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“Pathe Pathshala”-The moving school for pastoralists, livestock keepers, farmers, and women(At their place, in their time and with their language)

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Presentation on theme: "“Pathe Pathshala”-The moving school for pastoralists, livestock keepers, farmers, and women(At their place, in their time and with their language)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Pathe Pathshala”-The moving school for pastoralists, livestock keepers, farmers, and women(At their place, in their time and with their language) Treading the untrodden Reaching the unreached Hearing the unheard Telling the untold stories Revealing the unrevealed Bridging the gap

2 “Pathe Pathshala”
Converting PAIN into POWER

3 “Pathe Pathshala”
Harvesting The POWER of PAIN

4 “Pathe Pathshala”- Village Food festival with star hotel food managers (
Reaching Grass root to Global

5 “Pathe Pathshala”
Reaching the difficult places(Maoist affected) Hymns of Honey Bee Bridge of Love

6 During last Eight Years
570 Pathe Pathshala Trained ,Diffused skills, innovations, practices directly to more than 8000 people in “Pathe Pathshala”,


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