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Tim - Welcome and Introductions

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1 Tim - Welcome and Introductions
Acknowledge all Partners – Monroe County – City of Monroe – Frenchtown TWP - Consumers Energy – DTE Energy Foundation – RRNBP – Stoneco/Michigan Paving Mike – Provide background on the study – Working Group formation. Commissioners – Gary Wilmoth/Mark Brant Monroe County – Mike Bosanac Monroe County Planning – Rob Peven MCBDC Chairman – Doug Chaffin Consumers Energy – Dennis Marvin Port of Monroe – Paul LaMarre City of Monroe – Mayor Robert Clark City of Luna Pier – Mayor Dave Davison Frenchtown TWP – Supervisor Jim McDevitt Monroe TWP – Supervisor Al Barron OHM Advisors and MDB Insight and Ice Miller

2 Project Purpose: Create a strategy to guide
I-75 corridor economic development decisions Mike – Discuss the purpose of the plan. 1. Guide our efforts, resources, energy and focus for the best possible outcomes for development along the corridor. 2. Use it as a tool to communicate what we have identified as the best opportunities for different markets along one of the longest interstates in the nation. 3. Highlight our competitive advantage for economic investment to grow commerce, employment opportunities and best use of available land. 4. Promote our geography, infrastructure, cost competitiveness and workforce as the backbone of our strengths.

3 PLAN FORMATION: 1. Stakeholder Input What we heard…
“Improve the environment for business conditions.” – Brokers, Developers, Local Businesses “Strengthen quality of life amenities necessary to retain and attract employees.” – Community + Government Leaders Local stakeholders interviewed: 11 Brokers + Developers 11 Community + Government Leaders 15 Local Businesses Tim – Three groups of stakeholders were invited to provide impute for the study. Brokers/Developers Local and Regional Commercial Brokers (2) Large Regional Builders Developers Community and Government Leaders Local I-75 Corridor Businesses Attendees were asked a series of probing questions to assist OHM Advisors in determining the needs and requirements of the community. Finally the Working Group meet to review and provide their thoughts on the assembled information. Move to next slide Plan Pilars

4 2. Market Analysis Between 2009-2014: Employment declined in:
Manufacturing Construction Retail Trade Employment increased in: Healthcare Transportation, Warehousing, Logistics Arts and Recreation MANUFACTURING CONSTRUCTION RETAIL TRADE 1,508 Jobs Lost 1,355 Jobs Lost 1,286 Jobs Lost HEALTH CARE TRANS, WARE, LOG ARTS AND REC Tim - Review the market analysis and explain why this is important Over 10 K Employed ~ 4 K Employed 355 Jobs Gained

5 2. Market Analysis Grow the logistics cluster
Embrace a diverse economy Prepare to be investment ready For every logistics job opening in Monroe County, there are 26 qualified employees. Mike – Go with what the data showed us… Grow the Logistics Cluster…Monroe County is 30 miles from U.S. largest trading partner Michigan-Canada Trade Flows -expected to increase from $139.4 Billion to $340.6 Billion by 2040; an increase of 144% Port of Monroe and Gordie Howe International Bridge are critical for facilitating this trade flow Monroe has 26 qualified employees for every 1 logistics job opening Tim – Embrace a Diverse Economy – Health & life sciences Potential for collaboration with the biosciences Food Hubs (including food production, processing, distribution) 75 is in close proximity to strong agriculture industry and diverse shipping and logistics infrastructure. Momentum in the growth of small-farming Renewable Energy - Momentum building statewide, Port of Monroe influence Growth in new and small businesses - Critical to the support of larger companies. Since the recession, new businesses have provided 3 new jobs in the County for every job lost Mike – Prepare to be Investment Ready. People say, “Lucky to get this or that project”. Nonsense. Luck is preparation and opportunity coming together. Investors’ Needs Confidence and consistency in the regulatory process Collaboration between jurisdictions Timely process-approval Attracting a sophisticated workforce - Diverse, exciting places to live help companies attract and retain quality employees.

6 3. Plan Pillars Informed by stakeholder input, market analysis, & best practices. Prepare for Investment Enhance the Local Image and Brand Improve Workforce Development and Education Grow Monroe as a Logistics Gateway Improve the Local Qualify of Life and Strengthen Tourism Opportunities Grow Strategically Mike/Tim – These are plan core principles and action items based on findings. Not going to cover each pillar; rather a couple. Mike – Prepare for Investment – Be Shovel Ready – Once a decision is made to spend capital, companies want to be operational as quickly as possible. Delays cost money and they go somewhere else. Need to be investment ready by streamlining the development process Create an on-line site selection tool-create the possibility of developing in Monroe Tim – The Stakeholders identified the importance of improving the local image of the exits along with development of a brand to market the corridor. Tim – Work Ready Talent continues to be one of the key drivers of site location decisions. Stakeholders felt it very important to work with our K-14 educational systems to enhance training for in-demand occupations. Tim – Grow Monroe as Logistics Gateway. All indicators point to the corridor sites as having the highest and best use for industries that rely on logistics efficiencies as a key to their business success. Mike – As various plans throughout the county related to tourism (as an industry) were discussed in the stakeholder meetings. This lead to the pillar that addresses the Quality of Life/Tourism opportunities. Tim – We need to stay coordinated, focused and grow very strategically. Work together, share resources, get on the same page, support County-wide and region. Pillars are the goals of the Plan, and help organize the Actions.

7 4. Best Practices Image and identity of a community Image and Brand
Defines the corridor for employees, residents, and visitors Investing in Communities Quality of life attracts and retains quality employees Invest in the “full spectrum of housing” to meet changing housing needs Mike – Let’s talk a little bit more about Branding the Corridor and why its important. Tim just spoke of it but we see this as a way to link our communities along the corridor together more closely. Enhancing our image and then developing a brand is important: A positive image is valuable for our neighbors and community Monroe County and its communities can benefit from changing its image from drive by to more of a destination-attract visitors=commerce, interest, etc. It starts with our own citizen’s image of their community as a place to be Beautify the corridor; develop a brand to promote Monroe County along the corridor-billboard of our community Demonstrate pride and purpose with a collective effort w

8 5. Priority Development Areas
8 sites along I-75 Accessible to the Interstate System Proximity to Port of Monroe and Detroit Metropolitan Airport Tim – 8 Study Areas were identified along the corridor by the Working Group Development sites inside the study area were identified Key Points – All development sites are in close proximity to I-75. (5 to 50) All development sites will require some remediation and/or infrastructure work.

9 5. Priority Development Area conceptual SITE (Cont.)
Former home of Nike Missile Battery Accessible to I-275 & I-75 280 acre site Site ideal for: Logistics Warehousing Distribution Mike – We are creating a website tool showing all sites electronically; this is how site selectors work; they don’t come to every site. Each site will have: Detailed demographic information along with conceptual building layouts—show the possibilities and “can do” approach here in Monroe County Illustrate the ready access to infrastructure and transportation routes to markets-promote our strength in our key assets Leverage site selection tools to market our opportunities to investors as a beneficial business place to be By year-end, County will have GIS database available to all local units Land use planning efforts Assessing and mapping Economic Development Concept based off of Meijer distribution facility in Tipp City, OH

10 6. Top 5 Actions Grow the Port of Monroe
Invest in an online site selection tool- marketing Develop new facilities in targeted Priority Development Areas Streamline the development process Create a regional branding campaign Tim The Port is a valuable asset to the city and county of Monroe and will drive development throughout the region. Paul is doing a remarkable job of growing the level of activity at the Port. Working with the County’s GIS Specialist Jeff Boudrie to develop interactive tool for the website. Work in progress. Promote the top shovel ready sites to site consultants, industrial brokers, partners and potential direct users. Work with Community Partners to streamline the development process via community conversations and MOU We are here to work with you and demonstrate the efforts we are putting into creating opportunities with you.

11 7. corridor Progress Seeing development, interest & investment along corridor Meijer Warehouse expansion Promedica Monroe Regional Hospital 2 Hotels & 1 Conference Center Guardian Glass Plant Coatline/Warehouse Loves Travel Center Forsite Development (JR Whiting Plant) Reconstruction of I-75 Mike We are excited about what is already happening Our efforts are to continue the progress Create the opportunities for commerce and employment for our citizens—50% of our workforce is employed outside the County Market the best things Monroe has to offer—we have assets that would be of great value to new and expanded business in labor, education, training, good government

12 8. Next Steps More work to complete together:
MOU’s and updates to jurisdictional codes and plans Create a branding plan Promote the corridor through a marketing campaign Align/secure funding for Priority Development Area Mike/Tim Tim – MOU’s and updates to plans. We need your participation Mike – Branding plan has been started. Need to continue to refine the plan. We need your thoughts and ideas. Tim – The BDC will be promoting the corridor through and aggressive marketing campaign. This is a work in progress and if you have ideas we certainly would love to hear them. Mike – As mentioned earlier these development areas need remediation/infrastructure work. We will need to work to secure grant funding opportunities. We have a plan that can be the foundation to support grant funding. So, if you missed something in our presentation, you can find the details in the full report we have provided to you in print form. You can also access the full report and the supporting documents on the web site that we will show in the next slide. And finally, we prepared this video to capture some of the great things about our County and to share our story for potential investors to see why Monroe County would be a great location. SHOW VIDEO

13 Thank you. Questions?
(734) ASK for Question on the presentation Mike - So What do we Need Tonight……….. Nothing All we ask is: As a community you think about the opportunities Provide feedback and suggestions Let us know if you are interested development or NOT How can we leverage our resources to the fullest potential Were here to assist you…. Let us know if you have additional questions or concerns.

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