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Philippe Bordeyne Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP)

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Presentation on theme: "Philippe Bordeyne Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philippe Bordeyne Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP)
Appreciating Differences: Towards a more Organic Approach of Ethics in Catholic Universities

2 Different Strategies for Teaching Ethics
Participating in the public debate of secular ethics Referring to moral theology (Faith and Reason) Both ways are faithful to Gaudium et spes : - sciences and peoples’ wisdom - proclaiming the Word in different contexts But : - the status of religion has changed in secular societies; - the approach of Gaudium et spes is more complex

3 I- Is Christian Anthropology the Basis for Dialog?
Dignity of the person, meaning of the community and of human activity: is this an anthropological program acceptable by all? An example: the reference to vulnerability plays an ambiguous role in contemporary ethics What is the credibility of the anthropological argument developed by religions? 3

4 II- One must be clear about the role of a Catholic University
Our political and social influence is to be indirect, except in the field of service Our view of the common good insists on the concrete conditions that make ethics possible We should resist against totalitarian views of the role of the State or of the free market 4

5 III- Today’s experience of plurality as an incentive to engage in ethics
Gaudium et spes (44, 2) draws attention to the diversity of cultures and ways of thinking We must foster fundamental experiences that make ethical reflection possible in the context of the plurality of knowledge Jacques Maritain: “moral concepts have an experimental origin” 5

6 3) God creates in separating:
III- Today’s experience of plurality as an incentive to engage in ethics 3) God creates in separating: We inherit a world that is rich in differences 6

7 We can explore differences and learn to appreciate them better

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