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Presentation on theme: "FINAL ANNUAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORT"— Presentation transcript:

PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date FINAL ANNUAL PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REPORT FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR Presented by: Mr Sifiso Mkhize Acting Director-General 24 August 2016

2 Part 1: Analysis of department’s performance
Preliminary fourth quarter progress report for the 2015/16 financial year CONTENTS Part 1: Analysis of department’s performance Detailed analysis of Main Account Detailed analysis of Water Trading Part 2: Financial performance Definitions: abbreviations / acronyms

3 Analysis principles Robot system is used Qualitative indicators
Dark green = over achieved (i.e. over 100%) Green = achieved (i.e. 100%) Yellow = partially achieved (i.e. 50% to 99%) Red = not achieved (i.e. less than 50%) Qualitative indicators Binary analysis of green and red is used Exceptions report per programme Areas of over achievement (i.e. over 100%) Areas of under achievement (i.e. below 100%)

4 Analysis of annual performance
Main Account Water Trading Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

5 Analysis per budget programme
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

6 Analysis per budget programme
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

7 Detailed analysis of Main Account
Programme 1: administration Programme 2: water sector management Programme 3: water infrastructure development Programme 4: water and sanitation services Programme 5: water sector regulation

8 Administration Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%)
Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

9 Administration exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of over achievement Vacancy rate for engineers and scientists Graduate trainees added in the programme and placed into candidate positions Communications (i.e. community engagements, media engagements, campaigns Areas of under achievement MPAT compliance Water and Sanitation Bill Africa and global strategic partnerships Management of mine water (i.e. long-term solution, mining sector environmental levy)

10 Water Planning & Information Management
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%)

11 Water Planning & Information Management exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of under achievement Completion of feasibility plans (i.e. Vioolsdrift, Crocodile East, Malmani Dolomites) Provincial bulk master plans Reduction of demand from 8 large water supply systems Completion of the integrated water quality management strategy Determining resource quality objectives for 5 river systems

12 Water Infrastructure Development
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

13 Water Infrastructure Development exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of over achievement Creation of job opportunities Areas of under achievement Completion of bulk infrastructure projects Completion of community infrastructure projects Provision of interim / basic water to households Refurbishment of water services schemes Completion of dam safety and conveyance projects

14 Water and Sanitation Services
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

15 Water & Sanitation Services exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of over achievement Support to resource poor farmers Areas of under achievement Water harvesting programme Sanitation (i.e. bucket eradication and rural household sanitation)

16 Water Sector Regulation
Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%) Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

17 Water Sector Regulation exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of over achievement Compliance monitoring (i.e. evaluations of dam safety, water user monitoring) Finalisation of water use authorisations in line with guidelines Areas of under achievement Implementation of institutional reform and realignment (i.e. establishment of catchment management agencies, infrastructure agency) Water and wastewater services regulation (i.e. assessment of water treatment works and wastewater collector systems) Finalisation of the pricing strategy and economic & social regulation strategy

18 Detailed water trading performance

19 Water Trading Achieved (100%) Partially achieved (50 – 99%)
Not achieved (<50%) Over Achieved (>100%)

20 Water Trading exceptions report
Exception category Overview of affected areas Areas of over achievement Reduction of debtor days Areas of under achievement Validation and verification of water use Allocation of water to HDIs

21 Part 2: financial performance

22 Main Account Spending per programme / Economic Classification
Spending per sub-programme Notes to the financial statements

23 Financial performance overview
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Spending up to 31 March 2016 Financial performance overview Expenditure report per budget programme and economic classification Reasons for Over/Under-Expenditure

24 Financial performance overview
Overall Departmental Performance Amounts (R’000) Adjusted Budget (Total) Departmental Expenditure % Spent 99% Unspent Funds Of which: R has been requested as Rollover

25 Consolidated Departmental Expenditure

26 Details of Rollovers Details per economic classification R'000
Capital assets Trailer and Transport Accessories (Prgm 4) Construction of Sanitation in Rural Arrears (Prg 4) Honey Suckers Trucks (Prgm 4) Water Infrastructure Developments –WIP- (Prg 3 77 448 1 500 27 053 2 106 46 789 Total

27 Details per Infrastructure Programme

28 Infrastructure Programmes

29 Details per budget programme and economic classification

30 Programme 1: Administration

31 Programme 2: Water Planning and Information Management

32 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Development

33 Programme 4: Water and Sanitation Services

34 Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation

35 Reasons for Under spending Programme 1
An allocation of R1.887 million could not be spent as a result of transfers which could not be made to Higher Education Institution (R1.000 million) and Non Profit Institutions (R0.800 million) due to outstanding documents.

36 Reasons for Under spending Programme 2
An allocation of R million could not be spent as a result of unfilled funded vacant positions which could not be filled due to changes in organizational structure (R7.416 million), and the related goods and services (R3.600) and payments for capital expenditure (R4.613 million), mainly in the integrated planning and water information management activities of the department.

37 Reasons for Under spending Programme 3
An allocation of R million for the water services infrastructure could not be spent due to the delays in the procurement of services and contractors by the department's Implementing Agents, and the delays in delivery of ordered material required for implementation of water infrastructure development projects which were in construction phase. The department has requested a rollover of R million from the fiscus to finalize the projects.

38 Reasons for Under spending Programme 4
An allocation of R million could not be spent in activities relating to water sector support (R4.537 million) and national sanitation (R million) as a result of capacity constraints in terms of inadequate technical skills, high vacancy rate in the programme and challenges with regulation of sanitation technologies. Further to this, there were delays in delivery of material for construction of sanitation structures under the rural households infrastructure projects.

39 Reasons for Under spending Programme 5
An allocation of R9.249 million could not be spent in this programme mainly due to the delays in the finalising the invoice (which required legal advice) for a Water Use Association and the transfer payment which could not be transferred to Water Research Commission due to the delays in finalisation of memorandum of agreement.

40 Water trading Programme expenditure trends
Notes to the financial statements Overview of the audit report and action plan




44 Analysis of Augmentation Projects Performance Cont…
Name of the Project Comments ORWRDP (Ph 2A) - De Hoop Dam The under spending is mainly due to the delay in the appointment of PSP to do fencing and sub-surface drainage. GLeWAP Phase (Tzaneen Dam Raising) The under spending is due to the delay in the appointment of a implementing Agent. Lepelle Northern Water was later appointed to do planning and finalisation of the design and permit. Geotechnical investigations still outstanding. GLeWAP Phase (Nwamitwa Dam) The project has spent the revised allocated budget for FY 2015/16.

45 Analysis of Augmentation Projects Performance Cont…
Name of the Project Comments Dam Safety Rehabilitation Programme The under spending on DSRP is mainly due to the challenges encountered on the following projects and also the delay in the appointment of the panel of contractor for W1014-WTE: Vaalkop II Dam: Three months was lost due to damage to construction equipment. Kalkfontein Dam: Three months was lost due to the unavailability of the APP (Approved Professional Person) on the project. The sub-contractor is delivering less material than planned/agreed. Elandsdrift Barrage: - 45 days delay due to slow delivery of aggregate material by the supplier -There was a industrial action that lasted for a period of 2 weeks. - Appointing competent qualified plant operators is still currently a challenge for the contractor which is hampering the delay. 38 days has been lost due to mechanical breakdown of a construction equipment which is further delaying the completion of the project. Roodekoppies Dam: Construction-West reportedly mentioned the delays in appointing general labour as hindering the progress on site as well as the procurement of rock fill material on the project.

46 Analysis of Augmentation Projects Performance Cont…
Name of the Project Comments Water Resources Project: Raising of Clanwilliam Dam The under spending was due to the delays in the appointment of Environmental Control Officer (ECO) and appointment construction sub-contractors. Mokolo and Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project (Phase 2A) Water Supply Agreements to be updated and negotiated with major users based on the design capacity. The scheme capacity is under review and likely to be set between 75 and 100 mill m3/a. DWS is still to draft GTI and RID for the conveyance system The budget was reprioritised during the virement period.

47 Analysis of Augmentation Projects Performance...Cont.
Name of the Project Comments Development of Raising of Hazelmere Dam The contractor that was appointed later in the financial year and was requested to accelerate the project and thus resulted in the adjusted budget spent. GLeWAP Distribution (Mopani DM) The under spending is due to the delay in the manufacturing of pipe and the delay in issuing of the environmental authorisation (pipeline route & pipe size). Mzimvubu Water Projects The project has spent the revised allocated budget for FY 2015/16. Nandoni Nsami The engineering designs and tender documents completed. The Contractor was appointed on 07 January Site handover was completed on 28 January Work on site was suspended with instruction from National Treasury. Nooitgedacht Water




51 Definitions: abbreviations / acronyms

52 Definitions Abbreviation / Acronym Description APP
Approved Professional Person BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa CFO Chief Financial Officer DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DM District Municipality DoRA Division of Revenue Act DWS Department of Water and Sanitation EC Eastern Cape ECO Environmental Control Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Programme ER Economic regulation FS Free State GLeWAP Greater Letaba Water Augmentation Project GTI Geotechnical investigation Inst. Est. Institutional Establishment LP Limpopo MP Mpumalanga Nat. Sanitation Serv. National Sanitation Services NT National Treasury N & S Norms and standards O & M Operations and maintenance ORWRDP Olifants River Water Resource Development Project

53 Definitions PMO Project Management Office PoE Portfolio of Evidence
Abbreviation / Acronym Description PMO Project Management Office PoE Portfolio of Evidence PSP Professional Service Provider RBIG Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant RHIG Rural Household Infrastructure Grant RHIP Rural Household Infrastructure Programme RID Record of Implementation Decision RQOs Resource Quality Objectives RWPS Raw water pricing strategy SLAs Service Level Agreements TCTA Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority Trans of Water Schemes Transfer of Water Schemes Water Info Mgt. Water Information Management WC Western Cape WS Mgt Water Sector Management WS services & sanitation regulation Water Supply Services and Sanitation Regulation WTE Water Trading Entity WTW Water Treatment Works WU Author & Admin Water Use Authorisation and Administration WU Authorisat. Enabling Water Use Authorisation Enabling WULATS Water Use Licence Authorisation Tracking System WWTW Wastewater Treatment Works

54 END


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