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Developing the Young Workforce

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1 Developing the Young Workforce
Stirling High School Developing the Young Workforce

2 Developing the Young Workforce
Developing the Young Workforce is a seven-year programme that aims to better prepare children and young people from 3–18 for the world of work. This programme builds on the foundations already in place as part of Curriculum for Excellence. The programme’s headline aim is to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021.


4 Where have we been? Strategic Actions for Developing the Young Workforce To secure one major employer and at least 3 SME’s 20% of cohort engaged in work based and work linked learning 50% of Senior Phase will be engaged in vocational learning / study towards an industry recognised and /or an apprenticeship pathway by August 2017

5 Where are we now? School Improvement Plan 2016-2017 Working Group
Embedding work based and work linked learning across Junior & Senior Phase Subject specific involvement Raising parental engagement Increasing our business partners

6 Where are we going? Junior Phase – skills for learning, life and work (transferable skills) Using Labour Market Info to build strategic collaboration with employers / colleges / universities Bespoke / Flexible Pathways Creative Curriculum Accredited Wider Achievement Foundation Apprenticeships Work Experience Equity – ASN / SEBD / More able Open University Courses Flexible online learning Future Careers Event 8th November 2016 for S4-S6 Profiling – Skills for Life/Learning & Work Social Enterprise – Innovation Hub

7 DYW Highlights Last Session
Junior Phase S1 Literacy Project with Enterprise Rent a Car – Presentation Skills Primary / S1 Transition – Principia STEM Event Crest Accreditation S1 / S2 ‘Pretty Curious’ for girls – introduction to circuits S1 Enterprise Club S3 Careers Fair Pupil preferred pathway tracking from S3 Employability Award in PSE Senior Phase Work Experience FES Academy Renegotiated SDS Contract SQA Wider Achievement Awards Increased Subject Specific Engagement S4 At Risk Pupils - Assertive Mentoring – Raised Attainment Business in the Community Week Modern Apprenticeship Week

8 If you would like to be involved in any work based or work linked learning or if you could offer work experience to our pupils please leave your name and contact details. Follow


10 Alison Adam School Career Coach
Skills Development Scotland Alison Adam School Career Coach Add your name and Introduce yourself to parents and explain your role within the school as career coach Brief introduction to SDS Explain why you are here in relation to title of group work.

11 Career Management Skills
Your Career Management Skills Career Management Skills are skills for life empowering us to strengthen our understanding of four themes: Self, Strengths, Horizons and Networks. They help us to make informed decisions and realise our potential at any point. If you feel confident that you have a good understanding of these four themes and can demonstrate this then you will be well equipped to cope with developing your career. SELF is about Understanding who I am and what I can do Knowing what is right for me Reviewing my life, work and learning plan STRENGTHS is about Understanding all about my skills, knowledge and experience Knowing more about what I can do Reviewing which of my skills are transferrable HORIZONS is about Understanding the world of work Understanding what options might be available to me Knowing which options I should choose Knowing what I need to do to make my choice Reviewing my links between life, learning and work Reviewing where I fit into the world of work NETWORKS is about Understanding who can help me Knowing how to make connections with those who can help me Reviewing my networks

12 SDS work with pupils in S1-S3
Skills Development Scotland SDS work with pupils in S1-S3 S1 - class sessions led by career coach S2 – subject choice class sessions by career coach S2 – one to one short interviews offered to all pupils by career coach, parents invited to be present if they wish to discuss subject choice S3 – class sessions led by career coach

13 Qualifications count! From school, workplace, modern apprenticeships, college, university
Skills Development Scotland on average, people with higher levels of qualifications earn more than those with lower qualifications qualifications alone are not enough. Employability skills are also extremely important. Skills for managing careers all through life - flexibility Qualifications mean you are more likely…… 1 to be employed 2 to have more earning power According to the High Fliers Research the average graduate starting salary is £30,000 per year Based on a survey of 100 Graduate leading employers ( Average graduate paid by “Blue Chip” employers) Source: High Fliers Research Report 2015 Graduate starter salaries across the board is between £16,000 to £20,000 which is viewed to be a more realistic figure and matches the experiences of the majority of graduates entering the jobs market. Further detailed information can be found at; High Fliers Research Report 2015 Source; Student Salaries 2015 Stress that qualifications alone will not open doors, employability skills are important and gaining experience through part time jobs/volunteering, etc. while studying will enhance any future job hunting

14 ---------------------
Your qualification options Skills Development Scotland Postgraduate Degree Undergraduate Degree Employment Modern Apprenticeship Employability Fund Activity Agreement HND (Higher National Diploma) HNC (Higher National Certificate) NC/NQ (National Certificate/ National Qualification) Advanced Highers Highers National 5s National 4s Highlight that there are lots of opportunities out there but there are also lots of ways to access those opportunities. Give examples of local training and study options, links through NC/HNC to degree and progression through EF to MA levels. Remember to have a back up plan!! Make young people aware that opportunities may include employment or self employment. Talking points: * FE, HE, Training, EF, Activity Agreement, Employment, Unemployment

15 Introduce LMI activity.
Skills Development Scotland Why is LMI important? To help with choices. To know what opportunities for training and work there will be, growing sectors. What employers are looking for skills. How the job market might change in the future. Many people change jobs/careers during their working life so it’s important to know about the labour market to help with choices. Introduce LMI activity.

16 Employment trends all sectors are more dependent on ICT/digital
Skills Development Scotland Employment trends all sectors are more dependent on ICT/digital more highly qualified jobs flexible working several job / career changes lifelong learning and gaining qualifications geographic mobility – global labour market technological changes – robots taking over? The digital world is expanding and more sectors of employment are becoming more dependent on it. The next technological innovation is always just around the corner. This means that exciting jobs could include creating a bionic limb, creating the next big mobile platform or developing life changing artificial intelligence technology which changes the world. All of these opportunities are possible for individuals who get involved in the digital technology sector. In the future there will be different routes to degree and post graduate level qualifications e.g.; Apprenticeships – available NOW!!! New laws are currently being introduced around flexible working allowing individuals to balance life and work i.e.; not 9am to 5pm Job changes for you may include changing job with the same employer or a complete change of career We all need to ensure we keep learning throughout life, knowledge and skills continue to change i.e., look at pace of technology at moment Due to a Global labour market employment opportunities may not be on your door step you may have to look further afield. Also more and more industry is clustering specialisms to areas e.g. Dundee Bio-sciences, electronics – video games market, Glasgow Merchant City Creative Arts, Scotland's technology sector includes some of the world's largest technology companies from small start-ups to international companies like Skyscanner, Fanduel and Amazon.

17 Sectoral Outlook, Forth Valley
Forecast net employment change The greatest employment increases in Forth Valley over the coming decade are expected to come from health and social work, construction, support and professional services. The chart is sorted by levels of net employment change; the percentage net employment change is also shown. As with any forecasts, especially below the national level, these should not be seen as a precise indication of what will happen. Rather they indicate a likely future, given a continuation of past patterns of behaviour and performance. Source: Working Futures

18 People employed in the industries in Scotland
Construction – 178,400 Food and Drink – 115,400 Creative Industries – 68,500 Retail – 246,000 Tourism – 211,200 Energy – 125,000 Engineering – 126,720 Financial Services – 84,700 Activity LMI info map of Scotland. This activity is to raise awareness of the amount and variety of jobs that are out there... How many jobs do you think are out there? My World of Work has over 700 job profiles to look at and more are being added. Use some of the LMI facts to highlight some of the industries. Chemical Sciences – 79,000 ICT & Digital Technologies – 73,000 Health Care & Social Services – 337,000 Life Sciences– 35,000 Skills Development Scotland

19 Alison Adam Careers Coach Facebook & Twitter
Skills Development Scotland Alison Adam Careers Coach Facebook & Twitter We’re here to help How pupils can make appointments with CA Where they can find CA and days in school – drop in sessions etc` Contact details and information about post-school support including information about local SDS centre Drop in Room 157 lunchtime

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