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Christopher Columbus.

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1 Christopher Columbus

2 Christopher Columbus Biography Vital facts His voyages facts 1rst voyage 1rst voyage facts 2nd voyage 3rd voyage 4th voyage Columbus day Spanish Explorers

3 …there were adventurous people who wanted to see new things!!
Long ago, before computers; before DVD players; long before airplanes or cars,… …there were adventurous people who wanted to see new things!!

4 These adventurous people were known as
EXPLORERS! These adventurous people were known as An explorer is a person who travels, seeking new discoveries.

5 Christopher Columbus Biography

6 Christopher Columbus is born
Cristoforo Columbo was born in a little house near Genoa, Italy in the year of 1451.

7 Christopher Columbus went to sea as a young boy (14 years old), and spent most of his life at sea.
Most people at that time thought the world was flat, but Columbus knew the world was round. He believed that by sailing west, it would be a shorter route to Asia (China, Japan, India…). Christopher’s reasons to explore were: Thought that Japan and the Indies were much closer than they are. He was looking for valuable silk and spices. Explore a new route to the East Indies (Spice Islands). Would become Governor of any lands discovered. Keep 10% of wealth discovered.

8 In order to support his exploration he needed to find funding
In order to support his exploration he needed to find funding. So, he moved to Portugal trying to get money to support his journey. In January of 1492, he eventually got support from Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and queen of Spain. On August 3, 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.

9 On October 12, 1492 Columbus actually landed on a small island in the Bahamas which Columbus named San Salvador. He made three other voyages to the Caribbean region before he died. Remember: Columbus was trying to find a shorter route to Asia. When he landed in the Bahamas he thought he had landed on the Spice Islands near India. This is why he named the people he met Indians.

10 Christopher Columbus This is the voyage Christopher Columbus took. This voyage led to the expansion of new colonization for Europe.

11 2nd Voyage September 25, 1493 Columbus set sail from Spain.
Christopher Columbus 2nd Voyage September 25, 1493 Columbus set sail from Spain. He explored the islands of Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. He returned to Spain in June 1496.

12 Columbus left from Spain.
Christopher Columbus 3rd Voyage May 30, 1498 Columbus left from Spain. He finally landed on the mainland of South America. (Present-day Venezuela)

13 4th Voyage May 9, 1502 Columbus leaves on his final voyage from Spain. Columbus investigates the Central American Coast. He sails along the coasts of what are now Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

14 Other facts Christopher Columbus is the first recorded explorer to discover America, but he was not the first European to reach America. There are findings that suggest Vikings from Scandinavia had briefly settled on the North American coast, in what is now Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, in the late 10th or early 11th century. However, Columbus’ explorations had a profound impact on the world. They led directly to the opening of the western hemisphere to European colonization; to large-scale exchanges of plants, animals, cultures, and ideas between the two worlds. There's little question that Columbus' explorations were a key step in the spread of Spanish to what we now know as Latin America. The country of Colombia was named after him, as were the Costa Rican currency (the colón) and one of Panama's largest cities (Colón).

15 Christopher Columbus Dies
Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, in May 20th 1506.

16 Columbus Day Columbus Day honours the day Christopher Columbus discovered America. The official holiday falls on October 12. The first Columbus Day celebration was held in New York City in the city celebrated the 300th anniversary of the landing. Columbus Day has been celebrated annually since 1920. Many countries in the New in the New World also celebrate October 12 as the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas.

17 Celebrating Columbus Day
People have parades in towns all over America. Also during Columbus Day we have a day off from school. Government buildings are closed for the day.


19 Christopher Columbus discovered __________.
Spain America Indies

20 He sailed in ________________________.
2004 1942 1492

21 Who was in America when Columbus arrived?
Pilgrims Indians Nobody

22 Spanish Explorers

23 Reasons for the Spanish Exploration of the New World
(GOLD) - They wanted riches and gold. (GOD) - They wanted to bring Christianity to the Native Americans of Mexico and South America. (GLORY) - They wanted the fame associated with finding new land. They also imported slaves to work on plantations,

24 Spanish Colonization in the Americas
Conquistadors: in Spanish means conqueror= a person who is out to conquer new territory The term is refering to the soldiers and explorers of the Spanish Empire or the Portuguese Empire The first Spanish fort built in America was St. Augustine, Florida (1565).

25 Hernando Cortez Hernando Cortez - conquered the Aztec Empire of Mexico in 1519.

26 Franciso Pizarro Francisco Pizarro - conquered the Incas of Peru in

27 Spanish Explorers Hernando de Soto explored the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi in search of gold. ( )

28 He claimed Florida for Spain.
Juan Ponce deLeon Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida looking for the "Fountain of Youth." (1513) - a spring that supposedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters He claimed Florida for Spain.

29 Spanish Explorers Ferdinand Magellan is a Spanish explorer who was the first to sail around the world. ( )

30 Spanish Explorers Amerigo Vespucci is a Spanish explorer who scouted the coast of North America. America is named for him. (1499)

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