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Value Discovery Workshop Report

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Presentation on theme: "Value Discovery Workshop Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Value Discovery Workshop Report

2 Introduction > Agenda
Review Scenarios Determine Implementation Priorities Summarize and Workshop Outcomes

3 Introduction "Millennials will become the core customer within the hospitality and travel industries over the next five to ten years. Exploration, interaction and experience are the major focus of Millennials." Top 10 Hospitality Trends for 2014 Communicate securely and more effectively from anywhere to anyone from the device of your choice with others outside your organization, such as partners, suppliers, customers, or vendors. Empowers individuals to share skills and strengthens teams through more effective collaboration. Boost productivity by collaborating with your team in real time in a secure, centralized location. Save time cataloguing knowledge and finding expert and knowledge listed on sites. Stronger teams through community building.

4 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Discover relevant content and context to address guest queries and provide deeper level of engagement Does your process look like this?

5 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Discover relevant content and context to address guest queries and provide deeper level of engagement What You Need to Do Best-in-Class Respond quickly to queries with better access to the latest information and data. Staff can get all necessary people on same page quickly when decisions require input from managers, partners, other hotels, etc. Business Impact Inefficient workflows and reduced productivity

6 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Discover relevant content and context to address guest queries and provide deeper level of engagement A simplified process

7 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Discover relevant content and context to address guest queries and provide deeper level of engagement Impact of Doing Nothing Capabilities You Need Value Your Business Gets Expert input is not leveraged due to lack of tools to locate and communicate with relevant staff Tools to prepare comprehensive reports with engaging charts and graphs. Office Apps (Various chart types including tree map, waterfall, pareto, histogram, box and whisker, and sunburst.) Sway (Polished interactive reports. Presentations. Business storytelling.) Ability to create forecast charts based on historic data and to predict future trends. Office Apps (One-click forecast based on Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm.) Organizational and people analytics solutions that recommend and surface contextual content and relevant information. Delve (People and organization analytics.) Ability to locate colleagues from various departments and quickly connect with them for specific queries. Skype for Business (Instant messaging. Broadcasting.) Yammer (Yammer conversations. Yammer inbox.) Personalized dashboards to quickly browse important information, share reports, and collaborate on important data. Office Apps (Power BI. Publish Excel workbooks. Intuitive data-connecting and shaping. Various chart types including tree map, waterfall, pareto, histogram, box and whisker, and sunburst. Smart lookups. Power BI Pro.) Ability to discover service details and collaterals to answer guest queries and make personalized offers. Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business.)

8 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Conduct real-time meetings to keep everyone across hotel chain on same page for streamlining operations Does your process look like this?

9 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Conduct real-time meetings to keep everyone across hotel chain on same page for streamlining operations What You Need to Do Best-in-Class Create team work spaces with shared history and access to documents to make meetings more efficient. Materials are shared ahead of time to make meetings more effective Business Impact There is a cost overhead for hotel managers to travel to meeting

10 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Conduct real-time meetings to keep everyone across hotel chain on same page for streamlining operations A simplified process

11 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Conduct real-time meetings to keep everyone across hotel chain on same page for streamlining operations Impact of Doing Nothing Capabilities You Need Value Your Business Gets Meeting minutes need to be documented comprehensively for later reference Record meetings for future reference. Skype for Business (Record meetings.) Create and share new ideas with variety of multimedia on polished, interactive, web-based canvas. Skype for Business (One-click screen sharing.) Sway (Polished interactive reports. Presentations. Business storytelling.) Instantly message quick questions and get answers to enable faster decision-making. Skype for Business (Instant messaging. Rich presence.) Share meeting agenda and relevant documents via centralized library. Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business.) Customized, chat-centered team work spaces provide instant, secure access to content and flexible communication. Microsoft Teams (Chat. Teams. mentions. Meet now. Files. Notes. Tabs/Apps/Connectors. Video. Private Message.) Enable remote attendees to join meeting via personal or corporate phone or mobile device — even without a reliable Internet connection. Skype for Business (PSTN conferencing. Cloud PBX with PSTN calling. Instant messaging. Broadcasting. Voice and video. Rich presence. Meetings. Calling features on Windows Phone, Android, and iOS.) See employee availability and schedule meetings at optimal time. Exchange Online (Calendar and availability information. Federated Sharing.) Skype for Business (Broadcasting. Rich presence.)

12 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Collaborate in real time across departments to identify ways to optimize services Does your process look like this?

13 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Collaborate in real time across departments to identify ways to optimize services What You Need to Do Best-in-Class Create cross-departmental teams to address guest issues and discuss ongoing improvements to services. Managers always have latest document version and up-to-date data Business Impact Potential information gaps, redundancies, or inaccuracies due to poor version control and lack of team communication

14 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Collaborate in real time across departments to identify ways to optimize services A simplified process

15 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Collaborate in real time across departments to identify ways to optimize services Impact of Doing Nothing Capabilities You Need Value Your Business Gets Time wasted to draw inferences manually from individual paper forms; chances of errors during digitization of forms Ability to present feedback summaries in ways that tell stories. Sway (Polished interactive reports. Presentations. Business storytelling.) Dashboards to present reviews, rankings, and related data for better understanding. Office Apps (Power BI. Publish Excel workbooks. Intuitive data-connecting and shaping. Various chart types including tree map, waterfall, pareto, histogram, box and whisker, and sunburst. Smart lookups.) Managers and development staff can coauthor, share feedback, and collaborate with colleagues from any device on any platform. Office Apps (Open and edit documents across Windows, Android, and Apple devices. Open and edit documents in browser.) Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business. Real-time coauthoring.) Microsoft Teams (Chat. Teams. mentions. Meet now. Files. Notes. Tabs/Apps/Connectors. Video. Private Message.) Corporate social network to build user advocacy bureau. Yammer (Yammer conversations. Yammer inbox. Project groups. Yammer social graph.) Centralized repository to store feedback from guests and partners. Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business. One-click sharing.) Ability to easily communicate with hotel staff to collect feedback instantly. Skype for Business (PSTN conferencing. Cloud PBX with PSTN calling. Instant messaging. Voice and video. Rich presence. One-click screen sharing.) Office Apps (Office Groups.) Microsoft Teams (Chat. Teams. mentions. Meet now. Files. Notes. Tabs/Apps/Connectors. Video. Private Message.)

16 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Protect sensitive information and comply with hotel policies without inhibiting productivity Does your process look like this?

17 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Protect sensitive information and comply with hotel policies without inhibiting productivity What You Need to Do Best-in-Class Collect information from various departments without IT overhead. Legal team and executives can securely access confidential client records and latest version of policies, competitive information, etc. from inside or outside organization Business Impact Reduced customer confidence and partner trust

18 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Protect sensitive information and comply with hotel policies without inhibiting productivity A simplified process

19 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Protect sensitive information and comply with hotel policies without inhibiting productivity Impact of Doing Nothing Capabilities You Need Value Your Business Gets Time is lost in search of unstructured data, files, records, etc. for needed information Evaluate the hotel’s security environment and implement best-in-class security policies that safeguard sensitive information when accessed on mobile devices. Windows 10 Enterprise (Windows Information Protection. Device Guard. BitLocker. Windows Defender ATP.) Security, Compliance, and Integration (Office 365 Secure Score .) Collaborate over voice calls and conferences via mobiles devices. Skype for Business (Instant messaging. Voice and video. Rich presence. Meetings. Calling features on Windows Phone, Android, and iOS.) Enable team to collaboratively develop reports. Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business. Real-time coauthoring. Skype for Business presence integration. One-click sharing.) Manage files via information rights management (IRM) or digital rights management (DRM) to ensure compliance. Security, Compliance, and Integration (Data access control. Office 365 Compliance Center. Rights management. Digital signatures. Archiving. Azure Information Protection Premium.) Easily surface compliance-related information. Delve (People and organization analytics. Office Graph surfaces personalized content to users.) Identify and deliver electronic information for use in legal cases. Security, Compliance, and Integration (Advanced Compliance.) Share all critical information in central location for authorized users to access securely. Sharepoint Online (Team site. Team library. OneDrive for Business. Real-time coauthoring.)

20 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Implementation Priorities Hospitality > Hotel Staff High Value Activities Adoption Ability Technical Complexity Business Impact Implementation Score Your organization's ability or willingness to adopt new capabilities for each HVA below. The complexity of implementing new capabilities for each HVA below. The overall impact of implementing new capabilities for your organization for each HVA below. Discover content and context to quickly make informed decisions (Insights) 4 12 Conduct meetings from anywhere, anytime to get work done (Mobility) 5 3 13 Real time collaboration on document development and review (Collaboration) 11 Protect sensitive client information to ensure compliance (Trust) 10

21 Protect sensitive client information to ensure compliance (Trust)
Hospitality > Hotel Staff Protect sensitive client information to ensure compliance (Trust) Implementation Priority Capabilities Business Benefits 1 • Evaluate the hotel’s security environment and implement best-in-class security policies that safeguard sensitive information when accessed on mobile devices.

22 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Real time collaboration on document development and review (Collaboration) Implementation Priority Capabilities Business Benefits 2 • Ability to present feedback summaries in ways that tell stories.

23 Hospitality > Hotel Staff
Discover content and context to quickly make informed decisions (Insights) Implementation Priority Capabilities Business Benefits 3 • Tools to prepare comprehensive reports with engaging charts and graphs.

24 Conduct meetings from anywhere, anytime to get work done (Mobility)
Hospitality > Hotel Staff Conduct meetings from anywhere, anytime to get work done (Mobility) Implementation Priority Capabilities Business Benefits 4 • Record meetings for future reference.

25 Thank You! Your Value Discovery Workshop is Complete
Get Started Thank You! Your Value Discovery Workshop is Complete Supporting Documents Business Proposal The Forrester Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Office 365 – Enterprise Customer In this business proposal, you’ll find your personalized Implementation Summary, Recommended Next Steps, and the Total Cost of Ownership information that illustrate ways your business can improve processes and cut costs with Microsoft 365. This report, created by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Microsoft, examines the potential return on investment that enterprises could realize with Microsoft 365. The results were based on interviews or surveys of 63 organizations. “The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft 365” was published in October 2014. What’s Next? The Microsoft Customer Immersion Experience (CIE) provides a facilitated, hands-on environment where business and IT decision makers test drive powerful, integrated productivity solutions. CIE is a storyline that is written as “a day in the life” to give customers a high-level understanding of a variety of different Office 365 products and how they interact with each other. Explore CIE >

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