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OVERVIEW Taxation System What Is GST ? GST Application GST Model

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2 OVERVIEW Taxation System What Is GST ? GST Application GST Model
Positive Impact Negative Impact Benefits GST Slab Conclusion

3 Taxation System TAX DIRECT TAXES INDIRECT TAXES Imposed on person
(paid directly to the govt.) Ex. Income tax Imposed on goods & services (Paid to the govt. by third party) Ex. Service tax

STATE GOVT. ● VAT ● Entertainment Tax ● Luxury tax ● Octroi/Entry Tax GST CENTRAL GOVT. Excise duty Service tax CST Custom duty

5 What Is GST? Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax applicable throughout India which replaced multiple cascading taxes levied by the central and state governments. The GST is paid by consumers, but it is levied and remitted to the government by businesses selling the goods and services. GST has been listed under the 4 broad categories. (5%,12%,18%,28% etc) Some items like gold & rough diamond have exclusive tax rate while some have been exempted from taxation.

6 GST Application GST is collected on value-added goods and services at each stage of sale or purchase in the supply chain. GST paid on the procurement of goods and services can be set off against that payable on the supply of goods or services. The manufacturer or wholesaler or retailer will pay the applicable GST rate . But being the last person in the supply chain, the end consumer has to bear this tax . BUYING RAW MATERIALS MANUFACTURER WHOLESALER RETAILER CONSUMER


8 Positive Impact of GST Transparent Tax : No hidden tax
Reduce no . of Indirect tax. Corruption free tax administration. Faster Transportations Increase in Foreign Investment Sectors that will apparently reap the most advantages (Cement, Building Materials, Metal, Automobiles, Entertainment, Consumer Durables, Fast moving consumer goods and Logistics. GST in India would impact negatively on the real estate market.  Double tax is charged in name of single tax. Aviation Industry may affected due to rise in tax rate. Certain Sectors Will Face a Negative Impact Sectors that are currently enjoying no excise duty or have enjoyed a lot of tax benefits will have to bear the brunt of a higher tax. These include Textile, Media, Pharma, Dairy Products, IT, and Telecom. The same goes for products. It is supposed that the prices of the following commodities will increase – jewellery, mobile phones and credit cards.

9 Benefits of GST For business and industry:
Easy compliance: A robust and comprehensive IT system would be the foundation of the GST regime in India. Therefore, all tax payer services such as registrations, returns, payments, etc. would be available to the taxpayers online, which would make compliance easy and transparent. Uniformity of tax rates and structures: GST will ensure that indirect tax rates and structures are common across the country, thereby increasing certainty and ease of doing business. In other words, GST would make doing business in the country tax neutral, irrespective of the choice of place of doing business. Removal of cascading: A system of seamless tax-credits throughout the value-chain, and across boundaries of States, would ensure that there is minimal cascading of taxes. This would reduce hidden costs of doing business.

10 CONT… Improved competitiveness: Reduction in transaction costs of doing business would eventually lead to an improved competitiveness for the trade and industry. Gain to manufacturers and exporters: The subsuming of major Central and State taxes in GST, complete and comprehensive set-off of input goods and services and phasing out of Central Sales Tax (CST) would reduce the cost of locally manufactured goods and services. This will increase the competitiveness of Indian goods and services in the international market and give boost to Indian exports. The uniformity in tax rates and procedures across the country will also go a long way in reducing the compliance cost.

11 CONT… For Central and State Governments:
Simple and easy to administer: Multiple indirect taxes at the Central and State levels are being replaced by GST. Backed with a robust end-to-end IT system, GST would be simpler and easier to administer than all other indirect taxes of the Centre and State levied so far. Better controls on leakage: GST will result in better tax compliance due to a robust IT infrastructure. Due to the seamless transfer of input tax credit from one stage to another in the chain of value addition, there is an inbuilt mechanism in the design of GST that would incentivize tax compliance by traders. Higher revenue efficiency: GST is expected to decrease the cost of collection of tax revenues of the Government, and will therefore, lead to higher collection of revenue efficiency.

12 CONT… For the consumers:
Single and transparent tax proportionate to the value of goods and services: Due to multiple indirect taxes being levied by the Centre and State, with incomplete or no input tax credits available at progressive stages of value addition, the cost of most goods and services in the country today are laden with many hidden taxes. Under GST, there would be only one tax from the manufacturer to the consumer, leading to transparency of taxes paid to the final consumer. Relief in overall tax burden : Because of efficiency gains and prevention of leakages, the overall tax burden on most commodities will come down, which will benefit consumers.

Essential farm produced mass consumption items like food grains, rice and wheat 0% Common use and mass consumption food items such as spices, tea and mustard oil excluding processed foods 5% Processed foods 12% All services such as banking, telecom, insurance, restaurants, fees, professional charges etc. 18% All items not listed in any other category. E.g. soaps, oil, electrical appliances White goods and cars 28% Luxury and de-merits goods and sin category items e.g. luxury cars, tobacco, Pan masala, drinks 28%+Cess

14 Conclusion The GST regime is a half-hearted attempt to rationalize indirect tax structure. More than 150 countries have implemented GST. GST will simplify existing indirect tax system and will help to remove inefficiencies created by the existing current heterogeneous taxation system . GST will give more relief to industry, trade and agriculture through a more comprehensive and wider coverage of input tax set-off and service tax set- off, subsuming of several Central and State taxes in the GST and phasing out of CST.  This is likely to  increase the competitiveness of Indian goods and services in the international market and to boost  Indian exports.


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