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Alaska Measures of Progress District Test Coordinator Webinar Presented by: Ryan Jensen March 8, 2016 Webinar Logistics: Audio will be streamed through.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska Measures of Progress District Test Coordinator Webinar Presented by: Ryan Jensen March 8, 2016 Webinar Logistics: Audio will be streamed through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska Measures of Progress District Test Coordinator Webinar Presented by: Ryan Jensen March 8, 2016 Webinar Logistics: Audio will be streamed through Microsoft Lync (Skype for Business). Audio is also available by calling Pin: , press *6 to mute yourself. Please hold questions until the end. All questions must be asked through the chat box in the bottom corner.


3 Agenda Preparing for the Operational Window How-To Guides
Monitoring Assessments Special Circumstance Codes Incident Updates and Resolutions Upcoming Dates Upcoming Webinar Service Desk Q&A

4 Preparing for the Operational Window
Verify data with extracts Accessibility Profile Test Records Student Login Usernames/Passwords Exit students if necessary Ensure LCS and Client are current Review Daily Access Code process In system: In building

5 How-To Guides
Monitor a test session DTCs, BTCs, and Building Principals Enter Special Circumstance codes DTCs and BTCs Manage student usernames and passwords DTCs, BTCs, Building Principals, Building Users, and Teachers Create a test administration extract End and reactivate a test stage Retrieve daily access codes DTCs, BTCs, Building Principals, and Technology Directors

6 Monitoring Assessments
Monitoring in Educator Portal Select Test Session Name in Test Coordination tab =answered, =unanswered, **=not assigned (not shown) GT comment: please point out what Section 1:1 means. Callout

7 Monitoring Assessments Cont’d
Four possible statuses Unused—student is ready to begin the selected stage Pending—student has not submitted previous stage In Progress—stage has been started but not submitted Complete—stage has been submitted GT: Point out that unused will be available to the student in the KITE client. GT: Can you put the example chart on its own slide and go through each example?

8 Monitoring Assessments

9 Monitoring Assessments
Monitoring with Test Administration extract Status can be ‘Not started’, ‘In progress’, or ‘Complete’ Pending stages will not appear GT: Can you please show how to filter an excel sheet and maybe work through one of the examples I gave?

10 Special Circumstance Codes
Used to invalidate entire test Enter on stage 1 Available codes Absent (for entire window--should be used rarely) Student refusal Parent refusal Medical waiver Invalidation Enter by May 13, 2016—no deadline extensions available Contact service desk for large uploads

11 Incident Updates and Resolutions
Intermittent reports of uploads and extracts lagging Development team investigating

12 Upcoming Deadlines Printed Test Administration Directions will arrive in districts by March 8, 2016. Paper-based window: March 28-April 8 Paper-based materials shipped to Questar by April 15 Computer-based window: March 29-April 29 Special circumstance codes entered by May 13* *computer-based only. Codes for paper-based should be marked on returned tests

13 Upcoming Webinar This testing year’s last webinar will be the Technology Director webinar on Thursday, March 10

14 Service Desk Phone Contact Email Contact Hours of Service
Contact Hours of Service Open Monday-Friday, 4:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. AKST Extended hours: 4:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. AKDT March 28-May 6. What to include? Your name and address Your state, district, and school An example student if applicable An assessment name or ID if applicable Error messages Operating system and browser Information about network configuration, firewall, and LCS

15 Service Desk Toll Free: 1-844-261-6597
THANK YOU! Service Desk Toll Free:

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