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10 Things to Do Now to Prep for Year-End

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Presentation on theme: "10 Things to Do Now to Prep for Year-End"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Things to Do Now to Prep for Year-End
Becky Fox Matt J Anderson Kate Graff

2 Agenda Tip 1: Enter/Track Employee Healthcare Declinations and Enrollments Tip 2: Update Healthcare Coverage Dates for 1095-C Reporting Tip 3: Business Name – BNC  - Update GS info Tip 4: Setup/Review W2 Transaction Types Tip 5: Add new State EINs (Tax IDs) and SUI Rates Tip 6: Make sure Employee Portal is configured to display Employee W2s Tip 7: Generate Greenshades Feed & XML - Errors Tip 8: Run Employee SSN Verification Tip 9: Make plan for printing/outsourcing W2s – Order Forms Tip 10: Create Year-End Calendar (recommended due dates) Discussion

3 Tip 1: Enter/Track Employee Healthcare Declinations & Enrollments

4 Tip 1: Enter/Track Enrollments and Declinations
Check ACA Full-Time without Offer counter for eligible employees without an offer entered Enter insurance offers in ACA Companion > Employee Plan Details tab Select Enrollment or Declination Date Tracking Benefit Offer Date = Date employer makes offer to employee Enrollment/Declination Date = Date employee responds to offer Coverage Dates = Date(s) coverage is in effect or would be in effect (if declined) Tip: Make sure correct supplier is selected. Select Make Offer Benefit Package drop-down - Activated Benefit Offer date – Activated Click Add Full-insured plans are done.. NOTICE THAT COVERAGE DATES IN THE BOLD RED LETTERS. This date range is what corresponds with the dates the employee will show an offer of coverage on their 1095-C. So these dates directly effect our reporting. Another tip is for the end date to leave blank or use the end of the plan year..

5 Tip 1: Enter/Track Enrollments and Declinations
Covered individuals Spouses & Dependents Need SSN and/or DOB Enter Date Enrolled Enter Dates of Coverage (can differ from Employee’s) Click Update Covered Individual – is a Spouse – Partner – Child - Self-insured plans Tracking completed – Again as a reminder this can be done a day by day or week by week basis. We highly suggest this happens to ensure your end ACA reporting is as smooth as possible.

6 Tip 1: Enter/Track Enrollments and Declinations
ACA Import Import all offers, enrollments & declinations from standard spreadsheet Great for direct pay plans Spreadsheet & instructions in KB WHEN: Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Select Make Offer Benefit Package drop-down - Activated Benefit Offer date – Activated Click Add Full-insured plans are done.. NOTICE THAT COVERAGE DATES IN THE BOLD RED LETTERS. This date range is what corresponds with the dates the employee will show an offer of coverage on their 1095-C. So these dates directly effect our reporting. Another tip is for the end date to leave blank or use the end of the plan year..

7 Tip 2: Update Healthcare Coverage Dates for 1095-C Reporting

8 Tip 2: Update Coverage End Dates
Ensure coverage offer is entered for: Employee Covered Individuals (if self-insured) Update Coverage Dates Control when Offer of Coverage Code displays in Line 14 of 1095-C Start Date = Employee Coverage is in effect End Date = Plan ends or Employee terms employment Tip: Make sure correct supplier is selected. Update Coverage Dates Found in the Employee Plan Details Benefit Package Benefit Offer Date This is not just referring to sending the offer to your employee but also recording it in the companion application. Employee Plan Details – This tab is what we use to manage what coverage an employee was offered and during what date range. Once the employee is listed double click on their name to pull up their record. The following screen will then show - From here you’ll want to make sure the correct employer is showing at the top right hand of the screen. This is drop-down function if more then one employer is available. Tracking Coverage Offers: This is something that can and should be done day to day or week to week. - this will make year end easier so you’re not doing a years worth of work at the end of the year. Inserting offers of coverage on employee records in the companion application Recording if they enrolled or declined that healthcare plan or that benefit package How to record the dependent information if your self-insured and need to track that information Employee Plan details Locate the employee Select the employee Verify the supplier is correct

9 Tip 2: Update Coverage End Dates
ACA Companion Insurance Offers AQ Shows offers entered in Companion & related info Filter to offers without End Dates ACA Companion Census AQ Compare Coverage End Date and Recent Check Date Update End Date in Employee Plan Details to reflect coverage end WHEN: Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Update Coverage Dates Found in the Employee Plan Details Benefit Package Benefit Offer Date This is not just referring to sending the offer to your employee but also recording it in the companion application. Employee Plan Details – This tab is what we use to manage what coverage an employee was offered and during what date range. Once the employee is listed double click on their name to pull up their record. The following screen will then show - From here you’ll want to make sure the correct employer is showing at the top right hand of the screen. This is drop-down function if more then one employer is available. Tracking Coverage Offers: This is something that can and should be done day to day or week to week. - this will make year end easier so you’re not doing a years worth of work at the end of the year. Inserting offers of coverage on employee records in the companion application Recording if they enrolled or declined that healthcare plan or that benefit package How to record the dependent information if your self-insured and need to track that information Employee Plan details Locate the employee Select the employee Verify the supplier is correct

10 Tip 3: BNC- Verify business name and Greenshades information same is IRS
Last year we suggested that this should be done as part of the December Prep

11 Tip 3 – Business Name: Update in Avionté
Admin Tools > Employer > Detail tab Supplier Info Update Short/Long Name to Match IRS Last year we suggested that this should be done as part of the December Prep – Notes: The Detail tab allows users to create new transaction types, edit existing ones, and to view details about them. The Pre Tax Deduction drop-down menu will be enabled if the Is Adjustment Type box is checked. Select the desired option from the Pre Tax Deduction drop-down menu.  In the W2Box field, enter the appropriate W2 form box number for this transaction if it will appear on an employee's W2. – Meaning this is specifies the box to be filled out on the W-2 form. In the W2Label field, enter the text that will be displayed as the transaction's label on the employee's W2 form. Add a check next to each branch that should have access to this transaction type.

12 Tip 3 – Business Name: Greenshades
BNC: Business Name Control Four digit code All capital letters IRS recognizes your company by both FEIN and BNC WHEN: Anytime TIP: You can verify your business name control by calling the Business & Specialty Help Line at

13 Tip 4: Set up/Review W2 Transaction Types

14 Tip 4 - W2 Transaction Types
Review Payroll Transaction Types in Avionte Admin Tools > System > Transaction Type Deductions Setup Pre-tax? W2 Box Setup WHEN: Quarterly

15 Tip 5: Add new State EINs and SUI Rates

16 Tip 5 – EIN (Tax ID) & SUI Rates
Admin Tools > Employer > Tax > Tax Rate Tab Add New SUI rate for 2018 dates Admin Tools > Employer > Tax > Tax EIN Tab EINs needed for each of the SUI State WH Enter 0 for inactive states WHEN: November

17 Tip 6: Configuration for employee portal

18 Tip 6: W2s –Employee Portal Configuration
Configurations in the Admin portal Makes W-2s form appear Allows employee access Employees can fill out the W-2 Consent form Post = Flag as Complete WHEN: Anytime Tip 6: W2s –Employee Portal Configuration   Last year we suggested that this should be done as part of the December Prep

19 Tip 7: Generate Greenshades Feed and XML

20 Tip 7: Generating Greenshades Feed and XML
Back Office > Weekly Process > Generate Greenshades Generate Feed & XML Errors - Can correct now! WHEN: Q4 - December Last year we suggested that this should be done as part of the December Prep

21 Tip 8: Run Employee SSN Verification
Call out that this is an Add-on service so that customers not using it are not confused or don’t think they just get this.

22 Tip 8: SSN Verification SSN Reported must match Social Security Records Huge year-end headache Greenshades option Create E-file Returns Other options WHEN: Monthly/Quarterly What you should add is an ACA-compliant – Major medical health insurance policy that conforms to the regulations et forth in the ACA. Provides coverage for the essential benefits with no lifetime or annual benefit maximums. MEC – Minimum Essential Coverage Plans PPO MVP – Minimum Value Plans Healthcare plan + HSA New plan options – New plans in a package No longer offering certain plans Rate changes for Employee Monthly Contribution – gone up or down Offer of coverage or safe harbor Code Changes These changes will be completed in the Insurance Plan tab Do Not Add – Fixed Indemnity Plans Non-Healthcare Plans – Dental, ,Vision, Life Tiers of Plans – EE + Spouse - EE + Children (optional) 1095- only needs the cost of what an employee would pay to cover themselves on the plan

23 Tip 9: Make plan for W2 printing or outsourcing

24 Tip 9: W2 – Form Preparation
Make a plan! In-house? Order stock for printing Pressure Seal 4-up paper Looking to outsource? Greenshades Nelco IBF Employee Portal – No need to Print if employee consent is completed. WHEN: December

25 Tip 10: Create a Calendar for January due dates

26 Important Year-End Due Dates
WEEK 1: January 31st Complete 2017 Payroll Generate Greenshades Feed & XML Additional Errors? W2 File sent to vendor, or start printing Could also add in the vendor options Nelco , IBF, or Greenshades for outsourcing. Prep your SSNs so you feel confident in your W2s you’re sending out.

27 January: Taxes Time! – Week 2
Review 941 and Schedule B Liability = Check Dates State Unemployment Q4 filings and deposits Due January 31st Mail W2s Post to Employee Portal Just a friendly reminder about the January 15th

28 January: Taxes Time! – Week 3
Update returned W2s Bad address Employee returned issues Employee 1095-C Employer 1094-C (IRS) Last year: Due Jan 31st Be prepared State WH Annual Reconciliations and State W2 submittals Due January 31st

29 January: Taxes Time! – Week 4
File W2s and W3 File Q4 941 and Schedule B File Annual 940 and Schedule A All due: January 31st Send it to the federal government at the end of the month… don’t wait to send out to all the employees do right away… The 940 is realsed in Novemeber so they will see a form that says 2017.

30 Questions Place Holder for discussion with the audience: Who’s been through 1-5 year ends? What process have you put into place to ensure you meet the January 31st due date? Do you use any outside CPA vendors to prep your filings? How do you check your SSN#s?

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