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Unravelling posterior hip pain

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Presentation on theme: "Unravelling posterior hip pain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unravelling posterior hip pain
Dr Leesa Huguenin MP Sports Physicians

2 Anatomy 101 For a bear of simple brain 3 layers Extensors
Lateral stabilisers External rotators

3 Figure 1The gluteal triangle
Figure 1The gluteal triangle. G Max, gluteus maximus; G Med, gluteus medius; P, piriformis; QF, quadratus femoris; SM, semimembranosus; ST, semitendinosus; BF, biceps femoris; VL, vastus lateralis.

4 The ischial tuberosity clock face
The ischial tuberosity clock face. ST, semitendinosus; BF, biceps femoris; QF, quadratus femoris; P, piriformis; G Med, Gluteus medius.

5 Diagnostic hints Pain location relative to gluteal triangle Medial SIJ
Superior Muscle/ tendon/ enthesis Lateral Hip/ acetabulum Within Piriformis/ sciatic nerve

6 Medial differentials SIJ/ L5 S1 facet Sacral stress fracture Superior gluteal artery entrapment Posterior compartment syndrome

7 Superior differentials
Gluteus medius tendinopathy Ilio lumbar ligament Myofascial pain

8 Lateral Differentials
(Anterior also) Trochanteric bursitis TFL Femoral stress fracture LCNT

9 Piriformis syndrome A real pain in the bum………. or is it?
Many years after first described, debate rages over whether this is a true diagnosis Sciatic nerve runs above, below or through piriformis. Theory is that tightness/ scarring + adhesions of the muscle lead to sciatic nerve entrapment and referred hamstring pain

10 First line therapy Piriformis syndrome
I rarely see priformis overactivity in isolation Usually secondary to SIJ instability/ lumbar pathology I do not diagnose this condition, but I do address piriformis/ external rotator tightness First line therapy

11 Ischiofemoral Impingement
Normal space between ischium and lesser trochanter of femur is 20mm in full ER and abduction Narrow space increases risk (Bony or QF space) Narrowing Congenital Acquired Intertrochanteric fractures direct trauma fibrosis/ bursitis if persistent impingement

12 Ischiofemoral Impingement
Narrow space is 17mm Need to exclude all other causes of referred pain – lumbar especially Axial MRI will diagnose

13 QF space extends along intertrochanteric line posteriorly


15 Posterior gluteal eye pain!!!


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