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Parent Surveys Welcome! We would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments to complete the Etiwanda District’s Parent Survey... Please click.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Surveys Welcome! We would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments to complete the Etiwanda District’s Parent Survey... Please click."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Surveys Welcome! We would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments to complete the Etiwanda District’s Parent Survey... Please click on the “apps” icon at the lower left of the chrome book’s screen and select “Parent Survey.” We truly value your input! Thank you!!

2 Mrs.Ristic’s 4th Grade Class

3 All About Windrows ●School Hours •Begins-8:15 A.M.
•Dismissal-1:15 P.M. Mondays. •Dismissal-2:45 P.M. Tues.-Thurs. ●Tardies and Absences •Students later than 8:15 A.M. must get a late pass from office. ●Absences must be cleared. ●Absent work should be completed in a timely manner.

4 Classroom Community Pillars of Character Our class rules are:
Do your best Eyes forward and listen Raise your hand Be respectful Follow directions Respect school and personal property. Don’t bother others who are working quietly. Pillars of Character

5 Classroom Policies Students will be rewarded by verbal praise, special privileges, awards, and positive notes home. Consequences: Tickets, phone call home, other as deemed necessary 4/19/2018

6 Communication Weekly Newsletters: Tests and assignments are stapled to newsletter Teacher Website: School Phone: (909) Don’t forget to sign up for Aeries 4/19/2018

7 Morning Warm-Up Daily Math Preview/Review (MPR)
New concepts are introduced and practiced prior to text assignments. MPR test every Friday 7

8 Morning Warm-Up Cont. DLI – (Daily Language Instruction)
- Tests every Friday I Can – (Comprehension practice)

9 Math Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math Focus on 3 critical areas:
Multi-digit multiplication and division Understanding of fractions Understanding of geometric figures and their properties Area and perimeter Word problems Students must master their multiplication facts – Math Pro 9


11 Resources

12 Please ensure you click on G4 Materials to access 4th grade items.
*Practice Book-Homework pages that can be printed from home if necessary *Student Edition ebook-Classroom workbook pages *Reteach-Extra practice and support *Enrich-Additional enrichment pages for students who like a challenge *Math on the Spot- Videos that reteach concepts for each lesson *Interactive-Computerized skill practice (Personal Math Trainer) Please ensure you click on G4 Materials to access 4th grade items.

13 Math Pro Students must complete 202 multiplication problems in 10 minutes or less with no more than 5 errors. Students must be Math Pro by September 30th. Extra homework will be given to the students who are not Math Pro.

14 Language Arts: 10:30 – 12:15 Wonders Reading Series Literary Text
Informational Text Close Reading Skills Fluency Vocabulary and Spelling every week: Students will have homework in both spelling and vocabulary. I will try to alternate between days. Tests are on Fridays. has the lists for the year and practice available; Students will frequently take tests on this site.

15 Here is how to access a language arts assignment from home with connectED…

16 Students use their AR usernames (with the word “etiwanda” attached to the back) and their regular password. EX: cristetiwanda School1A



19 You can access homework from the “Your Turn” resource or read upcoming stories in the “Reading/Writing Workshop” and “Literature Anthology.” There is even an option to have the passage read aloud to your child. The Reading Writing Workshop has weekly vocabulary words as well.

20 Writing Unit 1: Narrative Text: *Friendly Letter *Personal Narrative Unit 2: Informative Text: *Explanatory Essay *How-To Text Unit 3: Opinion Writing: *Book Review *Opinion Essay

21 Unit 4: Narrative Text/Poetry. Fictional Narrative
Unit 4: Narrative Text/Poetry *Fictional Narrative *Poetry Unit 5: Informative Text *Expository Letter *Research Report Unit 6: Opinion Writing *Book Review *Opinion Essay

22 i-Ready Students will be working on i-Ready Tuesday-Thursday for 30 minutes in class. Students are welcome to work from home.

23 Renaissance (A.R.) Students will be graded on their effort each month.
Goal: 4th grade should have a minimum of 9-10 points each month to earn an “A”. Renaissance Home Connect is available for parents to view students, quiz, or test results. There is also a link from The Windrows website. 23

24 Battle of the Books It is optional.
4th graders need to read 20 out of 30. Culminates in a district wide competition in April. The students will have an opportunity to earn prizes. I will read a few of them throughout the year.

25 Listening and Speaking
Monthly Poems (recited in front of the class or in special instances one-on-one with the teacher; this will begin next month) Student Presentations (PowerPoints, Google Slides, in-class projects, group projects) Listening Quizzes Listening skills during presentations

26 Social Studies 4th Grade California’s Geography
Native Americans of California Mission/Rancho Era Gold Rush 26

27 PE PE is scheduled Tuesday and Thursdays from 1:30-2:20.
Mr. Bolton is the PE teacher. Please wear or bring comfortable shoes on those days. Possible PE games on Fridays.

28 Homework Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday nights. This includes 30 minutes of reading. Students will copy homework each day in Student Planner. Incomplete or missing homework will result in no reward on Fridays, miss recess, and a yellow assignment ticket will be filled out. Posted Daily on my Website

29 Thursday Nights are Study Nights!
Please ensure that your child studies for the weekly quizzes. DLI MPR Spelling Vocabulary I Can! (Reading sheets)

30 TeacherWeb Email: Teacher Web Newsletters Spelling Words
Vocabulary Words Homework Poems posted Teacher Web or

31 Star of the Week Students bring 6-8 photographs and share items on Monday. They will share on Friday. We will also be interviewing star of the week.

32 Parent Conferences Conferences-September 26-30
End of the trimester is October 28 Before school and after school available. Please sign up for preferred day and time.

33 Volunteers Thank you for volunteering! Working with small groups
Reading/language arts/math 11:30 -12:15 12:55 – 1:30 Classroom parties (As needed)

34 Birthdays May bring individual treats.
Should include a healthy choice. Keep in mind that there are students who have peanut allergies

35 Announcements Please join and support the Windrows PTA. Scrip
Help support our school by saving Boxtops for Education.

36 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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