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History of Rome By: Jaleon Montgomery.

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1 History of Rome By: Jaleon Montgomery

2 Rome was around for along time, infact Rome is so old that it is known as ,’’the eternal city.

3 Rome was divided into 4 classes of people. 1st class slaves
Rome was divided into 4 classes of people. 1st class slaves. They were owned by other people . 2nd class of people are plebeians .Free people little rights and had little to say. 3rd class of people is equestrians .Their name means ,“riders” . They are called for battles for Rome . You had to be rich to be an equestrian . The highest class of people are patricians .there is not much to say about the patricians. Just that all real power in Rome was them .

4 The Roman Government The roman government was very successful . It lasted 510 B.C. to 23 B.C. that is almost 500 years. That’s more years than the United States has been in existence ! One of the greatest challenge of the republic is Carthaginian . A very powerful city located in North Africa witch is much like Rome. The fight between sides was a long One and took place on land and sea.

5 Julius Caesar Rome's most famous citizen was Julius Caesar . His impact on Rome was conquering the vas territory of the Gaul to the north of his province in France.

6 The First Emperor He was the first emperor of Rome .He also added many territories to the empire. The End

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