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|| TOP NINE || Your Frequently Asked Questions

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1 || TOP NINE || Your Frequently Asked Questions
Sharon Foster Manager, Victorian Curriculum F-10

2 Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017
So, what’s new? Learning Areas Capabilities The Arts Dance Drama Media Arts Music Visual Communication Design (7-10) Visual Arts English Humanities Civics and Citizenship Economics and Business Geography History Languages Health and Physical Education Mathematics Science Technologies Design and Technologies Digital Technologies * Critical and creative thinking Intercultural* Ethical* Personal and social Used to answer the quiz questions Q 1, 2, 3, 8 (marked with *)

3 Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017
But can I use AusVELS?

4 Are there Cross-Curriculum Priorities?
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 Are there Cross-Curriculum Priorities?

5 Let’s talk Capabilities
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 Let’s talk Capabilities Critical and Creative Thinking Ethical Capability Intercultural Capability Personal and Social Capability

6 There’s only so many hours in a day…
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 There’s only so many hours in a day… How do we indicate a time allocation at each layer of curriculum planning? At each layer of documentation, schools will make decisions about how to represent time allocations. Schools may notice within the examples provided that different units of time have been used in different documents. For example, in the AusVELS By School: Primary School Example, the school indicates time in ‘Annual Average Hours’, yet in By School: Secondary School Example, the unit of time represented is by 'Average Sessions per week'. Schools may find it useful to discuss how time allocations have been decided on and whether they reflect school-specific priorities to support and improve student achievement, and also to ensure that these decisions are demonstrated consistently across each layer. It is worth noting that the time allocations in each layer of curriculum planning are not a measure of the quality of the teaching and learning program. Time allocations provide basic structural and organisational information. Robert Marzano points out that students need to be given time to learn, and how much time they are given influences the knowledge and skills that can be addressed.

7 Do I have to teach everything?
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 Do I have to teach everything? The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes both knowledge and skills. These are defined by learning areas and capabilities. This curriculum design assumes that knowledge and skills are transferrable across the curriculum and therefore are not duplicated. For example, where skills and knowledge such as asking questions, evaluating evidence and drawing conclusions are defined in Critical and Creative Thinking, these are not duplicated in other learning areas such as History or Health and Physical Education. It is expected that the skills and knowledge defined in the capabilities will be developed, practised, deployed and demonstrated by students in and through their learning across the curriculum.

8 Are there links to Early Years?
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 Are there links to Early Years?

9 What about Students with Disabilities?
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 What about Students with Disabilities?

10 PLEASE help me with reporting
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 PLEASE help me with reporting These guidelines provide advice for Victorian schools on the development of whole-school curriculum plans and reporting student learning achievement based on the Victorian Curriculum F–10. Specific sectoral requirements related to curriculum provision and reporting are the responsibility of and published by the relevant sectoral authorities.

11 Now, where’s the rest?! Queries VCAA websites
Victorian Curriculum F–10 in 2017 Now, where’s the rest?! VCAA websites Victorian Curriculum F-10 Victorian Curriculum F-10 Resources and Support Curriculum Planning Resources: Queries General Enquiries Sharon Foster, Manager Victorian Curriculum F-10

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