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Internet entrepreneurship

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1 Internet entrepreneurship
“What you want, when you want …” Internet entrepreneurship

2 What is an internet entrepreneur?
An Internet Entrepreneur is someone who: spots an opportunity, creates a new business, and makes lots of money online, of course!

3 Let’s travel back in time to 1969

4 1969 Man on the Moon Woodstock Vietnam War, and …
Birth of the Internet

5 1969 – The first internet message

6 Arpanet 1969 October 29, 1969: Computers at Stanford in San Francisco and UCLA in Los Angeles connected for the first time Charley Kline November, 1969: Computers in Santa Barbara and Utah were also connected

7 1970 – arpanet reached east coast
13 connections

8 75% of all network activity
1971 – invented 75% of all network activity

9 1973 – connections overseas
Hawaii, London and Norway connected

10 1973 – file transfer invented

11 1983 – us military – milnet network
ARPAnet (Academic) & MILNET (Military)

12 1984 – domain names introduced
An easier way to identify and locate websites

13 1989 – world wide web proposed
Tim Berners-Lee

14 1990 – first commercial isp Dial-up, slow speed

15 1991 – first web page published

16 Amazon and Echo Bay have first online sales
1995 – birth of ecommerce Amazon and Echo Bay have first online sales

17 1996 – 45 million internet users
Internet in homes, ecommerce grows

18 2012 – Global internet map

19 2013 - 2.2 billion internet users

20 An internet entrepreneur’s story
‘How can I be a millionaire?’ Alex Tew, UK student Idea: To sell advertising space on a webpage Investment: 50 Euro (~$65) Status (August 26, 2005) penniless Status (January 11, 2006) millionaire Earned US$1,037,100 in 5 months

21 The million dollar homepage

22 The ‘dying’ web phenomenon
By March 2014, 22% of the web links on the Million Dollar Home Page were ‘dead’ of the 3066 links no longer linked to live websites. Of those links still working, quite a few no longer link to the original businesses – instead, they redirect you to pages of advertising now owned by ‘domain squatters’.

23 Another teen entrepreneur

24 famous internet entrepreneurs
Steve Jobs, Apple, $10.2 billion Bill Gates, Microsoft, $66 billion Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, $1.3 million Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, $9.4 billion

25 Even this guy Made $170 Mil in 3 yrs

26 facebook

27 More internet entrepreneurs
Jeff Bezos, Amazon, $23.2 billion Sergey Brin & Larry Page, Google, $37 billion combined

28 More internet entrepreneurs
Pierre Omidyar, eBay, $8.2 billion Andrew Gower, Runescape, $680 million

29 Money for old rope on ebay
A length of "smelly, useless" old rope has been sold in an internet auction. IT specialist Paul Fretter said in his advertisement: "I've heard of people getting money for old rope, so I thought I would try to see if it was true." The auction attracted 26,000 visits and around 25 bids. The metre-long rope was in a 1st Norwich Sea Scouts' storeroom and the $45 raised from the eBay sale will go to the group.

30 They became millionaires too …

31 You can even try it yourself

32 So what is internet entrepreneurship?
IT IS YOUR PASSION!!! Finding solutions to existing problems or improve something that already exists. See an opportunity & take it LOVE IT, PLAN IT, DO IT!

33 What makes a good ecommerce site?
The site is easy to read It is easy to navigate around It is easy to view It is quick to download There are no dead links

34 What makes a good ecommerce site?
The site uses fresh and up to date material The site contains clear and to the point information The site has considered its audience It is easy to contact the company Payment for products and services is easy and safe

35 Website evaluation Activity
Manchester United Brainpop FabricLand Rebel Sport Control Driving Skills Score each of these websites out of 10 for each of the ‘good webpage’ criteria

36 Sales pitch A sales pitch is a planned presentation of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the same product or service

37 Design it, sell it … Think of a product or a service which is unique
Design the homepage of a website for it Use the criteria for good commercial website design Present a sales pitch for your product or service

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