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AC256: Federal Taxation Seminar: Unit 1

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1 AC256: Federal Taxation Seminar: Unit 1
Emil Koren, CPA, MBA

2 Welcome Introduction Important dates Syllabus Grading Criteria
Discussion Boards Assignments Grading Rubrics Late Policy No Extra Credit Polling for times to have seminar Getting in touch with me Expectations Questions

3 Introduction Emil Koren Certified Public Accountant
Certified Management Accountant BBA – Accounting: Cleveland State University MBA – Administration: U of Northern Colorado MA – Economics: U of Colorado at Boulder

4 Important Dates Class Starts: Wednesday March 2, 2011
Class Ends: Tuesday May 10, 2011 All assignments are due at 11:59pm on the date scheduled

5 Syllabus Textbook: Textbook is in Doc Sharing
Software: Microsoft Office and AIM Tax Software: Any tax software will work, also PDF forms available in Manual forms scanned as PDF Course Calendar: Keep a checklist-do not fall behind Grading Criteria Grading Scale

6 Grading Criteria Discussions: 8@20 points
Assignments (homework): points Quizzes: Points Web Field Trip: points (unit 9) Final Project: points (unit 7) Final Exam: points (unit 10) Writing points (unit 10) Total: 1,000 points

7 Discussion Boards Post a minimum of three posts per discussion question One initial and two replies to classmates Post on a minimum of three different days First post must be made by Saturday There will be a total of nine (9) Discussions

8 Assignments (homework)
Assignments must be submitted via Drop Box Homework labels YourName_UnitX.doc Example: Koren_Unit1.doc

9 Assignment 1: Extra Information
For the first five items, take a screen print to show that you have found the appropriate page and completed the work. From the web page in (5) do a search on “16th amendment” Write Paper using APA style-Abstract, Thesis statement and References. Topic: Summarize the argument which formed the debate of the 16th Amendment. The assignment is to write about the argument for the 16th amendment.

10 Grading Rubrics Please read and understand the grading rubrics
It will be to your benefit to have them handy as you do the discussions and assignments

11 Late Policy Please contact me as soon as you know that there may be an issue of completing work on time. Extenuating circumstances do exist Computer and internet issues are not extenuating Without extenuating circumstances the following applies Up to one week late 20% deduction After one weeks late 30% deduction No work accepted after two weeks late

12 Extra Credit There is enough assignments so that we can all have plenty of opportunity for earning a good grade. It is Department policy that NO extra credit will be given.

13 Polling for seminar times
Let us pick a time to have this seminar: Two possible options are: Friday at 7:30 to 8:30pm EST Sunday at 8:30 to 9:30pm EST

14 Getting in touch with me
AIM: profkoren Office Hours: Mondays 8:00-10:00pm ET Available with AIM Seminars: As voted by class

15 Expectations To do your work in a professional and timely manner
Be courteous and respectful of all others in this learning environment Communicate with the instructor when issues arise

16 Questions ?

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