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Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting

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1 Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting
October 2, 2014

2 In October… 2nd - Fun Run Day *Wear your class color *Tennis Shoes
*EVERYBODY RUNS!  7th – Count Day 9th - Popcorn Fridays Cost per bag: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient label 12th- No School Professional Development Day 16th - “Spirit Day”: Michigan vs. Michigan State Day 23rd – Bagel Day Cost per bagel: $1.00 29th – Hampton Movie Night

3 Popcorn/ Bagel Fridays
Popcorn Ingredients: Popping Corn Salt Artificial Flavor Riboflavin (color) Oil Contains: Coconut Oil, Artificial Flavor, Beta Carotene (color)

4 Hampton Spirit Fridays
16th - “Spirit Day”: Michigan vs. Michigan State Day

5 Halloween - October 31 At Hampton, October 30:
Halloween is not considered a religious holiday. It is primarily a fun day for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. They go from house to house. They knock on doors and say "trick or treat." The owner of each house gives candy or something special to each trick or treater. The children say “thank you” and go to the next house. Trick or Treating in Rochester is from 6-8 pm on Oct. 31. At Hampton, October 30: Halloween Parade at 2:00 pm. Parties will be held in the classrooms. Students bring their costumes in a bag and wear regular clothes to school. PLEASE: No masks, No weapons, No face paint

6 October in Oakland County
Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 9a-noon - Home Depot Free Kids Workshop FREE How-to workshops for kids ages first Saturday of each month Sunday, October 4, 2015 from noon-3p Fire Department Open House - Rochester Hills Fire Station 1 (1111 Horizon Ct, Rochester Hills) Display of fire trucks, ambulances and rescue trucks, etc. Saturday, October 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Rochester Great Pumpkin Treasure Hunt 2015 – For kids ages 3-8p. Advanced registration required. To register, call Oakland Twp Parks & Rec at Cider Mills in the Area: Saturday, October 24, 2015 from 4p-5p Trick or Treating in Downtown Rochester Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 10a-noon Trick or Treating at the Downtown Farmers Market Rochester Farmers Market (corner of E. Third St and Water St, Rochester, Michigan)

7 Field Trips and Volunteering
*If you cannot go please let the teacher know as soon as possible * Please respond to the parent communications to make sure they know you got them *You are there to enjoy the trip BUT also to MONITOR STUDENTS * BE ON TIME How can I be a Parent Volunteer at school? In the classroom Field Trips In ESL In the Media Center For School Events *Must complete an iChat Form and be approved by the district  *Be available *Little Ones may not be able to attend with you in all situations! Check!

8 Parent Center Upcoming Classes
Temporarily Unavailable due to Family Emergency Please watch the website for the most recent information

9 In November: 3rd - NO School Professional Development Day Election Day
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 6th - Next Parent Club Meeting at 9:00 a.m.

10 Parent Teacher Conferences
November 17th, 19th and 23rd Please Sign Up! Cancelling: Notify the teacher as soon as possible Reschedule What to expect when you arrive. Good questions to ask

11 October Websites

12 Monthly ESL Newsletter http://www. rochester. k12. mi

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