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Core LIMS Training: CoreScripts
Course Topics Definitions Traversal CoreScripts Update CoreScripts
Configuring CoreScripts Triggers Examples Note: This training assumes that you have reviewed and understand Basic Administration Training and the Triggers Training 4/15/2018 Confidential
What are CoreScripts? CoreScripts are ways to quickly add modular pieces of code without compiling a new build CoreScripts can be used to automatically push or pull data from one LIMS record to another; it is useful for automating redundant data entry Core Scripts can also be used to automatically transform data in a record CoreScripts use a simple, proprietary coding language CoreScripts are called by a trigger CORESCRIPTS is an entity type under super type TRIGGER IMPL; these trigger records store the code 4/15/2018 Confidential
Parts of a CoreScript There are 2 main parts of a CoreScript
Traversal - part that retrieves the entities the script will act on (conceptually similar to declaring variables) Update - part that operates on one or more entities Each section of the script is stored in a separate attribute on the CoreScripts Tigger Impl record You are not required to have traversal part for every CoreScript Scripts are read left to right Left side generally contains commands to retrieve entities Middle may contain commands to traverse or other manipulations Right side of script gives temporary key or final location to store results 4/15/2018 Confidential
CoreScript Syntax Each script part will be enclosed in square brackets [] COMMANDS and KEYS are prefixed with a dollar sign $ Values and key names will be enclosed in curly brackets {} Periods are used to separate commands and keys within a script Commas are used to separate scripts from each other or to separate retrieval (get) functions from storing (set) functions You can space a script across multiple lines to make it easier to read 4/15/2018 Confidential
Relative Entity Traversal
A traversal script has the general format: [ ${ENTITY }.$COMMAND{VALUE}.$COMMAND{VALUE}….. , ${KEY} ] which can also be written: [ ${ENTITY }.$COMMAND{VALUE}.$COMMAND{VALUE}….. , ${KEY} ] 4/15/2018 Confidential
Traversal Commands Command Description Value ATN
Get an entity by name stored in an attribute Name of attribute ATB Get an entity by barcode stored in an attribute ASC Get entities by association context Context AST Get entities by association type Associated type ASTP Get parent entities by association type CELL Get cells in a container / experiment container Cell number or blank = all cells EXC Get experiment containers in experiment EXDB Get entity by barcode stored in experiment data in experiment samples Name of experiment data attribute EXDID Get entity by ID stored in experiment data in experiment samples EXDN Get entity by name stored in experiment data in experiment samples EXS Get experiment samples in experiment / experiment container Sample type or blank = all experiment samples 4/15/2018 Confidential
Keys You can name keys anything you want (but it is a good idea to name keys by what data they are holding to make it easier to troubleshoot later) Keys are transiently stored – they cannot be called directly after a CoreScript is completed or shared between trigger records (trigger level scope) Most key values are assumed to be numeric (or a string with a barcode) Best practice is to enclose all string values used in the get part of an update script in double quotes “”around the {key}.Tip: You can put quotes around a number if you are not going to use it in math expressions There is one special pre-named key ${this} – it represents the entity that the trigger is running on 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Simple Entity Traversal
CoreScript: [ ${this}.$ATB{ci_uptest_atb}, ${ATB_TEST} ] Description: Traverse from the entity with the trigger to the barcode that is stored in the attribute named “ci_uptest_atb”. Store the resulting entity in the key ${ATB_TEST}. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Entity Traversal Across Multiple Levels
CoreScript: [ ${this}.$ATB{ci_uptest_atb}.$ASC{SUPER SCRIPT} , ${SCRIPTS} ] Description: Traverse from the entity with the trigger to the barcode that is stored in the attribute named “ci_uptest_atb”. Now traverse from here to all associations with the context “SUPER SCRIPT”. Store these entities in the key ${SCRIPTS}. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Multiple Entity Traversals (Sample)
CoreScript: [ ${this}, ${SAMPLE_LOT} ], ${SAMPLE_LOT}. $ATB{ci_parent_lot}, ${PARENT_LOT} ${SAMPLE_LOT}. $ASC{CHILDREN}, ${CHILD_LOTS} ] Description: Store the entity in ${this} in a new key called ${SAMPLE_LOT}. Traverse from the SAMPLE_LOT entity to the barcode that is stored in the attribute named “ci_parent_lot”, and store that entity in the key ${PARENT_LOT}. Now traverse from the SAMPLE_LOT entity to all associations with the context “CHILDREN”, and store these entities in the key ${CHILD_LOTS}. Tip: Best practice is to name keys to clearly indicate what data they are holding 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Multiple Entity Traversals (Expt)
CoreScript: [ ${this}, ${EXPERIMENT} ], ${EXPERIMENT}. $EXS{}, ${EX_SAMPLES} ${EX_SAMPLES}. $EXDB{ci_minted_lot}, ${MINTED_LOTS} ] Description: Store the entity in ${this} in a new key called ${EXPERIMENT}. Traverse from the EXPERIMENT entity to all of its experiment samples, and store those entities in the key ${EX_SAMPLES}. Now traverse from the EX_SAMPLES entities to the barcode that is stored in the experiment data attribute named “ci_minted_lot”. Store these entities in the key ${MINTED_LOTS}. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Update Script An update script has the general format:
[ Value , Destination ] which can also be written: [ ${SOURCE KEY}.$COMMAND{VALUE}, ${DESTINATION KEY}.$COMMAND{VALUE} ] 4/15/2018 Confidential
Update Get Value Commands
Description Value AT Get the value of an attribute Name of attribute ASC Get comma delimited IDs by association context Association context EXD Get the value of experiment data by attribute name Attribute name JEP Get the value of a stored result by variable name Variable name UNIQ Get the value of a unique attribute (like name, barcode, sequence, ID) by unique attribute name Unique attribute name UNIQC Get the value of an unique attribute (like ID, unit, amount) by unique attribute name for a cell 4/15/2018 Confidential
Update Destination Commands
Description Value AT Store result in the attribute by name Name of attribute ASC Store IDs as an association with context Association context JEP Store result in a JEP key Variable name UNIQ Store result in a unique attribute (like name, barcode, sequence, ID) Unique attribute name 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Copy Attribute Script
Tip: String attributes of the get part of statement should be contained in double quotes CoreScript: [ “${source}.$AT{ci_source_value}”, ${destination}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] Description: Retrieve the value contained in the attribute named “ci_source_value” on the entities contained in the key ${source} and store them in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entities stored in the ${destination} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Copy Association Script
CoreScript: [ “${source}.$ASC{SUPER SCRIPT}”, ${destination}.$ASC{REALLY SUPER SCRIPT} ] Description: Retrieve the associations with the context “SUPER SCRIPT” on the entities contained in the key ${source} and copy them to the entities stored in the destination key ${destination} with the context “REALLY SUPER SCRIPT”. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Copy Association Script of Parents
CoreScript: [ “${source}.$ASTP{EMPLOYEE}”, ${destination}.$ASC{NAME} ] Description: Retrieve the parent associations with the context “EMPLOYEE” on the entities contained in the key ${source}. Copy them to the entities stored in the destination key ${destination} with the context “NAME”. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Unique Attributes and Associations
LIMS objects have some special built-in attributes that are not like ordinary LIMS attributes Examples are barcode or name of an entity These attributes are required to be on all entity types by default Admins can not modify or remove these attributes Similarly there are implicit associations that are hard-coded that you may need to access An example is the association between a sample and a lot CoreScripts can access unique attributes and associations with the UNIQ command Unique attributes are named: ci_Bean_name Bean (or class name) is the LIMS Object name is the name of the attribute 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names
Description Entity id Samples and most other objects in the LIMS will use “Entity” as the Bean; id is the system entity id (typically a unique 7 digit number) name The name of the entity barcode The barcode of the entity active Boolean to determine if an entity is currently available for public viewing/querying or not locationID Barcode of a location where entity is currently stored sequence Numeric position of record in the database for the entity type hasSignatureEvent If track signatures is enforced, then this is a Boolean to indicate whether a record has been signed (typically used in ELN) likedBy Indicates which employees have clicked on the “Like” icon on a specific LIMS record (all records except employee) followedBy Indicates which employees have clicked on the “Follow” icon of a specific employee record json Returns the json representation of the entity 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 2
Description Employee firstName First name of an employee lastName Last name of an employee userName Name a user uses to log into the Core LIMS address of employee Event protocolId Enitity ID of a protocol associated with the action employeeId Entity ID of employee who performed the action instrumentId Entity ID of instrument that performed the action signed Boolean to indicate if event was confirmed with a signature 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 3
Description Experiment hasRawData Boolean to indicate if an experiment has raw, unprocessed data or not hasIntermediateData Boolean to indicate if an experiment has data calculated from raw data values or not Experiment Container id Entity ID of the experiment container experimentId Entity ID of the experiment containerId Entity ID of the container sequence Numeric position of record in the database for experiment container accept Boolean to indicate if user accepted the container as valid data 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 4
Description Experiment Sample experimentId Entity ID of the experiment sampleEntityId Entity ID of the sample concentrationNanoMolar Concentration of sample (stored in nM) experimentContainerId Entity ID of the experiment container cell Numeric position in a multiple well container sequence Numeric position of record in the database for experiment sample accept Boolean to indicate if user accepted the sample as valid data grouping Indicates how data should be aggregated concUnit Unit for the sample concentration (used when users input data or for displays; data will be converted to nM for storage) 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 5
Description Location parentLocationId Entity ID of the parent location capacity Total amount of items a location can hold count Current amount of items a location is holding LocationFormat id Entity ID of the location format name Name of the location format description Description of the location format cellCount Total number of cell positions in the location matrix Lot lot Entity ID of the lot sampleId Entity ID of the sample 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 6
Description Printer isOpen Boolean to indicate whether printer is available for printing lableTypeId Entity ID of the label writerType Indicates whether to write to a file or a printer; options are FileWriter or PrintWriter filePath Describes the location a file will be written to if output is a file Container locationID Barcode of a location where the container is currently stored Container Format id Entity ID of the location format name Name of the location format description Description of the location format cellCount Total number of cell positions in the location matrix Molecules smiles Simple line notation to describe chemical structures formula Chemical formula which describes the numbers of each atom in a molecule molecularWeight The mass of a molecule mdlNumber Registration number of a structure in the MDL database sampleID Entity ID of a sample molecule 4/15/2018 Confidential
Available Beans and Attribute Names - 7
Description Cell id Entity ID of the specific cell containerID Entity ID of the parent container cell Numeric sequence of the specific cell amount Physical amount of the sample lot in the cell unit Unit for the amount of sample lot movedAmount Amount of material transferred between container cells movedAmountUnit Unit for the amount of transferred solventAmount Amount of solvent in the cell eventId Entity ID of the transfer event 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Script With Unique Attributes
CoreScript: [ “${PRIMER_LOT}.$UNIQ{ci_Lot_barcode}”, ${DESTINATION}.$AT{ci_primer_lot} ], “${EXPERIMENT_SAMPLE}.$EXD{ci_primer_name}”, ${SAMPLE}.$UNIQ{ci_Entity_name} ] Description: Retrieve the barcode from the Lot entity inside the ${PRIMER_LOT} key and store that barcode in the attribute “ci_primer_lot” on the entity inside the ${DESTINATION} key. Next, retrieve the value from the experiment data “ci_primer_name” that is on the experiment sample inside ${EXPERIMENT_SAMPLE}. Store this value as the name of the entity contained in the ${SAMPLE} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Mathematical Expressions
CoreScripts use JEP (Java Expression Parser) functions to manipulate values All common arithmetic operators and mathematical functions are supported For complete documentation on all supported commands, see: Use parenthesis () to enclose expressions that need to be operated on by a JEP function JEP functions are also used in user-defined equations in the LIMS 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Simple Expression
CoreScript: [ max( ${sources}.$AT{ci_source_value} ) + 10, ${destinations}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] Description: Retrieve the value contained in the attribute named “ci_source_value” on the entities contained in the key ${sources}. Take the max of those values and add 10 to it. Now store the result of this expression in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entities stored in the ${destinations} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Conditional Expression
CoreScript: [ if( ${source1}.$AT{ci_source_value} > ${source2}.$AT{ci_source_value}, “TRUE”,”FALSE”), ${destination}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] Description: Retrieve the value contained in the attribute named “ci_source_value” on the entity contained in the key ${source1} and retrieve the value contained in the attribute named “ci_source_value” on the entity contained in the key ${source2}. If ${source1} is greater than ${source2} then return “TRUE” , else return “FALSE”. Now store the result of this expression in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entity stored in the ${destination} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Storing in Variables You can store expressions within variables for later use without storing it more permanently in an entity in the LIMS To call or store these variables, you use the CoreScripts JEP command (Note: these are NOT the JEP mathematical functions) The format of these expressions is still [Value, Destination] Value is typically is some complicated expression using JEP functions Destination is the variable name which uses the format: $JEP{RESULT}.${variable name} You can name variable name anything you want 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Script Using Variables
CoreScript: [ 1000 * 1000 , $JEP{RESULT}.${MATH} ], $JEP{RESULT}.${MATH} * 2, ${destination}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] Description: Take the result of 1000 * 1000 and store that in the variable $JEP{RESULT}.${MATH}. Now multiply the value in the variable $JEP{RESULT}.${MATH} by 2, and put that result in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entity stored in the ${destination} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Automatic Variables If you stored results in a destination key, a JEP variable is automatically created behind the scenes It is automatically named using the format: $JEP{RESULT}.${number} where number is the number of scripts that are executed so far You can call either the destination key or the automatic JEP variable Can be useful if you are reusing a variable and the value in the destination key has been updated to a different value Also useful if you don’t want to repeat complicated expression 4/15/2018 Confidential
Example Script Using Auto-Named Variables
CoreScript: [ 1000 * 1000, ${destination}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] , $JEP{RESULT}.${1} * 2, ${destination2}.$AT{ci_destination_value} ] Description: Take the result of 1000 * 1000 and store that in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entity stored in the ${destination} key and by default the convenience key $JEP{RESULT}.${1}. Now multiply the value in the automatic variable $JEP{RESULT}.${1} by 2 and put that result in the attribute named “ci_destination_value” on the entity stored in the ${destination2} key. 4/15/2018 Confidential
Trigger Implementation Details
CoreScripts will be stored in records under the TRIGGER IMPL super type in the Main Admin Panel The entity type will be called either CORESCRIPTS or UNIVERSAL_UPDATE_TRIGGER Tip: See Triggers slide deck for more details on how to configure triggers 4/15/2018 Confidential
CoreScripts Attributes
ci_relative_entities - textbox to enter traversal part of script ci_trigger_action_type - this allows you to select which events fire the trigger ci_update_script – textbox to enter update part of script Implementation Class - code the trigger uses (com.coreinformatics.core.trigger.impl.UniversalUpdateTriggerImpl) ci_trigger_description - the description is important so others can reuse the same trigger correctly – always fill out this detail! 4/15/2018 Confidential
Text Editor Tip Tip: To simplify troubleshooting, it is recommended to write/edit scripts in a text editor first and then copy/paste into the LIMS text box The LIMS will remove all carriage returns and display the script in one line in the Details record 4/15/2018 Confidential
Copying Boat Attributes Example
An example CoreScript record The Trigger will be set on the Boat Entity on create and update 4/15/2018 Confidential
Boat Record Pre-Populated From Trigger
ci_boat_color was selected during record creation ci_boat_text was populated automatically from trigger ci_boat_num was populated automatically from trigger from ENG2 association 4/15/2018 Confidential
Troubleshooting? Check the Tomcat logs (sdout file) for errors
4/15/2018 Confidential
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