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Miss Scott and Miss Barham
Number Adding and subtracting using practical objects Leading into reading and writing number sentences involving adding and subtracting. Doubling and halving One more/ less any number to 20 To know the days of the week and months of the year in sequence. Shape space and Measure Use familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models. Orders two items by weight or capacity. Orders two or three items by length and height- measuring growth of beans/ducklings Describe their relative position such as behind, or next to. Reception Team: Miss Scott and Miss Barham Literacy Books: Farmer duck, The very hungry caterpillar, Jack and the bean stalk, Click Click, cows that type. Non fiction books on farms and farm animals. Using a range of fiction/ non fiction books. Finding and writing facts about farms. Sequencing information. Using puppets /props and audio books. Using phonics to sound and write simple sentences. Drama and role play of familiar stories Writing record books of life cycles of ducklings and beans. Show an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence of events, and openings, and how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions about where, who, why and how Use phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words Read some high frequency words Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet Write their own names and other things such as labels and captions and begin to form simple sentences sometimes using punctuation. Reception Spring 2 Theme: Growing Science: Living things Life cycle of plants/ducklings Habitats Growing on the farm Knowledge and understanding of the world: Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life- linking to farming and agricultural jobs. Shows care and concern for living things and the environment. Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change Knows that information can be retrieved from computers
Attendance ICT Upcoming Events: Trip to Creekside: 24/03/17
Developing ICT skills, learning rules of use, care of equipment. Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning. Identify ways of being safe online. Upcoming Events: Trip to Creekside: 24/03/17 Ducklings arriving: 28/02/17 Music Children will listen to different types of music and finding the beat. They will experiment with movement and sound. They will use body percussion in songs and make instruments using recycled materials. Easter assembly songs Games/P.E Children work on the three core fundamental skills of; agility, balance and coordination. Explore positional language to use the equipment safely. Parachute games. Developing independence in managing their own clothes, i.e. buttoning and unbuttoning cardigans, tying laces, doing up their coats. Dressing and undressing for P.E. Attendance Please ensure that your child is in school, ready in the line at 8:55. Children must not be left unaccompanied until the teacher comes to collect the class from the playground. Please pick up children promptly at 3:15pm. Personal, social and Emotional Development: Taking responsibility for their own belongings. Understand and follow the rules during circle/carpet time. Looking after our environment. Taking turns and being patient. Solving conflicts without aggression. Understanding fairness-understanding the needs of others. To discuss themselves in a positive way. Understanding their own abilities and talents. Creative Development Role play with other children Acting out stories Zigzag books Freeze framing Recreating stories Retelling, predicting and discussing stories Using body parts and shadows to create images. Ways to help your child at home Encouraging them and making time for homework to be done. Reading together every day and recording this in their reading journals R.E. The Easter Story Homework Homework is handed out on a Friday. Homework is to be completed and handed back to Miss Scott or Miss Barham on a Tuesday morning to ensure it can be corrected in time for Friday.
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