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How was the ground work laid to allow for the spread of Christianity?

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1 How was the ground work laid to allow for the spread of Christianity?
Christianity & Rome objective: to examine how monotheistic cultures affect the culture of Rome and Western civilization. How was the ground work laid to allow for the spread of Christianity?

2 2 monotheist cultures did not culturally diffuse:
Chanukah: “Festival of lights”: ____ days of Commemorates: (Greeks & Seleucids) Chanukah means Picture = ancient Jewish Catacomb in Rome

3 Jews come under Roman control
65 BC Rome controlled Syria and Palestine fall under Roman control At first Jews were independent and kings became Roman representatives, some like Herod befriended Rome and wanted to “Romanize” Jerusalem. Some Jews did not like this idea or accept polytheism and this divided them. By 6 AD Romans took over and created the province of Judea.

4 Questions for movie: 1 Why did Jesus speak in Aramaic?
2. What was his revolutionary idea? Why was it so important? 3. How did his ideas effect Rome?

5 Jesus and Rome

6 Kingdom of god meant: “famous speech”
Qualities emphasized by Jesus: Contrast these to Rome’s gravitas

7 Using notes, movie and text
Create a sensory figure for Jesus that illustrates how Christianity developed in the province of Judea & Roman empire

8 Saul to Paul Why was Paul able to spread Christianity so freely?
Where did he go?

9 Rome vs Christians (crucifying was used by many on many)
Developed in ancient near east, centuries before Rome, crucifying was used by Medes and Persians. Later spread to Egyptians, Greeks then Romans. It’s use is documented from 6th century BCE to 4th century CE There were many types:  The crux simplex (I). An upright pole (called the crux simplex) was used for the purpose of crucifixion. A combination of the upright pole and a crossbeam formed another simple type of cross. The person to be crucified would carry the crossbeam to the place of execution. The crossbeam would then be attached to the post.  The crux decussata (X), also called the crux Andreana, because according to tradition St. Andrew was said to have suffered upon it.

10 The crux commissa (T), or St. Anthony's cross
The crux commissa (T), or St. Anthony's cross. This type of cross was formed like a T.  The crux immissa (t), or Latin cross, which was the kind of cross on which Jesus Christ died. The Latin cross had a longer descending arm associated with the cross of Jesus crucifixion. Romans used crucifying as a common form of execution, however according to Roman law a citizen can be crucified. It was used for slaves, criminals, political or religious agitators, pirates or those with no civil rights. Julius Caesar crucified pirates who had kidnapped him in his youth, Augustus boasted of the capture and crucifixion of 30,000 runaway slaves. Nero crucified Christians for pleasure and of course blamed them for the “fire”, in the Flavian amphitheater crucifixions of POW , deserters and criminals from the lower classes were displayed. Rome’s practice of crucifying for punishment was not abolished until the rule of Constantine in 337 CE.

11 Tertullian- Christian Historian
Tertullian explained the scape-goating of Christians as follows: (the Romans)” take the Christians to be the cause of every disaster to the state, of every misfortune to the people. …If … there is a plague or a famine, the cry is at once ‘the Christians to the lions!’” How does the persecution of Christians show that the empire is weakening?

12 Movie: How Christianity changed Rome
1. Using 3 themes of civilization explain how Christianity effected the Roman empire.

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