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Capital Campaign 2010-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Campaign 2010-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Campaign

2 The Wind River Reservation
Where we are located. A place of intense beauty

3 Northern Arapaho Tribe
A long and rich history Originally located around Boulder, Colorado Today, there are over 10,000 Tribal members

4 Northern Arapaho Tribe: Demographics
A young population: over 40% are 18 years or younger Unemployment around 75% Lack of housing Diabetes and other health issues Alcohol and substance abuse

5 Why a capital campaign? Promote sovereignty and autonomy of the Northern Arapaho Tribe Proactive approach Education is economic and social development

6 Why a Capital Campaign? Student funding being cut when education costs are soaring Myth: American Indian students attend college for free

7 Why a capital campaign? Ability to provide more students with more resources and choices Northern Arapaho students attend schools from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh to University of Wyoming

8 Capital Campaign Impact Statement:
Northern Arapaho Tribal members will have the skills and resources to achieve their educational goals and contribute to the economic development of the Tribal community.

9 Capital Campaign Goals

10 Goal #1: Facilitate academic skills to promote educational achievement

11 Goal #2: Generate a greater awareness of post-secondary educational opportunities

12 Goal #3: Coordinate efforts with transitional programs that promote academic success

13 Goal #4: Identify and/or support specialized trainings and professional development opportunities to promote Tribal sovereignty

14 Goal #5: Provide scholarships and other types of assistance to Northern Arapaho students.

15 Purpose of Capital Campaign
A $8 million capital campaign to: Endowment Initiative $5 million Goal Annual Fund Initiatives $3 million Goal: Tribal Leadership Institute College and Post-Secondary Readiness Program Technical and Training Programs

16 To Date: over $1.3 million has been raised.

17 How can you help? Make a Gift Become a partner
The Arapaho Educational Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization


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