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Belarusian HOLIDAYS.

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1 Belarusian HOLIDAYS

2 Belarusian Wedding

3 Time of wedding. Wedding is strictly forbidden during fasts , and from the 7th to the 21st of January. The best time was considered the time from baptism (christening) to Maslenitsa. This two-month period of time for weddings was determined in accordance with the phases of the moon . It was considered that the most favorable time would be " maladzika " and a full moon. During preparation for weddings people take into account an infinite set of beliefs and superstitions, which served as the predictions for the future. For example, there were cases when the men were returning home because a black cat or a rabbit ran across the road. And if a horse began to paw, in this day people did not even think to go to court. Before leaving the groom's house folks lacked all the hassle. Especially vivid was the first wagon in which the bridegroom rode. The tapes on a bride’s wedding dress were white (to match the bride's dress and as a symbol of chastity and innocence) and red (as a symbol of transition, rebirth, new status) colors. The main attributes of a bride’s dress were bells.

4 In the groom's house, when everyone was ready to leave, the parents put the bread and salt in the center of the table, it was also covered with a white linen cloth. Matchmaker took the folks to secure a wedding procession on the way. In addition, he took with him the money, vodka, chocolates, biscuits, honey, belts, which were needed for the wedding.

5 In addition to the young and the matchmaker the squad also contained: godmother, the couple and three carts with young people and musicians. Meanwhile, "Syabryna" was preparing to meet the young guests. Mother of the bride was preparing a festive table and girlfriends were dressing up the heroine of the celebration. Usually the bride was dressed up in her house. In addition, the groom and his entourage had to drive past the house of the bride. It was categorically forbidden to dress up the bride in the house of the widow or widower, divorced, or where children were died. Best of all it was desirable to dress up the bride in the house of a friendly, happy and wealthy family. The bride’s veil consisted of three main parts. One part of the veil covered a long braid. The other part (short thin veil) was going across the forehead and was falling over bride’s eyes and face.

6 Savior of the Apple Feast Day

7 The Savior of the Apple Feast Day is an Eastern Slavic folk holiday, which is observed on August 19, falling on the Feast of the Transfiguration. It is the most important of the three Saviour (Spas) days. The others are: honey savior, on August 14 (or August 1, Julian Calendar); and nut savior on August 29 (or August 16, Julian Calendar). The holiday has a pre-Christian origin and is associated with harvesting of ripe fruits, especially apples. Then it became an Orthodox holiday. There are processions and blessings of harvests. Usually, on that day, people from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus eat apples, apple pies, or other dishes containing apples, even if they are not Orthodox Christians.

8 Radonitsa

9 Radonitsa (Russian Радоница, "Day of Rejoicing") in the Russian Orthodox Church is a commemoration of the departed. It is observed on the second Tuesday of Paskha (Easter) or, in some places (in south-west Russia), on the second Monday of Paskha. Customs Among the traditions that have grown up around Radonitsa, the following are noteworthy: Foods traditionally eaten at Radonitsa are: funeral kutia, painted eggs, kulichi, pancakes, dracheni, honey prianiki, and cookies.

10 History and meaning Russian Orthodox tradition of the commemoration of the dead. The Slavs, like many ancient peoples, had a tradition of visiting family members' graves during the springtime and feasting together with them. After their conversion to Christianity, this custom transferred into the Russian Orthodox Church as the festival of Radonitsa, the name of which comes from the Slavic word "radost". It may seem strange to call a memorial for the departed "joyful," but the Christian belief that lies behind this joy is the remembrance of Jesus‘s Resurrection and the joy and hope which it brings to all.

11 Ivan Kupala

12 Night on Ivan Kupala otherwise Ivanov day, Ivan Herbalist day Date: the night on the 7th of July (old-style: the 24th of June) It is the tradition of making bonfires and jumping over them, dancing and gathering herbs. Holiday begins the night before. And it is associated with the summer solstice.


14 Dzyady

15 DZYADY In the national calendar of the Belarusians and the Ukrainians Dzyady is celebrated in autumn. According to the beliefs, in these days the dead come to their homes for a memorial dinner. Usually people go to the graves of relatives to honor their memory. Memorial food should be hot. Also, there are more spoons on the table (specially for Ancestors). Also living people call every Ancestor for its name. Everything on the table is not removed, because the deceased come at night to eat dishes.

16 Maslenitsa

17 Since long ago there is a tradition in Belarus to say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring. The holiday of seeing off the winter is called Maslenitsa. The concert is held in the city (Minsk) on this matter, the artists sing age-old songs, chastushkas and organize practical jokes. People take part in different competitions, ride horses and drink hot tea with pancakes in order not to be frozen. The pancakes are the main attributes of this festival because a pancake is a symbol of the sun. The festival always ends in burning of a big man of straw. Lent begins after Maslenitsa for orthodox believers. On Forgiveness Sunday in the morning the whole family goes on a visit to their grandmother. She bakes the most delicious pancakes with different fillings. In the afternoon people meet with friends and they go to the central square and see street festivities.

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