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School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement

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Presentation on theme: "School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement
Erasmus + Intro - Share an overview of the project and introduce some of its outcomes that you will be looking at and discussing today A few words about ASCL – what sort of organisation it is – a few words about yourself School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement

2 School Leaders’ Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement
Erasmus + KA2 KA2 Strategic Partnership – School Education School Leaders’ Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement Project was a 2 year Erasmus+ strategic partnership – so it was about looking a ‘strategy’. Project brought together 6 partners from 5 countries – led by Durham University in the UK – along with ASCL – University of Debrecen – hosting the conference, University of Lusofona in Portugal, University of Tartu in Estonia and Teach for Bulgaria – part of the broader Teach First network. Different partner had different roles – Durham focussed on a research strand – which will hear about in the afternoon ASCL – was a broker for identifying best practice and supporting the development of the materials Other partners worked specifically with schools to test and refine our training modules you will see later.

3 SLT4AA Ofsted – National Inspectorate Reports published
Schools are graded on a scale 1 – 4 1 Outstanding 2 Good 3 Requires Improvement 4 Inadequate Reports published School results published every year League Tables So what was the project about and how was it strategic? Firstly a little background about the UK Inspection system – few words about how Ofsted inspections work, the grading system and how it is all made public Pressure on schools and in particular leadership teams – frequently if a school judged inadequate the leader is replaced Importance of having good leadership in schools How does this relate to the Erasmus+ project? The project looked at how a good leadership team can change that inspection grade from a 4 to a 2 or a 1 in a short period of time New leader expected to have an impact – and in some cases schools transformed by new leaders

4 SLT4AA Aim to equip leadership teams with the competences, structures and tools required to transform underperforming schools into high performing schools based on examples of successful school transformation in the UK. 2 Year Project – budget of €299728 Main features: Study of schools' best practice in the UK Analysis of case studies Development of Training Modules Research Strand The project itself – overall aim – to analyse what outstanding leadership teams did to turn a school around Then to develop a ‘toolkit’ that school leaders could use Turn that toolkit into a set of training materials, test them and refine them – then make publish them for free for anyone who wants them Today is about looking a what that toolkit contains

5 SLT4AA Study of two schools Sydney Russell School - Dagenham
Starting point – all partners examined a case study of two schools ASCL has worked with Both schools had been transformed in different ways Both were now very successful –but had been failing Partners visited the schools, interviewed staff and then analysed what the leaders had done Skinners’ Academy - Kent

45 pupils started in in 2014 total numbers 193 in in 2014 last choice of parents in oversubscribed in 2014 Results Bottom 5% nationally in top 5% in 2014 40% lessons good in % outstanding in 2011 Overview of what we mean by transformation – Skinners Academy – failing school, high levels of deprivation, falling numbers, threatened with closure Numbers in 2011 – not viable – 45 pupils started – by 2014 – increased to 189 Overall school size in 2011 was 193 – by 2014 it was 534 and rapidly expanding as smaller numbers finishing the school replaced by much larger numbers joining Parents did not want to send their child to this school – pupils were those whose parents did not care – now more parents want to send their child than there are places available. Results went from the bottom to the top – why? Quality of teaching improved from generally poor to outstanding. So how was this achieved?

7 SLT4AA Analysis of Leadership Practice
Knowing your school Having a Vision Communication Managing Change structures personnel teaching and learning Measuring Impact Action Planning Group used all of the information gather during the week’s study visit Came up with the following conclusions as a result of analysing the practice These were the priorities What they then did was use each of these areas as a basis of developing the training modules – this is what you we look at in some detail today. Will also have an opportunity to talk to some of the schools involved in the trials Modules designed to address the specific issues of your school – starting point a data analysis Flexible to enable you to pick and choose – supported by sample resources Workshops broken down into activities – all available now on the website

8 SLT4AA Knowing your school
collecting data – comparing the school with the national average – the population, the results, the overall performance Visioning identify the drivers behind the need for a vision identify how to create a vision statement Communication understand the different stakeholders for communication be able to express your vision and priorities clearly Managing Change analyse personnel issues in the management of change establish roles and responsibilities develop strategies to confront passivity and opposition develop structures to address the school’s priorities identify quality and areas for improvement Measuring Impact create indicators for improvement develop strategies for monitoring Action Planning plan for improvement in your own school The journey through the training modules – firstly self analysis of the school – its specific feature and performance (school information sheet attached) Some of the objectives of the other modules Work undertaken has been evaluated – now hear a little about the evaluation process from Vilmos Hope you find the modules interesting and useful – enjoy the day.

9 School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement
Erasmus + Intro - Share an overview of the project and introduce some of its outcomes that you will be looking at and discussing today A few words about ASCL – what sort of organisation it is – a few words about yourself School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement

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