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Optimizing the Approach

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1 Optimizing the Approach
Software Outsourcing Optimizing the Approach

2 classic, scientific approach innovative methods in service marketing
Introduction Providing outsourcing of IT services for more then a decade, Softheme, a Ukrainian software outsourcing company, gathered an extensive knowledge base on various aspects of the business. We believe the success in software outsourcing business can be achieved by: optimized operations classic, scientific approach to the core production process responsiveness and sensitivity to client's business needs improved procedures: technology communication management innovative methods in service marketing Analyzing our past experience we identified the approach which works best for our company and though it might be useful to share this approach with the community. » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

3 Table of Contents 1. Transparent outsourcing provider and client relationship pricing model » requirements » metrics 2. Marketing the services fair presentation of the services » researching the customer’s needs 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control adjusting the work to the customer's business processes » efficiently organizing the team work 4. Improving knowledge base new trends in technology and management » analyzing the lessons learned 5. Controling the quality standards » requirements analysis » testing » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

4 1. Transparent outsourcing provider and client relationship
Optimizing a price model. Fair price. Like in any business, in software outsourcing there are areas where costs can be cut and those which require additional investments to provide significant performance in the future. Can be cut Cannot be cut Knowing all types of costs and forming the price based on them helps maintaining long-term relationships with customers. » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

5 1. Transparent outsourcing provider and client relationship
Optimizing a price model. Fair price The pricing model must take into account risks for decisions wthin each party's control Top performance of the outsourcing service provider should be encouraged Discounts shall be provided in case the customer brings more business to the provider: more business discounts provider: » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

6 deployment procedures
1. Transparent outsourcing provider and client relationship Focusing on outcomes. Sufficient requirements specification. Software outsourcing providers expect their customer to specify the expectations for: the system business-specific data restrictions of the environment time and budget constraints technology of choice specifications application design, development, testing, deployment procedures The rest can be defined on the outsourcing service provider side: The software outsourcing provider takes the responsibility of determining the necessary processes in order to achieve the desired outcomes. » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

7 1. Transparent outsourcing provider and client relationship
Performance monitoring procedures. Metrics. Both customer and outsourcing provider should agree on clearly defined and measurable outsomes  functionality coverage, development schedule. The progress of the software application development against the development plan should be easily measurable. WE RECOMMEND: demonstrating the achievements – demo version of the software program, modules ready for the review – together with detailed reports which reflect the application specification coverage. The feedback from the customer is vital in response to the demonstration. » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

8 2. Marketing the services
Properly presenting services IT IS IMPORTANT TO: know and effectively communicate service capabilities properly present the services to the potential customers tailor the line of services to the customers' specific needs » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

9 2. Marketing the services
Understanding the customer's needs Work with customers to understand desired outcomes and focus on achieving them through: regularly researching customer requirements identifying specific requirements and working to fulfill them interacting with customers and getting information about their users » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

10 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control
Adjusting work to the customer's business processes. It takes several meetings / s / phone conferences to understand the processes set up on the customer side which should be taken into account by the outsourcing provider: meetings s conferences processes understood! provider’s processes customer’s processes processes adjusted! After that, the processes on the outsourcing services provider side – meetings, reports, conferences, deliverables, presentations – can be adjusted to those of the customer: » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

11 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control
Adjusting work to the customer's business processes. IT IS IMPORTANT to understand the process which is set up on the client side. The following things should be clarified: point of contact for the team points for addressing certain questions and issues information distribution on the client side: changes milestones plans optimal way to check the team receives data in a timely manner » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

12 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control
Adjusting work to the customer's business processes. Information exchange with the customer is defined by and takes place via such acclaimed channels: information exchange points of contact communication channels issue tracking procedures tasks tracking procedures reporting procedures roadmap meetings project meeting schedule » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

13 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control
Organizing efficient team work The team structure and size are defined based on project's goals after analyzing the timeframe and budget. project’s goals timeframe and budget team structure and size Skills are idenfied based on the: business domain technology stage of project development » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

14 3. Team and resource management. Proactive control
Organizing efficient team work Paying attention to the team training againsts the customer's business domain, setting up standards and metrics is as important as providing reviews, revisions and applying corrections to the existing procedures. training the team setting up standards & metrics revisions and reviews applying corrections The team priority should be: constant improvement of knowledge both in technology and in business domain. » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

15 4. Improving knowledge base
Keeping and transfering the project-specific knowledge Getting familiar with new technologies and approaches Maintaining a knowledge base of case studies and lessons learned » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

16 5. Controlling the quality
Introducing standards Metrics, coding standards, patterns, templates Analyzing the requirements System overview, functional and operational requirements, performance, time and budget constraints Requirements coverage verification Correspondence of the high-level requirements to the technical specification, technical specification to the system design, system design and architecture to the source code Testing Functional, performance, quality control (correspondence of the product to environmental and operational requirements) » Outsourcing to Softheme™ Software Outsourcing: Optimizing the Approach.

17 » Outsourcing to Softheme™
Thank you! Questions??? –> 2010 | Softheme Team | Kyiv, Ukraine | Software Outsourcing Solutions » Outsourcing to Softheme™

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