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2 Welcome The Governing Body has taken the strategic decision that it would be in the best interests of our school if we were to join the Chiltern Learning Trust. They arrived at this decision following a recommendation from the Leadership team, the Local Authority and their own independent research and enquiry. David Graham, Headteacher, Putteridge High School

3 Background Why we applied to join the CLT Benefits and opportunities
Current situation Converting to academy status Bill Pollard – Chair of Governors, Putteridge High School

4 Why we applied to join the CLT?
Very strong reputation for helping students achieve outstanding GCSE results Currently run two outstanding secondary schools which are some of the highest performing schools in the country Access to additional capacity and support and a network of valuable partnerships Secure the future success of the school David Graham – Headteacher, Putteridge High School

5 Benefits and opportunities
Improvements in teaching, learning and student outcomes Professional development and career opportunities for our staff Additional expertise and support for our senior leaders Additional learning opportunities for our students Access to central services that provide exceptional HR, Finance, Data, Technology for Learning and Marketing support The stability that comes from being part of a large, well respected organisation

6 Current situation Unanimous approval from governors to convert to academy status Applied to the CLT and they agreed for us to join Notified Luton Borough Council of our intentions An application was submitted to the Department for Education (DfE) and the DfE granted our ‘academy order’ We started our public consultation on 31st October and it ends on 28th November We are working towards an academy conversion date of 1st February 2017 and once we have gained academy status we can join the Chiltern Learning Trust

7 What is an academy? Academies are independent, state-funded schools, which receive their funding directly from central government, rather than through a local authority The day-to-day running of the school is with the head teacher or principal, but they are overseen by individual charitable bodies called academy trusts and may be part of an academy chain These trusts and chains provide advice, support, expertise and a strategic overview Academies control their own admissions process and have more freedom than other schools to innovate

8 Converting to Academy status
Must become an academy before we are allowed to join the Chiltern Learning Trust – this is required by the Department for Education Becoming an academy will make no difference to the day-to-day routines of the students – it is just a legal status that we must gain We must go through a formal evaluation and consultation process with staff, students, parents and the wider community to ensure that becoming an academy is in the best interests of the school before we convert

9 Joining the Trust Trust overview Why we would like you to join us
Benefits Adrian Rogers – Chief Executive, Chiltern Learning Trust

10 Trust overview We currently run Denbigh High School, Dallow Primary School and Challney High School for Boys We recently received approval to open the new Chiltern Academy (secondary school) in the south central area of Luton Have a very strong reputation for helping students achieve outstanding GCSE results Our two secondary schools are the highest performing schools in Luton Adrian Rogers – Chief Executive, Chiltern Learning Trust

11 Trust overview We run the Chiltern Training Group, a teacher training provider which was judged to be outstanding during its last two Ofsted inspections We run the Chiltern Teaching School Alliance and use our expertise in this area to ensure that the teachers within our schools and others are the very best that they can be, so that they can achieve outstanding results for their students Adrian Rogers – Chief Executive, Chiltern Learning Trust

12 Why we would like you to join us
We run successful schools within the local community and we will be in a better position to be able to offer local families a more holistic service We want to improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school so that the students at Putteridge are able to achieve the same high quality outcomes as our other secondary schools Adrian Rogers – Chief Executive, Chiltern Learning Trust

13 Benefits Opportunities for teachers and support staff to share good practice and to benefit from a common professional development programme that adds real value to the education and outcomes of the students Joining a well established organisation with a significant local and national reputation Efficiencies in administrative functions and joint procurement High quality governance with a clear focus on strategic development, teaching and learning and accountability

14 Benefits Outstanding professional development opportunities for teaching staff so that they are able to improve their practice and student outcomes A back office support infrastructure to cover the operational aspects of running a school so that teachers and leaders are able to focus on improving the quality of education A high level of challenge and support for senior leaders – we do not accept any ‘requires improvement’ teaching and put in place effective strategies and support when it is needed

15 How to give us your views
Academy Conversion Consultation Putteridge High School Putteridge Road Luton Bedfordshire, LU2 8HJ Or send an to: Please put ‘Academy conversion consultation’ as the subject of the . The closing date for comments to be made is Monday 28th November and further information, including answers to some frequently asked questions, can be found on our website:

16 Further information Further information, including answers to some frequently asked questions, can be found on our website and we will keep these updated. The web address is:



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