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Math ELA Writing Workshop Social Studies Science

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1 Math ELA Writing Workshop Social Studies Science
Dear Parents/Guardians, I can’t believe it is already the end of February/beginning of March. Time is surely flying! Here is what we’ve been up to in class 5M! In February, we were working on... Math Go-Math Chapter 7 Multiplying Fractions On-line Zearn Math ELA Literary Analysis Testing as Genre Writing Workshop Publishing & Presenting Literary Essays “Black Out” Poetry Social Studies Government in the Western Hemisphere Black History Month Science Stars & Galaxies 5th Grade Trip to Baldwin Middle School Thursday, March 9th Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday March 23rd 6:00-9:00 P.M. Friday March 24th 8:30 A.M.-3:00 P.M. No School for Elementary Students Friday, March 24th New York State ELA Testing March 28th-March 30th Glance at the Month Ahead In Reading Workshop, we will continue our unit on Testing as Genre In Writing Workshop, we will be continuing Poetry and working on constructed responses In Math, we will be starting Chapter 8 of Go-Math – Dividing Fractions In Science, we will be learning about Earth in Space In Social Studies, we will be continuing our study on Government in the Western Hemisphere Please encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes each night & complete their Reading Response each week. Reading Responses are due every Friday and can either be handwritten or submitted on Google Classroom. Please stress the importance of completing homework each night & studying for upcoming tests. Fondly, Mrs. Maywald

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