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Review and moderation of teaching portfolios

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Presentation on theme: "Review and moderation of teaching portfolios"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review and moderation of teaching portfolios
Dr Bonnie Amelia Dean Learning Teaching & Curriculum @Bonniedeanltc Hello my name is Bonnie dean and I am an academic developer at the University of Wollongong. I’ve met a few others in roles similar to mine already – is anyone else here who supports academics in their teaching? Hello – lovely to meet you. Welcome everyone its so nice to have a full audience and its so encouraging.

2 Main headline area SUBHEADLINE AREA
For anyone who doesn’t know where UOW is – it’s an hour south of Sydney, at the end of the conference hop on a train and head on down it’s a beautiful part of the world! What you see here is Wollongong harbour and Mount Keira in the background.

3 Review and moderation of teaching portfolios
Dr Bonnie Amelia Dean Learning Teaching & Curriculum @Bonniedeanltc In my presentation today I will be talking about the review and moderation of teaching portfolios. I'm here with one of my colleagues and we are quite excited to start disseminating and gathering your feedback on a new program we have implemented for teaching academics. But before my further I want to ask those in the room who have taught or teach at university a question….

4 How did you learn how to teach in a
Question How did you learn how to teach in a university context? How did you learn how to teach at university? Take a little moment just thinking to your self. Perhaps for you it was: Intuitive, perhaps you’re a natural born teacher Attended as short workshop as a tutor that introduced you to key concepts (active learning, deep learning, inclusive teaching) Learnt from experience, thrown in the deep end (I heard many story of academic colleagues starting a new job at a new university handed the subject outline and told this is what your teaching next week!) …. Maybe you participated in a foundations program…

5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD[L&T])
Foundations programs From this … to this! Continuing Professional Development (CPD[L&T]) ULT program ULT Only for probation staff Three compulsory days, three assessment tasks Assessments only reviewed and marked by the ULT coordinator CPD Making connections together ANYONE can do a CPD portfolio (sessional, contract, professional, academic, early – mid – late career…) Portfolios can be paper based (10 pages), other media or ePortfolios using free website tools (wix & weebly) Respecting and building on prior knowledge …. Explain this before talking about the review process.

6 CPD (L&T) process Portfolio Submission Independent learning journey.
CPD Portfolio Development Workshop Independent learning journey. No assessments, no compulsory workshops or meetings

7 CPD (L&T) process CPD Mentor
Portfolio Submission CPD Portfolio Development Workshop Teaching Development Website CPD Mentor Formative support Online Module with successful portfolio examples Workshops Consultation However we support you in a range of ways CPD mentor – used to be only LTC now trained up some mentors. Examples in online module

8 CPD (L&T) process Read & Research CPD Mentor
Contact UOW Librarian Student feedback Peer Observations Read & Research MOOC Colleagues Portfolio Submission CPD Portfolio Development Workshop Teaching Development Website CPD Mentor Formative support Online Module with successful portfolio examples Workshops Consultation - Can seek support yourself

9 CPD (L&T) framework There are seven Higher Education Teaching Criteria: 1. Design and plan effective learning experiences 2. Facilitate activities that influence and motivate student learning 3. Support student individual development and diversity 4. Facilitate assessment and feedback that fosters independent learning 5. Integrate scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching in support of learning 6. Evaluate teaching practice and engage in continuing professional development 7. Demonstrate personal and professional effectiveness Explain: There are five Levels There are seven Higher Education Teaching & Learning Criteria – Each criteria features a MODULE. Descriptors at each Level Supports continuing PD, have has others come back and submit a portfolio for a higher level. Self-nominate the level you wish to go for.

10 CPD (L&T) snapshot 24 CPD Reviewers 47 Completed Portfolios 6
Faculties and central unit engaged Distribution of completed portfolios based on faculty

11 CPD (L&T) completions & advances
New program in 2017 to engage tutors and sessional staff in CPD (L&T) Pre-level First team-based portfolio accepted (Level 2) 47 complete portfolio level distribution

12 Review process Reviewers are experienced UOW teaching academics (trained & submit their own portfolio). 6 submission dates, 4 week turn around Similar to ‘blind’ peer review Two reviewers per portfolio from different faculties A third reviewer where disagreement Reviewers have 3 weeks to review Rubric for each level Feedback is collated and discussed at moderation meeting The reason we feel this review process is special is because: it moves away from the single coordinator doing all the work, only getting one opinion More diverse perspective's, deeper feedback. This process has evolved, its take time to get tis to a position we are happy with, and it is subject to improvements all the time.

13 Moderation Process All reviewers come together and meet in pairs
They discuss their feedback and formulate a single response (approve or revisions are requested) Each pair summarizes their response and discuss it with the coordinator Coordinator read through portfolios and reviews Coordinator sends through reviewer’s selected feedback and result (approve or revisions are requested) For those portfolio requiring revisions, they can submit anytime and goes back to original reviewers.

14 Benefits of review process
Applicants Have used CPD reviewer feedback for their probation and promotion applications Sharpens teaching activity through reflection and receiving feedback on teaching Reviewers “Exposure to good practice, but also clear explanations of good practice” “ideas, innovations and it has been helpful to see how various pathways are described” “Great networking between like-minded colleagues, where new ideas have been seeded. Insights into how to present evidence for SOTL work. Experience at writing critical review and feedback on peer work” “Increased reflection on my own practice” We survey both applicants and staff on their experiences. Had positive results and also elicit feedback that leads to improvement of the program and of our review process. E.g. after first round we saw a need for a marking rubric. We have had ethics approval and this is just the beginning of exploring these perspective further.

15 Thank you Dr Bonnie Dean Learning, Teaching & Curriculum
University of Wollongong @Bonniedeanltc

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