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Groundwater – the well is dry

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1 Groundwater – the well is dry
Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources May 27, 2016

2 “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” Benjamin Franklin

3 Well Dry? Depth of water in the well. How much water can be pumped economically and sustainably? Quality of water in the well. What should be the quality of the water in the well so that it could be used for domestic or agricultural purpose?

4 Groundwater in Pakistan
One of the largest groundwater resources of the world (4th after India, USA and China) Supplement over 60% of the surface water supplies Over 90% drinking water and 100% industrial water comes from groundwater Helped increase cropping intensity from 63% (1947) to 150% (2010)

5 Groundwater Issues/Challenges
In the Indus Basin, the native groundwater is saline due to underlying marine geological formations A thin freshwater layer exists over this saline formation as a result of seepage from the rivers and the irrigation systems No groundwater regulatory framework. Anyone can install any number of wells of any capacity, at any depth and can pump any amount of water at any time In 1960, the No. of tubewells in Pakistan were about 20,000 which have now increased to over one million This practice has led to the groundwater depletion, both quantitatively and qualitatively It has been reported that out of 43 canal commands, the water table was declining in 26 canal commands due to rapid increase in groundwater abstraction Similar is the situation in large cities where water table is depleting at an alarming rate In Balochistan, the groundwater is depleting in many basins particularly in the Pishin-Lora and Nari basins Drying up of the centuries old karez irrigation system

6 Growth of Tubewells in Pakistan

7 Groundwater Balance in Basins of Balochistan (BCM)
Average Recharge People Livestock Agriculture Total Balance Dasht river 0.100 0.013 0.012 0.069 0.094 0.006 Gaj River 0.070 0.001 0.072 -0.002 Gawadar-Ormara 0.040 0.004 0.003 0.017 0.025 0.015 Hamun-e-Lora 0.139 0.141 -0.101 Hamun-e-Mashkel 0.300 0.008 0.007 0.027 0.273 Hingol River 0.200 0.005 0.156 0.168 0.032 Hub River 0.080 0.086 0.088 -0.008 Kachhi P:lain 0.180 0.140 0.169 0.011 Kadanal River 0.030 0.000 0.110 0.115 -0.085 Kaha 0.190 0.315 0.319 -0.129 Kand River 0.010 0.018 0.019 -0.009 Kunder River 0.050 0.048 0.002 Mula river 0.120 0.126 0.129 Nari River 0.270 0.171 0.090 Pishin Lora 0.170 0.024 0.029 0.513 0.566 -0.396 Porali River 0.142 0.146 -0.006 Rakshan River 0.075 0.081 -0.031 Zhob River 0.160 0.267 -0.110 Balochistan 2.210 0.091 0.054 2.474 2.659 -0.459

8 Groundwater Investigation and Mapping
Groundwater mapping and management has been a neglected subject in Pakistan A few studies were conducted by individuals or some institution such as International Water Management Institute (IWMI) on a limited scale. In 2003, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) started mapping the groundwater in the Upper Indus basin with the financial support of the Government of Pakistan through Ministry of Science and Technology. Various techniques such as electrical resistivity, seismic, induced polarization and gravity were used to determine the quantity and quality of groundwater. Moreover, exploratory well drilling and isotopes were also used. So far four doabs (the area between the two rivers) i.e. Thal, Chaj, Rechna and Bari have been mapped. The groundwater mapping is very important for the design of tubewells and developing operational strategies In the second phase, survey and mapping of the Lower Indus Basin has been started. This would help manage groundwater in the Indus basin.

9 Groundwater Quality in the Upper Indus Basin (dS/m)

10 Groundwater Quality Problems
Industrial and municipal effluents are the major sources of groundwater contamination Contamination of freshwater due to lateral and horizontal movement of saline water, drainage effluents and disposal of saline water into canals/rivers Solid municipal waste sites in all the cities are the permanent source of organic and biological pollution The studies conducted by PCRWR found four major contaminants in the groundwater which also the main source of drinking water in the country. These contaminants are: micro biological (fecal coliform), arsenic, nitrate and fluoride

11 Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Program (2002-2006)

12 Drinking Water Quality Profile of Rural Areas (2004-2011)
Sr. No. Province Districts Tehsils Union Councils Villages Samples Collected No. of Water Samples Safe Unsafe No. %age 1 Punjab 12 49 1227 2090 10440 2183 21 8257 79 2 Sindh 3 54 149 745 212 28 533 72 KP 4 6 211 240 1200 89 7 1111 93 Balochistan 298 1465 05 0.3 1460 99 5 Federal Capital Area 30 150 61 41 59 Total 24 80 1567 2807 14000 2550 18 11450 82

13 Technical Assessment of Water Supply Schemes (2006-2012)
Province Districts surveyed Water supply schemes Surveyed water supply schemes Functional Samples safe for drinking (%age) Total Urban Rural Punjab 33 4100 3883 746 3137 2725 17 23 Sindh 22 1300 1247 123 1124 529 5 KP 16 3000 2203 474 1729 1710 63 26 Balochistan 14 1600 1034 480 554 968 20 13 GB/AJK/FATA 10 2000 1794 18 1776 1379 8 2 95 12000 10161 1841 8320 7311

14 Major Contaminants Wide spread Bacterial Contamination (All over the country) Arsenic Contamination (Punjab & Sindh) Fluoride & Nitrate Contamination (Balochistan, KP & Punjab)

15 Sustainable Groundwater Management
Increase the Resource Base Rainwater harvesting: small, medium dams, ponds, micro catchments, rooftop) Groundwater recharge (integrated watershed management approach) Moisture conservation - spate irrigation, deep tillage, terracing etc. Manage the Available Water Resources Improving the conveyance efficiency: watercourse lining/improvement Using high efficiency irrigation systems: Changing the existing cropping pattern - introducing less water requiring crops/plants Controlling installation of tubewells in active recharging zones of Karezes Use of non conventional water resources; saline water wastewater etc. Adopting proper irrigation scheduling Educate the people Mass awareness campaign for water development, conservation and management Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace (Confucius)

16 An Arabic Phrase Into the well from which you drink don't throw stones

17 Thank you

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