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Basic Patient Monitoring For Anesthesia BIS Monitors

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1 Basic Patient Monitoring For Anesthesia BIS Monitors
Dr. Jeffrey Elliot Field HBSc, D.D.S. , Diplomat of the National dental Board of Anesthesia, Fellow of The American Dental Society of Anesthesia

2 Bispectral Index (BIS Monitors)

3 Proper Electrode Placement
Wipe the forehead with alcohol and dry with gauze. Either side of the head can be used except in the case of stroke were you would use the unaffected side. Electrode # 1 is placed in the center of the forehead 1.5 inches above the bridge of the nose Next electrode # 4 is placed directly above the eyebrow Place electrode #3 on the temple between the outer canthus of the eye and the hairline Now electrode #2 will be in the proper position to be secured.

4 Placement of BIS monitor electrodes.

5 Values for BIS Monitoring
General anesthesia associated with no awareness under anesthesia occurs from BIS values of Deep Sedation occurs with BIS Values of 60-80 In special needs patients work around for sedation.

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