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We also found out about the festival of Easter.

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Presentation on theme: "We also found out about the festival of Easter."— Presentation transcript:

1 We also found out about the festival of Easter.
Our RE topic this term has been Christianity when all the classes looked at the stories Jesus told We also found out about the festival of Easter. Mark and Carolyn from St Peters Church helped us find out more about the Easter Story

2 Mark, Carolyn and David came into school and told the Easter story to KS1 through songs and acting out the events around Easter Years 3 and 4 went to the church to watch a film about the events of Easter Week There was a workshop for Years 5 and 6 , when they brought in different foods and showed the Easter story through taste-from happiness to bitterness and then sweetness of Easter Day

3 The children enjoyed joining in with the songs and the actions.

4 The songs were linked to the journey of Jesus into Jerusalem.

5 Carolyn explained how people put palm trees on the ground as Jesus came into Jerusalem. He shared a meal with his friends.

6 David talked about how Jesus died, and Mark told how he then came back to life on Easter Day

7 There was lots of singing to join in with.

8 In the workshop, some children were blind folded and had to guess what they were tasting

9 They started with a sweet taste-a royal welcome as Jesus arrived on Palm Sunday.

10 The vinegar represented the bitter taste of betrayal.

11 He shared a last meal with his friends and David and Iqraa tasted bread and grapes

12 Then there was spicy peri peri sauce and black coffee to represent the bitter taste of the trial.


14 Norbert had a tiny sip of salty water which represented the tears shed when he died.

15 Finally Lilia had to guess the taste of chocolate- a nice surprise, when his friends found the empty tomb!

16 Years 3 and 4 went to church to watch a film about the Easter Story

17 The children were given pop corn, whilst they were watching!

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