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18:00 depressive episode 27:00 depressive episode with psychotic

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Presentation on theme: "18:00 depressive episode 27:00 depressive episode with psychotic"— Presentation transcript:

1 18:00 depressive episode 27:00 depressive episode with psychotic 31:00 cyclothymia 8:00 hypomania 11:00 mania World of Abormal Psychology 6:00-14:15 16:30 – 47:50 47:50 – 53:00 Treatment

2 Depression and Bipolar Disorders

3 Robert Burton (1621)

4 Mood Disorders: DSM IV & V
Depressive Disorders Major Depressive Episode Unipolar Depression Dysthymic Disorder Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Bipolar II Cyclothymic Disorder

5 DSM – IV Mood Disorders Depressive Dis. Bipolar Dis. -Maj. Dep. Episode - Bipolar 1 - Bipolar 2 -Dysthymic - Cyclothymic

6 DSM – V Depressive Disorders
Major Depressive Episode Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

7 DSM – V Bipolar Disorders
- Cyclothymic

8 Major Symptoms in Depression
Mood Sx Cognitive Sx Motor Sx Somatic Sx

9 Concepts in Depression
Retarded Depression Agitated Depression Melancholia Seasonal Affective Disorder

10 Melancholia Anhedonia No capacity to feel better

11 PDM Depressive Disorders
Affective: Two general emotional orientations: Anaclitc  feelings of helplessness, fears of abandonment, difficulty tolerating delay… Introjective  harsh, punitive, unrelenting self-criticism Cognitive Patterns: Guilt, fantasies of loss of approval, recognition and love, inability to make decisions, low self-regard, suicidal ideas, impaired memory Somatic States: Loss of sexual desire, physical irritability, restlessness, physical complaints (e.g., headache, back pain) with no pathophysiology to account for. Change in appetite  weight gain or loss Fatigue, low energy, and lethargy Relationship Patterns: Insatiable neediness and/or demanding hostility

12 Major Symptoms of Manic Episode
Mood Sx Cognitive Sx Motor Sx Somatic Sx

13 PDM Bipolar Disorders – Manic States
Affective: intense pleasure or euphoria, intense irritability, hypersensitive to insult and rejection; excessive energy (disruptive); a sense of infinite power, ability and creativity Cognitive Patterns: fantasies of invincibility and exceptional talent; difficulty thinking clearly, logically; fear that they cannot hold onto their thoughts; sometimes thoughts are highly disoriented, sometimes are freeing and joyful. Somatic States: restlessness and sleeplessness; physically invigorated and aroused; intense and frequent sexual desire; physical exhaustion (may evoke suicidal depression) Relationship Patterns: unpredictable, chaotic, impulsive, and sexualized.

14 Other “Depressions” Grief or Loss Adjustment Disorders (dep. mood)
Completion of major task (dissertation) Postpartum Depression (can be dramatic & psychotic) College Life

15 Mother who killed son on subway dies of injuries
- A Toronto doctor who jumped in front of a subway train while cradling her baby son died of her injuries Saturday night. She had been in hospital for nine days. Suzanne Killinger-Johnson, 37, leapt in front of a moving train with her sleeping child around 7 a.m. Aug. 11. - The six-month-old boy, Cuyler, died instantly. Dr. Killinger-Johnson survived, but spent the past week in intensive care with severe internal injuries. - "Dr. Killinger-Johnson died peacefully at 8:30 (p.m.)," confirmed Sandra Cruickshanks, head of public affairs at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, early Sunday morning.

16 Vulnerability to Depression
Past depression Object loss in childhood Poor social skills Genetic components Personality Dysfunctional Attitudes

17 Personality Vulnerability
Passive Dependent Personality Achievement vs Dependency Personality Self-Oriented Perfectionism DIATHESIS STRESS IMPORTANT

18 Personality Achievement Dependency

19 Unhappiness and Depression
Continuity Hypothesis Dichotomy Hypothesis

20 Continuity [_↓____ ________↓________↓__ ____↓_]
Depression Level [_↓____ ________↓________↓__ ____↓_] Mild Subclinical Clinical Severe

21 Dichotomy Dysphoria Depression

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