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Town of Emerald Isle’s Emergency Operations Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Town of Emerald Isle’s Emergency Operations Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Town of Emerald Isle’s Emergency Operations Plan
Bill Walker Fire Chief / Emergency Management Coordinator

2 Objectives Give an overview of the Town’s Policy Discuss any concerns
Reasoning behind our Decision Making Discuss any concerns Receive feedback for future updates to the policy

3 REMEMBER * This is on top of the Normal tide*
Hurricane Categories Strength Wind Speed Surge Category I mph 4-5 feet Category II mph 6-8 feet Category III mph 9-12 feet Category IV mph feet Category V mph 18+ feet REMEMBER * This is on top of the Normal tide*

4 Town’s Status Consist of 5 Condition Categories
Condition 5: Normal Conditions Condition 4: Storm in the Atlantic Condition 3: Storm expected within 48 hours Condition 2: Storm Expected within 24 hrs. Condition 1: Storm Expected within 12 hrs Condition 0: Imminent danger of Storm

5 Condition 5 Review & Update Plan Educate New Employees on Plan
Issue Reentry Passes * If you need a pass PLEASE get it now

6 Condition 4 Hurricane Season
Make sure everything is in place and we are as ready as possible in case a storm occurs Watch for Tropical Weather Developments

7 Condition 4 Storm is in the Atlantic
Emergency Management starts watching it

8 Condition 4: Storm heading toward Emerald Isle

9 Condition 3: 48 hours

10 Condition 3: 48 Hours Town Staff are advised of storm
Off duty personnel are contacted to be make preparations to their personal property

11 Condition 2 County Control Group is assembled for briefing and possible decision making. Decision to evacuate When to evacuate is decided Evacuation is needed approximately 11 hours before gale force winds arrive to be effective Evacuation needs to be done during daylight hours for public safety

12 Decision Making Time

13 Decision Making Tools Used by Control Group
National Weather Service National Hurricane Center Carteret County School System Carteret County Tourism Bureau Hurrevac Decision Arc Map

14 Decision Arc

15 Latest time for decision

16 Condition 1: 24 hrs Town Staff prepare for storm
Securing all equipment and buildings Town Manager publishes updates to all employees answering phones and updates to the web page (

17 Condition 1 Mayor Signs a proclamation of a “State of Emergency”
All Essential Personnel are recalled back to work Evacuation is performed 24 hour curfew is put in place Damage Assessment equipment is prepared

18 Evacuation Determine your destination prior to evacuating
Know your evacuation route Keep a full tank of gasoline Pack supplies sufficient for 3 to 5 days Pack important papers (insurance, identifications, property inventory) Have a plan for your pets Secure your home before leaving Notify friends and relatives of your destination Monitor local media or town’s web page for updates


20 Condition 0 Storm is eminent


22 Post Storm Considerations
Public Safety Damage Assessment Utilities Reentry Passes? Busses? Everyone? Mass Feeding?

23 Post Storm Considerations
Damage Assessment Planning & Inspections is responsible for Damage Assessment Fire and Police first back for damage assessment manpower and ensuring public safety. Securing leaking LP tanks etc. Extent of Damage Is anything left? Accessibility What is Accessible? Bridge status is dependent on State of Emergency

24 Business Community Needed back as soon as it is determined to be safe
to assist with essential items for life to return to normal Gasoline Food Medicine Building supplies Etc..

25 Feed Back What should we take into consideration?
What should we do different?

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