSA application

21 FAFSA Login If you choose to login entering the student’s information, you’ll use name, date of birth and Social Security number

22 FAFSA Be sure to choose the ‘ FAFSA’ if you plan to attend school beginning in the fall of 2017 If you will begin school in the summer of 2017, check with the school you plan to attend to get their specific requirements on the FAFSA

23 Student Demographics Use your full name as shown on your Social Security card Enter your marital status as of the day you submit your FAFSA Help and Hints boxes are provided for most questions Your name and date of birth must match what’s shown on your Social Security card or your FAFSA will be rejected Even if you plan to be married by the time you start college in the fall, you must enter your marital status as of the day you actually submit your FAFSA Help and Hints suggestion boxes are provided to offer a detailed explanation of most questions

24 Home Schooled Students
When choosing your high school completion status, you’re asked to pick from: High School Diploma GED Certificate or state authorized high school equivalent certificate Home schooled None of the above If you’re home schooled, you will indicate that here

25 Selective Service Eighteen year old males must register with Selective Service in order to receive financial aid You can elect to register here on your FAFSA If you’re an 18 year-old male and haven’t signed up for Selective Service, you may do so on your FAFSA application Males who have not registered with Selective Service will not qualify for financial aid If you’re only 17 now, go ahead and check ‘Register Me’; your information will be submitted on your 18th birthday Help and Hints boxes are provided to offer a detailed explanation of almost every question

26 High School Name Search for high school by name or city and state
If you have a high school diploma, you must include the school from which you graduated Students are required to indicate the high school from which they will graduate If your high school doesn’t appear when you search by school name, you can also search by city and state If you indicate you have a high school diploma, you will be required to include the school’s name from which you graduated Students who are home schooled or received a GED will not see this page

27 College Selection You can send your FAFSA to10 different colleges
You can search for colleges by name, city or state We did a search here on Shawnee, OK The School Selection area allows you to send your FAFSA results to 10 different schools Each school has a 6-digit code number; if you don’t know the school’s number, you may do a search here by school name, city or state We searched on Shawnee OK; click on the box next to the school name and have your FAFSA results sent there Currently Gordon Cooper Technology Center and OBU will be getting our FAFSA information Help and Hints boxes are provided to offer a detailed explanation of almost every question

28 College Selection Another search was done on Cameron University
Click View Selected School Information to get a comparison of your choices The next search was done on Cameron University in Oklahoma That pulled up Cameron University in Lawton Cameron was clicked and it was added to our 2 schools from the previous slide Now these 3 schools will receive our FAFSA results Click ‘View Selected School Information’ to find various data on the schools you’ve selected

29 School Comparison This page provides information about the 3 schools you’ve chosen to receive your FAFSA results You will find the cost for tuition and fees, the graduation rate, retention rate and much more You will also be able to link directly to each school’s website from here

30 Housing Plans Provide Housing Plans for each school you’ve chosen to
receive your FAFSA results Your options: On campus Off campus With parents You must provide your housing plans for each school receiving your FAFSA results Be aware that every school will give you these 3 housing options regardless of whether the school offers them or not The Financial Aid office at the school(s) will use your housing plans to help determine the amount of financial aid you may be awarded

31 Dependency Status Your answers to these questions will determine your dependency status on the FAFSA If you can answer YES to one question, you’ll be considered an independent student; independent students do not have to provide parent information on their FAFSA If not, you’re considered a dependent student and must provide parental information on your FAFSA Independent students who are married must also show spousal information

32 Dependency Status Dependent students must provide
parental information on the FAFSA Independent students aren’t required to show parental information unless requested by their school

33 Special Circumstances
If there’s a special circumstance prohibiting you from providing parental information, it’s highly recommended you speak to the Financial Aid office at the school you’ll attend Many schools have specific procedures they follow to handle this question If you’re a dependent student and unable to provide parental information, indicate that here. It’s highly recommended that you speak to the Financial Aid office at the college(s) you’ll attend however. Most schools have specific procedures they follow to handle this question.

34 Special Circumstances
If you state you’re unable to provide parental information, read this page carefully to make sure you’re eligible to qualify The school you plan to attend will require documentation to back up your statements

35 Special Circumstances
Students that do NOT have a special circumstance and are unable to provide parental info typically qualify for the Unsubsidized Student Loan only. If students are unable to provide parental information, but do not have a legitimate circumstance as deemed by the financial aid office, they may be limited on the type(s) of financial assistance they’re eligible to receive

36 Special Circumstances
Change in income Change in employment status Unusual medical expenses not covered by insurance Change in parent marital status Unusual dependent care expenses Live with grandparents and are unable to obtain parental information This is a list of some additional special circumstances that you or your parent may be facing Speak with your financial aid officer if you have any specific questions

37 Who Is The Parent? Student’s biological and/or adoptive parents, or a person that the state has determined to be a student’s parent, are considered his or her legal parents. Grandparents, foster parents, legal guardians, older brothers or sisters, and aunts and uncles are NOT considered parents unless they have legally adopted the student. Families should read this information carefully when determining who should be considered the ‘parent’ on their FAFSA

38 Reporting Parent Information
If your parents (biological and/or adoptive) are legally separated or divorced – Use information about the parent you lived with most during the last 12 months If you lived with both parents equally – Use information for the parent who provided you the most financial support in the last 12 months If your divorced parent is remarried – Use information for your parent and step-parent Students must report information for both biological or adoptive parents if they are unmarried, but living together As you indicate your parents’ marital status, review these tips regarding whose financial information to include on the FAFSA If both legal parents live together, but aren’t married, they must report BOTH incomes on the FAFSA

39 Parent Demographics Parent will enter first initial and last name as shown on their Social Security card Name and date of birth will be verified with the Social Security Administration Parent(s) must provide the first initial of their full first name and date of birth as shown on their Social Security card If parent(s) is undocumented or not a U.S. citizen, they may enter zeros for the Social Security number On this slide we’re featuring legal parents who are Married The applicant will provide information about the Father/Stepfather and Mother/Stepmother

40 Defining the Household
Include: Student’s parents, or parent and stepparent, based on their marital status Student, even if he or she does not live with parents Parents’ other children if: Parents will provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 or These children can answer “No” to every dependency status question on the FAFSA Other people: If they now live with the parents Parents provide more than half of their support, and Parents will continue to provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 This slide provides instructions on who may be counted in the Household Size

41 Parent Income Parent can choose a tax filing status:
Already completed Will file Not going to file If parent ‘Already completed’ the taxes, they’re given the option to manually enter the tax figures or download the info from the IRS If parents choose to do so, they may download their tax information directly into the FAFSA via the IRA Data Retrieval Tool

42 IRS Data Retrieval IRS can send tax data online directly to your FAFSA through the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) Participation is voluntary, but strongly recommended Reduces documents requested by the financial aid office and speeds up the awarding process Electronically filed tax information will be available 3 weeks after the tax return has been accepted by the IRS IRS Data Retrieval information

43 This screen requires you to verify that you’re the student or parent trying to access IRS tax information You must provide general demographic data as well as your filing status on the return Be sure to provide the EXACT address as shown on your tax return Spell out Street or use St., depending on how it’s shown on your return, for example

44 After you’ve been allowed to see your information, you’ll see the option for your tax figures to be transferred You just click at the bottom of the page to ‘Transfer My Tax Information into the FAFSA’ A confirmation will follow

45 Parent Income Adjusted Gross Income Income Earned from Work
Federal Benefits Programs If you choose to manually enter your tax information, the FAFSA questions will include the tax return’s line number to locate the answers

46 Parent Income Education credits Child support paid Combat pay
Untaxed Income Child support received Housing, food, living allowances Tax exempt interest Payments to tax-deferred pension and retirement savings plans Veterans non-education benefits This page requires information on any untaxed income or parental assets

47 Student Income Students are also asked to provide the type of tax return they filed as well as their income earned and taxes paid Students can indicate if they’ve filed their taxes, if they will file, or if they won’t file at all Students also have to option to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to download their tax information from the IRS Even if you aren’t required to file a tax return because you didn’t make much money last year, you are required to report your income on the FAFSA The Help and Hints suggestion box on the right side will provide the corresponding line numbers on the return for each question

48 Sign and Submit Review or print a copy of your FAFSA answers here. Make necessary changes now before submitting your application. Student and Parent enter their FSA IDs to electronically sign the FAFSA and hit Submit. Click ‘View or Print Your FAFSA Information’ to review all of your answers for accuracy before the FAFSA is submitted Student and parent will enter their FSA ID information to electronically sign their FAFSA application Don’t forget to hit ‘Submit My FAFSA Now’ when you’re done

49 Confirmation Page After you hit ‘Submit My FAFSA Now’ you’ll receive a Confirmation Page You will see an estimate of your eligibility for the Pell Grant and Federal student loans You will also see an estimate of your Expected Family Contribution, or EFC

50 FAFSA Chart

51 After the FAFSA

52 After FAFSA Submission
You will be notified when your FAFSA is processed Your FAFSA information will be made available to your school(s), and they will use it to determine the aid you may be eligible to receive Your school(s) will contact you if they need more information or when they are ready to discuss your financial aid award If you have questions about your financial aid award, contact your school(s)

53 Student Aid Report Summarizes your FAFSA information
10/01/2016 10/10/2016 Summarizes your FAFSA information Available to you after your FAFSA is processed Review the SAR for accuracy The schools listed on your FAFSA will also receive a summary A Student Aid Report (SAR) is a summary of the information you provided on the FAFSA It will be sent to you electronically or via paper, depending on how you filed your FAFSA application Review the SAR for any errors

54 Making Corrections If necessary, corrections to the FAFSA may be made by: Accessing your FAFSA information at if student has an FSA ID; Updating items on the paper SAR; or Submitting documentation to the college’s Financial Aid office Corrections to your FAFSA information can be made a number of ways All changes made will be forwarded to the school(s) you’ve chosen to receive your FAFSA results

55 Cost of Attendance An estimate of the total educational expenses for a specific enrollment period Includes average tuition, fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation and miscellaneous expenses at an individual school Cost of Attendance, or COA, may be different at each school When the Financial Aid office begins to determine your aid eligibility, they will assign you a cost of attendance The Cost of Attendance, or COA, is an estimate of the educational expenses for a particular school The COA includes average expenses such as tuition, fees, books and living costs The COA will probably be different at each school you’ve selected to receive your FAFSA results

56 Expected Family Contribution
The Expected Family Contribution, or EFC, is calculated from the information provided on your FAFSA, such as income, assets and family size Comprised of two components Parent contribution Student contribution Same amount at every college The Expected Family Contribution, or EFC, is a number calculated from your FAFSA information Financial Aid offices use the EFC to determine a student’s eligibility for federal and state aid programs Your EFC will remain the same no matter which school you attend

57 Financial Need Cost of Attendance Expected Family Contribution
Financial need is determined by your school’s Financial Aid office They subtract your EFC and any Other Aid (such as an outside scholarship) from your school’s COA The difference is your Financial Need Financial aid is awarded based on this calculation

58 Award Letter Award letters will be sent electronically or via paper to show your financial aid eligibility Be sure to accept or decline the aid offered and return by any specified deadlines

59 Oklahoma College Costs

60 Federal Financial Aid Federal Pell Grant
$5,920 annual maximum for Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Up to $4,000 annual maximum Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH) Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant Amounts vary The next few slides will cover the federal financial aid programs The Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant are need-based grant programs for undergraduate students without a bachelor’s degree Annual maximums are subject to change; mostly maximums were available at the time this document was completed The TEACH Grant has some very specific requirements that its recipients must fulfill; it becomes a loan if you do not end up teaching in a required field and/or school Please encourage students to get all the information on this program before accepting Students who have lost a parent after 9/11/2001 in either Iraq or Afghanistan should notify the Financial Aid office at the school they plan to attend You apply for all programs by completing the FAFSA Not all schools participate in these programs

61 Federal Financial Aid Federal Work-Study (FWS)
Allows student to earn money to help pay educational expenses Offers campus-based or community employment opportunities Federal Work-Study is a program based on a student’s financial need; it allows students to work part-time on- or off-campus Not all schools participate in this program

62 Federal Financial Aid Federal Subsidized Student Loan
$3,500/year maximum for Freshmen Government pays interest while student is enrolled at least half-time 3.76% interest rate during Federal Unsubsidized Student Loan Additional loans available to students who qualify Interest starts to accrue after first disbursement Subsidized Federal loans are low interest loans offered by the government; they are awarded based on financial need and the interest is subsidized by the government while the student is enrolled at least half-time Unsubsidized Federal loans are non-need based; the government does not pay the interest on these loans If ineligible for a subsidized loan, the student may be eligible for an unsubsidized loan Borrowers can pay the interest on the unsubsidized loan, or wait until they graduate or withdraw Interest will begin to accrue on the unsubsidized loan after the first disbursement has been made and the student is responsible for all interest on this type of loan All loans must be paid back, so borrow only what you need for school The interest rate on both loans for will be released in July

63 Federal Financial Aid Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
For parents of dependent students Parent borrower must be credit-worthy Interest starts to accrue after first disbursement 6.31% interest rate during Parents of dependent students can apply for the PLUS loan to supplement their child’s financial aid award To qualify, the parent must be credit-worthy Repayment begins shortly after disbursement To be considered for this loan, the student must complete a FAFSA application There are PLUS loans available for independent students as well; if you fall into this category, you may wish to visit with your financial aid officer for additional information

64 State Financial Aid Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)
Apply through the FAFSA Complete the FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible for eligibility OTAG is $1,000 per year Oklahoma’s Promise Must complete the FAFSA Pays tuition for eligible students who’ve been accepted to the program The Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG) is a state grant for eligible Oklahoma residents It’s awarded based on financial need Funds for this grant program are limited Apply for the OTAG by completing the FAFSA as soon after October 1 as possible Every first year Oklahoma’s Promise student must complete a FAFSA in order to receive their scholarship dollars

65 is OCAP’s FAFSA informational website
Check us out to find information about completing the FAFSA, learning about all types of financial aid programs, reviewing frequently asked questions and answers, watching FAFSA completion videos in English and Spanish, and much more You may submit your FAFSA questions directly to the OCAP office from this website

66 ‘FAFSA Facts’ provides several statements regarding completion of the FAFSA
Download UCanGo2’s exclusive brochure, ‘Finish the FAFSA in Five Steps’, which provides students tips on how to prepare and complete the FAFSA application You’ll find it under the Resources tab at

67 Scholarships & other Resources

68 offers numerous resources for students, parents, counselors and adult learners who are planning for college Click the Plan, Prepare and Pay buttons to find information specific to your needs

69 Each section of offers information for High School and Middle School Students and Parents UCanGo2 offers information for Planning, Preparing and Paying for College Resources and information are included for High School Students, Middle School Students, Parents and Adult Learners

70 PLAN for College What is College? Why Should I Go? Addressing Concerns
Exploring Careers The Plan tab offers this information to high school students

71 PREPARE for College Study Habits Classes to Take ACT/SAT
Extracurricular Activities Choosing a College Admission Requirements Campus Visits Applying for College Transition to College The Prepare tab offers this information to high school students

72 PAY for College Savings FAFSA Grants/ Scholarships State Aid
Work-Study Student Loans The Pay tab offers this information to high school students Click on the Scholarships tab to see hundreds of scholarships for college

73 Scholarship of the Week
A new scholarship is shown each week on Scholarships are also provided by Deadline date and by Category

74 Scholarships by Deadline
Scholarships are shown by monthly deadline dates Others are shown in an ongoing category that are awarded monthly, quarterly, etc. in September

75 Additional Scholarships
Every month offers additional scholarships for students to access

76 Scholarships by Category
Adult Learners The Arts College Ethnicity High School LGBT Middle School Military STEM Special Needs Study Abroad These scholarships are divided by certain groups and categories

77 Scholarships Money that does NOT have to be paid back
Seniors should apply for 2-3 scholarships a week; Juniors should apply for 1-2 scholarships a week Awarded on merit, need, skills, hobbies, family history, athletics, writing ability Apply for as many scholarships as possible Check the Scholarship section at and also on UCanGo2’s Facebook page where we post weekly scholarships Search scholarship websites, books, local organizations, churches, family employers, college financial aid offices Students should start applying for scholarships when they enter high school

78 UCanGo2 Facebook UCanGo2’s Facebook page offers weekly scholarships and tips for college planning Watch for this sign to locate scholarships for college ‘Like’ us to receive valuable information you can use when preparing for college UCanGo2’s Facebook page offers 3-4 scholarships per week, college planning and educational articles to help you prepare for higher education

79 Scholarship Success Guide
This guide offers information on writing essays, watching out for scams, etc. You can link to this guide from the scholarship section at or find it in our ‘Are You Looking for Money?’ booklet

80 Questions ?

81 Contact Us Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oklahoma College Assistance Program Outreach Department

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