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We will accept one payment at the end of the year.

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Presentation on theme: "We will accept one payment at the end of the year."— Presentation transcript:

1 A coach should never be afraid to ask questions of anyone he could learn from.” – Bobby Knight
We will accept one payment at the end of the year. We will match the USA Swimming contribution by 100% .

2 Opportunities to Learn Our 2017 Coach Mentoring Plan

3 One on one Our one-on-one mentorship will be unique and in some cases a little more fun – by blending it with our roundtables. (Hence the interlocking circles) First for our coaches 30 minute get together before the HOD we will play musical chairs. Groups of 5 to start – when the music stops – there will only be 4 chairs. The person left standing for each group will get a sheet with a topic and they will lead the other 4 in discussion on that coaching topic – for 15 minutes. We will play it 2 times in the 30 minutes. Of course coffee, bagels and donuts always help! Every coach in attendance earns 1 point. We have also decided to take the more serious one-on-one mentoring to a better place: within ones’ own club. Most successful people have had the guidance of a mentor. For coaches, it is usually someone they coached under – not someone they went to visit for 2-3 hours one day. Head Coaches will be encouraged to hold 2 roundtable discussions a year, with all of their assistant coaches. One during SCY season and one during LCM season. Roundtable sessions can be held anytime – except during practice. In preparation for the roundtable sessions, each assistant coach is to select 1 topic from the Mentoring List for the Head Coach to focus on with them. At regularly scheduled practice sessions Head Coach will spend at least 2 full practice sessions on that assistant’s topic - going one-on-one in real time. The Head Coach will then set up a roundtable after completing the sessions with each assistant – and the assistants will bring up their topic and through presentation, share what they learned – what questions they still have and why they selected that specific topic to be mentored in and what effect it has had on them or their athletes. An attendance sheet is to be signed off on by each assistant at the roundtable and the topics they had the one-on-one mentoring session about – and that it was presented and discussed at the roundtable.. This form is to be ed to the LSC office, within 30 days of each session, along with a request for the club to be awarded mentoring funding for their program. If 100% of their club coaching staff attends the roundtable and has had the one-on-one full workout sessions with the head coach concentrating on their selected topic, the club will earn $300. (Holding one each season gives a club the opportunity to earn up to $600 for the year. If 80% participate (both parts of the mentoring – individual & roundtable must be completed – there is no credit for just doing 1 part)the club will receive $150 – less than 80% attendance/participation there is no club funding, but coaches can receive their attendance points.. The LSC will also reimburse up to $50 for pizza or sandwiches for the roundtable.. Attendance sheets from each of these roundtables will be used to record and calculate points for each attendee. Each roundtable – be it their own club’s roundtable or an LSC roundtable, that a coach attends will earn a coach 1 point. At the end of the competitive year (at the LSC LCM Championships) each coach will receive a check for $25 for each point that they have accumulated from attending club or LSC roundtables and/or being part of a one-on–one mentorship.

4 TOPICS to CHOOSE FRom Recruiting New Swimmers
Making Age Group Practices Fun and Exciting Educating Parents Teaching Specific Swimming Skills Writing Workouts Understanding the Safe Sport Concepts and Recognizing Bullying or Abuse Giving Effective Criticism in a Positive Manner Getting Your Swimmers to Focus Working with Novice and Entry Level Athletes – Including Teens Running a Good Dryland Program – Incorporating Yoga Planning for an Entire Season to Achieve Peak Performances by Athletes During Championship Months Coaching Talented Age Groupers Running the Business Side of a Club Being the Female Coach of Male Athletes How to Keep Kids/Parents from Quitting Are our kids attending the right meets – not just the same meets because we always go there?

5 TOPICS to CHOOSE FRom Convincing Age Groupers to Welcome Tougher Competition Moving Athletes from State Championships to Sectionals Moving Athletes from Sectionals to Junior Nationals and Beyond Setting Team Goals How to Make an Athlete Think Coaching Minority Swimmers Lane Space for Athletes whose Families Cannot Pay the Full Club Fees The Importance of Getting Parents Involved in More than Just Driving to Practice Influencing Good Nutrition How Often Should an Age Grouper Compete Are Travel Trips Important to Age Groupers How to Keep Up With the Latest Techniques and Rules Age Appropriate Development

6 Roundtables As an LSC we will hold LSC wide roundtables at several swim meets during the year, featuring local as well as visiting coaches as discussion moderators. The specific topic(s) to be discussed or presented will be determined before the session by the LSC Coach Rep and the moderator. The date, location. time and topic(s) and the name of the moderator will be publicized via , website and personal contact with Head Coaches. Moderators will receive appropriate VISA gift cards. The LSC also provides a light food option (i.e. Pizza, wings, sandwiches) and bottled water. We will bring in a professional speaker for coaches – a motivational speaker – or an elite coach – for at least 1 roundtable per season (SCY and LCM). If this is during our annual coaches meeting or at our Coaches HOD meeting the LSC will provide lunch or light dinner.. Attendance sheets from each of these roundtables will be used to record and calculate points for each attendee. Each roundtable – be it their own club’s roundtable or an LSC roundtable, that a coach attends will earn a coach 1 point. At the end of the competitive year (at the LSC LCM Championships) each coach will receive a check for $25 for each point that they have accumulated from attending roundtables (and/or being part of a one-on–one mentorship)

7 Continuing education Our LSC will fully fund all clinic or class registration fees, travel and lodging for coaches to attend any USA Swimming sponsored or affiliated Coaches Clinics or Summits. (ASCA, ISCA, USA Regional Coaches Clinics, Eastern States Coaches Clinic) and any other coach or club sponsored clinic that is pre-approved by the LSC. 2-3 coaches will also be taken to the USA Swimming Convention in 2017, fully funded by our LSC. Coaches achieving ASCA Level 2, or above, may submit to the LSC for materials reimbursement. Each club may spend up to $4,000 a year on coach education. Caveats: We do not reimburse for food. Coaches may be asked to repay reimbursements if they take a job out of LSC as a result of attending a specific clinic – or mentoring session., They may not use the paid opportunity to attend pre- planned familial or friends’ functions. If attending a clinic requires lodging or airfare, the LSC must make the reservations directly.

8 Financial incentives Attending a roundtable, LSC or Club = 1 Rewards Point for each roundtable attended Participating in HOD Musical Chairs = 1 Rewards Point One-on-one mentoring sessions = 1 Rewards Point for the assistant coach (must be for the 2 required sessions) Each point = $25. Year ending total to be calculated and paid directly to each qualifying coach at the LCM State Championship Meet, the end of the competition year Moderating an LSC Roundtable – Gift Card in an appropriate amount $50-$200. Out of LSC moderator will receive a Honorarium or payment of their set fee. Club holding their coaches’ team roundtable in conjunction with mentoring one-on-one sessions: 100% club coaching staff participation = $300 per roundtable session; 80% participation = $150; less than 80% - no earned funding). 2 Sessions possible per club per year, so clubs can earn up to $600 per year.

9 Project Summary Club Earns Coach Earns Moderator Earns
LSC Roundtable Attendance 1 Point for each LSC Roundtable attended. 1 Point = $25 Gift Card, Honorarium or payment of preset fee. Amounts to be appropriate. Club Roundtable Attendance $300 for each Roundtable - must have 100% coaching staff participation – each coach must have completed their 2 sessions of one-on-one with the Head Coach. $150 with 80% participation. Below 80% participation - no funding. Max 2 roundtables per year or $600. 1 Point for each Club roundtable attended. 1 Point = $25 Coach Education Clinic Attendance Up to $4000 per year Travel, Lodging, Clinic Registration fees and materials paid for by LSC. Achievement of ASCA Level 2 or above Reimbursement for materials and fees. HOD Musical Chairs 1 Point for participating For each point earned during the Competition Year, a Coach earns $25 which will be accumulated and totaled and payment made directly to the coach at the end of the LCM season at LSC Championships.

10 FORMS Rewards Scorecard, by Coach, maintained by the LSC office
Attendance Form for LSC and Club Roundtables Club Roundtable Reimbursement Request Form Continuing Education Scorecard, by Team, maintained by the LSC Office

11 2017 Coach Mentoring Rewards ScoreCard
CLUB POINTS EARNED $$ EARNED Coach Clementine “A” Team 1+2+1 $100

12 LSC Roundtable Series Sign In Sheet
Location __________________________ Date_____________________________ Moderator__________________________________________________________ COACH (PLEASE PRINT!!!!) CLUB

13 Club Roundtable Reimbursement REQUEST
Club__________________________________________ Date of Event _______________________________ Head Coach___________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________ # Active Coaches on Staff _______________________ # Coaches in Attendance _____________________ Head Coach Signature Verifying Information __________________________________________________ Coach (Print) (Sign) Topic Mentored In Date Mentoring Session 1 Date Mentoring Session 2 Office use: %________ $$ Earned ________

14 (# of coaches attending)
2017 Club Scorecard Coach Education CLUB EVENT (# of coaches attending) EXPENSES REIMBURSED EXPENSE TOTAL REIMBURSED YTD (Balance Left) “A” Team ASCA (1) $1569 $1569 ($2431) Eastern States (3) $2106 $3775 ($225)

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