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GoArmyEd Non-LOI Invoicing
Ann Browning Oregon ARNG Education Services Specialist
Agenda Invoicing 101 – Business Rules TA Authorization Forms
Submitting an Invoice TA Invoice History Rejecting a Class (TA request queue) Refunding a Class on Previously Approved Invoice
Invoicing 101-Business Rules
Schools must use GoArmyEd to process invoices. Schools may invoice the Army only once during the designated invoice period (once per fiscal quarter). The school may choose during the invoice period when to submit an invoice. Classes must be 19% completed (based on class start date) before it will populate your invoice queue. A school is not obligated to invoice during an invoicing period. Eligible enrollments will return each invoice period until action is taken. When a school’s invoice period is closed or a school has submitted an invoice during its invoice period, the school will not be able to view new line items until the school’s next invoice period. The Army has adopted the Government Purchase Card (GPC)as the standard method for invoice payment. Schools will receive notification upon invoice approval. This will include instructions for how to retrieve the GPC card number and payment.
Invoicing 101 – Business Rules
The class cost is comprised of the Army Cost and Soldier Cost. Army Cost is the tuition covered by Army TA. This is the amount for which the school can invoice the Army unless your school applies a discount that reduces the approved Army Cost. IMPORTANT: Tuition Assistance will not cover the cost of any fees. Soldier Cost is the tuition and fees not covered by TA in accordance with Army TA policies. (This can include tuition if the annual fiscal year 16 semester-hour/24 quarter-hour cap is reached). This is the amount for which the school can bill the Soldier directly. Not all students enter their fees so this may be inaccurate. The amount a school will be paid for a dropped class is determined by the school in accordance with the school’s published refund policy. Schools are expected to accurately reduce the invoice line item amount to reflect any refund. Schools can waive the tuition cost of a class enrollment by adjusting the tuition cost to $0.00 on its Invoice.
TA Authorization Forms
Student is required to provide each term but not required for invoicing. Voucher helpful but not perfect as students add/drop classes. *Always check your school system prior to submitting an invoice
Submitting an Invoice
Submitting an Invoice
Submitting an Invoice
Submitting an Invoice
Submitting an Invoice For SAM Customer Service contact
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Submitting an Invoice
Submitting an Invoice If the Validate check box is checked, the row is selected for processing The Dispute column displays a Dispute icon: Selecting the “Remove” button next to a specific class allows the school to make adjustments (rejections) outside of the invoice queue. IMPORTANT: The “Remove” feature does not remove the class completely. It will reappear on your next invoice if you don’t follow up with rejecting the course from your TA request queue next. We’ll discuss this process after invoicing. Return History: Select the “Return History” button in the Return History column to view prior returns for the designated line items. This box will not be available to click if the line item has never been returned. Select the “Save” button to save the selected invoice line item and leave the TA Invoice List without submitting the invoice. You can return to the TA Invoice List at another time during the current invoice period to continue working on other line items.
Submitting an Invoice Empl ID, SSN, Last Name, and First Name display the Soldier’s empl ID, last four numbers of the Social Security Number, last name, and first name. Soldier Status displays the Soldier’s status, Active, Reserve or Guard, at the time enrollment was requested. SH displays the number of semester hours for the class. (This can be confusing for quarter hour schools in Oregon & Washington: 5 QH = 3.30 SH, 4 QH = SH, 3 QH = 1.98 SH, 2 QH = 1.32 and 1 QH = .66) TA-Eligible Fees: there are no TA eligible fees. This column should be removed or $0.00 Soldier Funded Fees displays the class fee that is not eligible for TA. Your school may collect this amount directly from the Soldier. **Not all students enter this amount when requesting TA. Total Class Cost displays the (SH Price x SH) + Soldier-Funded Fees. Current Army Cost displays the cost to the Army before any reduction is applied.
Submitting an Invoice Reduction Reason provides the school reasons from a drop-down list. The reduction feature is designed to enable a school to adjust costs downward on an invoice when the approved Army Cost is too high. For example, the Soldier dropped/withdrew from the class during your school’s refund period or the student or has a tuition & fee only scholarship. Note: Selecting the Drop/Withdrawal (No Cost) or the Never Enrolled-No Cost as a Reduction Reason will reject the Soldier from the class and will zero out both Army and Soldier costs. The enrollment status will change from approved to rejected.
Submitting an Invoice Make sure you’ve checked the Validate boxes in each row to be processed Save allows you to return to the TA invoice list later. Submit forwards your invoice to the Army Finance Team for review. A confirmation message appears before the invoice is created, giving you an opportunity to cancel and return to the TA Invoice Search screen. Select the “OK” button to confirm and process the invoice. The invoice will be submitted to the Army for review. Select the “Cancel” button to return to TA Invoice List screen.
Questions about Submitting an Invoice?
TA Invoice History
TA Invoice History
Questions about TA Invoice History?
Rejecting a Class – from your TA queue
Used when: You remove a class(es) from your invoice. The class is moved to your TA request queue and must be actioned or it will continue to reappear on your next invoice. Student is no longer taking the class. Can be used before the class migrates to your invoice queue - <19% complete (based on class start date). Once a class reaches 19% complete it will appear on your invoice and you must action it from your invoice first. **This is the quickest way to reject a class as SH/QH are returned to student’s TA account within 24 hours.
Rejecting a Class The Request TA page appears. The “School” field automatically displays your school code and name. Enter search criteria to search for an existing Request TA form. (OR) You can leave all search fields blank to view a list of all Request TA forms Select the “Search” button.
Rejecting a Class The Request TA page displays a list of search results that meet your search criteria. Select any field for a specific Soldier from the list to access the Request TA form.
Rejecting a Class The Request TA page appears
Scroll to the TA Request Status section of the form and select the drop-down arrow in the “Class Status” field. Next, select “Rejected” and Submit.
Rejecting a Class If the class has reached 19% completion, a message appears stating the enrollment exists in the invoice queue. An Invoice An administrator must access the invoice page to reject the class on the invoice if the invoice is being submitted [OR] remove the class and **Save the changes** without submitting the invoice. Remember - Removing the class from your Invoice Queue allows the school user the ability to reject the class(es) from the TA Request queue.
Rejecting a Class A Rejection Confirmation message appears, stating all costs and grades associated with the class will be removed and you will be unable to invoice for the class. Select the “OK” button to proceed with rejecting the Request TA form. Next, select the drop-down arrow in the “Reject Reason” field and select one of the rejection reasons. You may enter any additional comments in the text box provided.
Rejecting a Class Select the “Submit” button to complete the Request TA form rejection. A Soldier’s TA Detail page message appears stating all changes to Army Cost will be reflected on the Soldier’s TA Detail page within one hour of the update. Select the “OK” button to continue You can scroll down to the Dates section of the Request TA form to the “Rejection:” field to confirm the date the rejection was processed.
Questions about Rejecting a Class?
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
Schools have the ability to discount an invoice line item that has already been paid by the Army, and add it as a debit to the school’s next invoice. Only previously approved invoiced rows will be available to be discounted. Schools can only apply one discount type per class. If the school wants to apply another discount, please create a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) case for the Army to review. A school can only discount an enrollment whose class end date is within the last two years.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
The Refund Previously Approved screen appears. Complete the search criteria to view a specific list of previously approved invoiced enrollments. You can enter values in any of the search criteria fields. Select the “Search” button to view the search results. Alternatively, you can leave all search criteria blank to see a complete list of invoice details for your school. Select the “Search” button to view all search results.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
The Search Results screen appears, and lists all previously approved invoices meeting your search criteria that your school submitted to the Army. If more that 100 rows appear in the list, select the “right-arrow” button, located in the upper right corner, to view the next 100 rows. Select the Invoice Number next to the class you want to apply a refund.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
The Refund Previously Approved Invoice screen for the selected invoice number and associated enrollment appears. To refund a previously approved class enrollment, scroll to the Refund Army Cost section of the screen.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
Select the drop-down arrow of the “Reduction Reason” field to select an applicable reduction reason from the list. When selecting either the “Drop/Withdrawal (No Cost) or “Never Enrolled – No Cost” reduction reason, a message appears stating this reduction will result in a 100% refund of Army cost and the Soldier will be rejected from the class. Select the “OK” button to close the message.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
Selecting “Other” as a reduction reason will activate the “Reduction Reason Other” field and a free-form text box is available for entering a custom reduction reason. The text box will hold up to a maximum of 50 characters.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
Selecting “Discounted Tuition” as a reduction reason will activate the “Reduce Army Cost” field. Enter an amount to be refunded to the Army. After entering the reduction amount, press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to activate the “Submit” button. Select the “Submit” button to process the refund. A “Refund successfully submitted” message appears, stating the Army refund has been successfully submitted and will be editable within the standard invoice submission page within 24 hours. If your invoice cycle is closed, it will be available during your next invoice window. Select the “OK” button to close the message.
Refunding the Army- Previously Approved Invoice
To return to the Refund Previously Approved list to select another Invoice Number and associated enrollment to be refunded, select the “Return to Search” button or return to your GoArmyEd homepage, select “Close Window”
Questions about Refunding the Army?
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