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The s of Kindergarten.

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Presentation on theme: "The s of Kindergarten."— Presentation transcript:

1 The s of Kindergarten

2 is for… Attendance Much of our learning will take place together in class. We do lots of hands-on activities and group work. Please plan to attend school every day, except in cases of illness or emergency! Students need to be in the classroom by 7:55 and we will leave the room at 2:55.

3 is for… Behavior Logical consequences and guidance are the tools I use for building a family-like dynamic in our classroom. The rules will be discussed and practiced during the first weeks of school & as often as needed. A simple daily behavior report will be recorded on the Hotrod newsletter. If the  has been “x”ed out that means rules have been ignored and consequences will follow.

4 is for… Communication Please feel free to contact me by or call me at school with questions or concerns at any time. You can also send a note in your child’s communicator folder and I will get back with you as soon as possible. My planning time is 12:00-12:30. I am also available after school for parent meetings. We will have 2 scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences this year.

5 is for… READERS ARE LEADERS! Daily Literacy Lessons
Our class uses the Five Building Blocks of Literacy model for reading instruction. This program gives students opportunities to practice the skills being taught. When it is up and running smoothly, students will be engaged in a balanced literacy program which is comprised of phonemic awareness, phonics, word work, writing, and reading READERS ARE LEADERS!

6 This year your student will be learning letters, sounds, phonics, and sight words. We will be working on writing and comprehension of stories, as well. This is all preparation to get your student ready to read and understand!

7 This year in math your student will learn shapes, numbers to 100, number sense, skip counting, adding, and subtracting. Every nine weeks you will get a breakdown of all the skills. This will help continue the learning at home.

8 This year in science we will be studying plants, mothers and their offspring, space, weather, materials on Earth, life cycles, growth and change, five senses, needs of living things, solids and liquids, physical properties of matter, and motion. We will participate in the Science Fair, too!!!!

9 This year in social studies we will be studying citizenship, wants & needs, cultures, holidays, history, famous Tennesseans and more. Our class will learn to recite the Preamble to the Constitution.

10 is for… Emergencies Please make sure we have to correct emergency information on file for your student. If phone numbers change, you can call or send a note so your student’s file can be updated.

11 is for… Field Trips Our class will be going on two field trips this year. Permission slips must be returned for your child to attend. We will send these slips home in advance of any trip. If your child has three office referrals, the school may determine that attending the field trip is not an option for them.

12 is for… Gym Our class will have gym on Tuesdays every week. Please make sure your student wears tennis shoes on this day.

13 is for… Homework Your student will have homework Monday through Thursday. It should take about minutes and should come back to school the next day in the communicator folder.

14 is for… Independence Your Kindergartener is capable of doing many things by themselves. We encourage them to be independent and helpful. Autonomy can be awesome.

15 is for… Journals We will be using journals in reading, math, science, and social studies. These activities are a great way to collect all your student’s thinking in one spot.

16 is for… Kindness We will learn about being kind to others and ourselves every day. We will learn how to treat others the way we want to be treated.

17 is for… Lunch Our lunch time if from 11:15 until 11:40. If you come in during this time, be sure to sign in at the office and pick up a visitor's pass. Our school receives a grant that allows all students to receive a free lunch.

18 is for… Money When sending money to school, please put it in an envelope or baggie, and label it with its purpose. You can place it in your student’s folder.

19 is for… Newsletters Newsletters with class updates, learning goals, and current happenings will be sent home weekly. Keep this letter in the folder all week. I will remove it on Mondays to document behavior.

20 is for… Outside Outside play time (recess) will be in the afternoon and will be combined with snack time. Students may choose to eat their snack, then play or just play.

21 is for… Parties If you would like to help with a class party or provide snacks or favors, please let me know! Parent letters will be sent home for parties.

22 is for… Quizzes Your student’s progress will be monitored in the classroom. Students will be assessed in many different ways throughout the year, including but not limited to, daily checks, teacher observation, activities, their written work, tasks, formative assessments, and summative assessments.

23 is for… Reading Students will be learning alphabet, sounds, phonics, and sight words throughout the year to get them started on their way to reading. Please practice letters, sounds, and sight words, as well as, read with your student every night.

24 is for… Snack We have an afternoon snack every day. Please make healthy choices and remember we are peanut free. Send a drink box, too. No sodas! No candy!

25 is for… Teachers Students will meet and have a variety of teachers. They will attend Related Arts classes every day. Students will also have our Kindergarten assistant, Lesa Malone during some class times and activities. Some students may also work with Mrs. Amiee Ellis during RTI time.

26 is for… Useful

27 is for… Village “It takes a village to raise a child.” Together we are better. Parents + Teachers+ Community = Success

28 is for… Website Our school website is updated weekly. Teachers also have web pages with current & useful information for parents

29 is for… eXcellence At CVES, we strive for eXcellence. We believe that our students are worth it

30 is for… You You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
I know that we can work together this to make your child’s kindergarten school year a huge success!

31 is for… Zzzzz… Be sure to get lots of rest each night. School is hard work, but we have lots of fun, too.

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