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Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in

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1 Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in
Porto Alegre / Brazil DMAE Odete Maria Viero General Director’s Assistant Engineer Water and Sanitation Municipal Department (DMAE) Porto Alegre – RS – Brazil

2 Porto Alegre – City information
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Porto Alegre – City information Capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul 1,400,000 inhabitants HDI = (1991 – 1995) 0.792 (1999) Deaths per thousand births = 13.8 (National average = 65.0)

3 History of water service in Porto Alegre
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil History of water service in Porto Alegre Private service in the 19th century Municipality takes over in 1904 In 1961, City Council transforms the water department into an autonomous and financially independent municipally-owned undertaking

4 DMAE’s performance 99.5% of city population with treated water
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil DMAE’s performance 99.5% of city population with treated water (about 557,381 households) 70% (1990) 84% (2003) Sewerage services 2% (1990) 27% (2003) 77% (within 5 years – credit is being negotiated) Wastewater treatment Labour 2,491 workers (August 2003)

5 DMAE as an autonomous municipal organisation
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil DMAE as an autonomous municipal organisation Separated legal personality from the City Hall Operational autonomy Financial independence Financially self-sufficient Reinvest at least 25% of its yearly revenues

6 Management structure General Director Technical Management Council
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Management structure General Director Technical Management Council Deliberative Council

7 Composition of the Deliberative Council
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Composition of the Deliberative Council Commerce Association of Porto Alegre Engineering Society of Rio Grande do Sul Industries Centre of Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Lawyers Institute of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre Municipal Employees Union Press Association of Rio Grande do Sul Economy Society of Rio Grande do Sul Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies Medical Association of Rio Grande do Sul Environment Protection State Association Union of Porto Alegre Neighborhood Association Union of Real State Intermediary and Administration of Condominiums of Rio Grande do Sul

8 Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil
Deliberative Council Approving works plans; tenders; contracts and agreements entered into by DMAE; Water supply and sanitation tariffs; Annual budgetary proposals (proposta anual de orçamento); Annual Financial Statement (informe econômico financeiro); Financial operations; Alienation of property and scraping materials; General Personnel Policy, when requested by the General Director.

9 Participatory Budget Direct democracy
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Participatory Budget Direct democracy All activities of the municipality City is divided in 16 areas Participation is voluntary and universal

10 Participatory Budget 2004 CYCLE
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Participatory Budget 2004 CYCLE January: Discussion and voting on the By-laws, general and technical criteria in the COP (Participatory Budget Council).   February: The COP goes into recess.  March to April: Preparatory meetings. These are meetings to articulate, Organize and prepare the OP in the regions, microregions (a division created by the communities to broaden and democratize the discussion of demands within the Regions) and thematic areas. April to May: Large Regional and thematic plenary meetings. Round of Assemblies in the regions and thematic meetings. May to July: Regions and thematic issues. July: Municipal Council. July to September: Analysis of demands and setting up matrix August to September: Voting the Budget Matrix. Discussion and voting on the Budget Matrix and distribution of resources to the regions and thematic areas in de COP. October to December: Detailing the Plan of Investments and Services.

11 1992 to 2001 Participatory Budgeting temathic priorities
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil 1992 to 2001 Participatory Budgeting temathic priorities Source: Planning Office – GAPLAN Porto Alegre City Hall

12 Participatory Budgeting in water
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Participatory Budgeting in water Criterion for establisment of water supply network - Basic eliminatory criterions: 1)   Indefinite land situation 2) Areas subject to geological risks or liable to flooding 3) Technically unfavourable conditions(outflow and stress) 4) Irregular or illegal settlements. Classificatory criterions – according the community priorities of each Participatory Budgeting (Orçamento Participativo - O.P.)region

13 Basic criterion for establisment of sanitation network
Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil Basic criterion for establisment of sanitation network - Basic eliminatory criterions:  1 Indefinite settlement situation 2 To be situated in the urban perimeter 3 Areas subject to geological risks or liable to flooding 4 Does not have regular public network supply 5 Unfeasible cost/benefit relation 6 Ilegal setttlements 7 Isoleted streets from any system, without suitable throwing connections    - Classificatory criterions  1 Participatory Budgeting – (O.P).- priorization order 2 Cost benefit – 5 to 20 points 3 Connection to sewerage system – 30 points 4 Places without sanitation connection 5 Project to protect the water sources – 30 points 6 Favourable urban conditions 10 points

14 Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil
Organization Chart General Director Legal Consultation Social Communication Unit Planning Coordination Operations Superintendecy Development Superintendecy Commercial Superintendecy Administrative Superintendecy Water Division Sewage Division Treatment Division Maintenance Division Researche Division Planning Division Work Division Installations Division Revenues Division Suplies Division Financial Division Human Resource Division General Resources Patrimony Administr.

15 Citizen participation on water supply and sanitation in Porto Alegre / Brazil
Staff Ratios at DMAE Total number of employees (Aug 2003) 2,491 Budget for 2003 $ 79,477,967 Number of households with water and domestic sewage (Aug 2003) 557,381 Number of connections with water and domestic sewage (Aug 2003) 258,671 Budget to staff ratio R$ 92,500 per staff in activity Or US$ 31,890 per staff in activity Ratio of city inhabitants to staff (Dec 2002) 562 inhabitants per staff in activity Ratio of connections to staff 104 connections per staff in activity

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